Good Friday Morning Cali

Janine J.
on 7/24/08 8:48 pm, edited 7/24/08 8:53 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Okay so is everyone doing the happy dancing that it is Friday???? DanceBrought to you live from the CA desert...and not smoldering yet or thick and humid.......Good Morning Cali you awesome crew!!! Bounce 

Mega busy board this week with surgies of Julia and Linda which I hope you both are doing well!

Diane where are you this morning? I thought for sure I would have gotten up and you had posted! How is Dougie doing? I hope that his fall has not made the guy all sore and cranky. Are you all prepared to go get sliced and diced again? You are going to be the bionic woman here pretty soon!

Maureen I am sure happy that your doctors office has for sure are on the fast track to yelling out you have a date for the Losers Bench! Loved that you and Jayden did time at the Humane Society. Those poor animals....I feel so sorry for them!

Lola it is great to continue to hear that you are doing well. Soon you are just going to be marching on with life as if life after wls is the norm!

Terry aka horselady....I know it is hard for husbands to understand sometimes about wls....but you are right after 35 years of marriage...who would want to go looking. He just needs some reassurance which I am sure you can give him.

Kim aka Puddin...woohoo and the hot go girl...and a good girl never kisses and tells!

Nikki....I sure hope that soon you land a job, but you are right....maybe this is better because of having the reduction that is coming up soon. Somehow I do believe that divine intervention steps in for whatever reasons.

Rhonda.....good luck with your upcoming surgery and for sure having Kim as your angel is a good thing...she is a great person!

SueBee and the camper gang...I know there are going to be stories to be told of this week...although I will not be there first hand to witness....would love to be a fly on the wall. was really a nice day yesterday out here in the desert in spite of the heat. It was a lot dryer than it has been. Although they say the humidity is rolling in on Sunday in a big way again because we are going to get another monsoonal flow. I hope that your celebration goes well this weekend. I know you have really put together something really da man! Kisses 

LuLu....Fresser really sounds like a character for sure...OMG....I just laugh at your stories about him!  I'd ask you to come and clean my carpets...but I have none  ROTFL What got into you...are you crazy doing that much work? are things going up there in must be counting days and good on your for maintaining!

Oh speaking of maintaining and weight about those last two weeks of weight loss on our WWW mornings....incrediable for sure!!! All of you losers are doing so dang fantastic....just blows me away when I start seeing weekly totals and can you imagine when Steve posts the grand finale for the year??? IT is going to be mind blowing for sure! got to hang in there girl and keep your chin up because as I have told will get this surgery....maybe not in your time, but you just have to play the stupid insurance dance and with hopes a call from your PCP will help tremendously! are almost a LOSER....I know that you are super excited and looking forward to this....I know it must be hard not having a supportive boyfriend and I think sometimes they are not supportive or seem like it because they do not understand and they get comfortable with who you are and do not like change. All you can do is let him know that you are still the same person inside...ok?

 ShellsBells I do hope that you will find another job soon...didn't you say you were thinking of moving up north? Stay focused and believe me things happen for a reason!

Hey Lauren Marie....I would love your price of gas down here! OMG it is so expensive and it is like I do not want to even drive anymore. I have seriously cut back on my frillious driving. I stack up errands because I do not want to waste the gas.

Harriett....hope all goes well with your 6 month are doing great and looking great hard to believe you have an 18 year old! Have fun celebrating this weekend!

Hey Jodi....I know this is sick,but would it not be funny to have a flappin skin band?  ROTFL I am telling you if we cannot laugh at ourselves who can then? Kim and I were talking the other day when I was then and honestly is a real cruel joke after going through what we have gone through and have all this excess skin. I did not think of it prior to wls, I just wanted the weight off. Even though I have gone through major reconstruction, I still feel that things could have been better in some the thighs. I know I did not have my done super tight because of get this of all reasons....I did not want the tattoo on my thigh distorted. So I still have some flapping going on and yes even though I do exercise....gravity is a real mother of all mothers! And trust me even though you come out looking better, I would not want to wish the recovery on nobody especially for a thigh lift!

Becky did you have fun last night at the casino? Happy birthday to hubby also! I went to the casino with my friend yesterday...we both a little bomb, but we got a free lunch. She is not a bypass person so she can had a scoop of taco meat with salsa and some chinese long green how exciting is that? ROTFL 

Jean have not seen you everything okay or are you just being busy being super angel?

Monica W....where have you been....been mommying everything okay? is that beautiful little granddaughter of yours doing? I loved the pics of her...thank you for sharing and now that you are using photobucket, you can click and paste them into a post here!

Speaking of babies....are you ready for this? As Ava is getting ready to cut the hours on her sweet faced Hunter is going to have to have one also. We thought it was just cosmetic, but Hunter also has tortacalous like Ava has. HE is going to have to go through the same PT like Ava and is going to have to have a helmut. The doctor said at Cedar Sini that his ears are 1/2 off from each other and now that he has said something, I can see it from behind. I was telling Kim about how there is 20% of kids here in the valley that are born with it. I think it is weird because it is nothing I have ever heard of until my grandchildren. She said she wanted to see if there could be an investigation done through the paper she works for here when she goes back to work.

Oh yeah and wanna hear something cool....this past spring when my friend was here visiting, I took her to Joshua....well there was this older gentleman out there shooting video footage, and he asked if I would take a pic of him out there...sure I said. He does educational video's. Well I sent it to him...several of them...and I get an email the other day asking my permission to use it on a DVD jacket of his next video. I said sure...and he also made reference to me as the photographer. It is a no big deal pic, but I thought kind of cool. He is going to send me a DVD when it comes out! Here is the cover and Ozzie:CanadaGeeseCover.jpg picture by JanineJmy name appears below how to contact him.



Well now that I have blabbered on and on....what are your plans for the weekend?

Hope you all have a great day and remember to drink tha****er, and when you think you drank enough...drink some more!!!!


PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 7/24/08 9:36 pm
VSG on 04/15/13
Good Morning Janine & Cali Crew:

It is way to early for me, but the new puppy calls for potty time, and she is having a reaction to her vax's, she's congested and had a fever of 103 before bed. Will call vet in morning if not better.

Busy day tomorrow, so I better try andd catch some more zzzzzzzzzzz's.

Talk to you later.



"Make good choices right now. Discipline doesn't always feel good but later on it yields a harvest in our lives if we make right choices." ~ Joyce Meyer ~

LB 7/2008 LB Removed 2/2012  HW:225  LW:165

Sleeve Date 4/15/2013 / HW:240  SW:228  CW:165  GW:140  HT: 5'2"




on 7/24/08 10:08 pm - CA
good morning cali crew
i'm up early again i guess i'm just excited about my surgery on monday morning ... i've got all my stock-broth all made and measured and put it in the freezer....  i was wondering how long are you on the liquid diet????  i would love to here any support i can get... so if anyone wants to give me a shout out that would be soooo cool.... well i'm on a mission today i'm looking for a excercise bike ..... trying to find one that is affordable....any suggestions where i can get a good priced on at???... well i'm off to start my day so good morning to all..

Jeni H.
on 7/24/08 10:20 pm
Good Morning Janine and Cali Friends!
Janine, that is just too cool!  You are an awesome photographer, artist and person!!!  You have a great "eye!"
I am hanging in there.........I just get bummed.
Today I am going ot go and get a touch-up on my permanent makeup done.  I referred a friend so I get my eyeliner done free!  Gotta love that!  and then I am having her touch up the brows as well.  This lady does awesome work!!!  Tomorrow is my Mother's Birthday party.
She will be 81!!!  It's going to be a big pool party at one of my sister's house, there will be a lOT of perople there!  I will have to keep my sunglasses on as I will still be swollen!  lol  But it is worth it!
Still waiting to herre from my doc to see how the phone calls to the Insurance Co. went and if I have to take a 6 month physical therapy nutrition class or not to satisfy their dumg butts!  (I am being nice)
There are a lot of surgeries lately and I pray you all are doing well and coming along!  I'm very happy for all of you!!!
Janine, I hope that sciatica is under control.  Oucheewawa!  they suk when they act up.
I hope you ALL have a great, great day!!!

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Living Life
on 7/24/08 10:25 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Calif.....

Janine....I think that is cool that the pic you took is on the cover, and that he gave you create.  See you is spiecal.

Not much going on for me today, just work. Tomorrow, I am going to see a friend and spend a bit of time just visiting. Should be a nice time. Sunday, I have nothing going on. So I am going to relax and hung out. Thats my weekend in a nut shell. I might going into work on sunday for a few hours, if I can. Just to work on some billing stuff. But not sure yet.

I do wish you all a great day. Remember to drink your water and take your vit.

Sending love.


on 7/25/08 1:52 am
VSG on 04/15/13
Hey Luane:

I have been trying to get Smiley Central installed since we talked on the phone.  I got my laptop rebuilt and what do you know it installed....
I So Rock


"Make good choices right now. Discipline doesn't always feel good but later on it yields a harvest in our lives if we make right choices." ~ Joyce Meyer ~

LB 7/2008 LB Removed 2/2012  HW:225  LW:165

Sleeve Date 4/15/2013 / HW:240  SW:228  CW:165  GW:140  HT: 5'2"




Living Life
on 7/25/08 12:55 pm - Riverside, CA

To funny!!

Glad its working now


Marathon Diva
on 7/24/08 11:01 pm - CA
TGIF Janine & The Beautiful Cali Crew

Too bad my lil one and I are still trying to fight our colds.  Gotta run back to I get to do this for another week before I start my new job

Have a fun & safe weekend everyone

 "Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me


on 7/24/08 11:29 pm - El Cajon, CA
Morning Janine & Everyone,
Too cool about the pic, but we always knew you took awesome pics. It is great to see you get credit. As for the job, maybe you are right. I am just so use to working and usually more than 40 hours a week I am going crazy. My house is ultra organized, I am finding new things to do everyday. Guess my spring cleaning is happening in the summer. Unless I am having a bad day I exercise a sh*t load to release my frustration. I am even considering some touch up painting around the house and I hate painting. Oh well guess things will happen at their pace, I just prefer my pace!!!
It will be hot and humid here and I know Janine will be hot and humid too, so remember your fluids. If it isnt hot and humid where you are lucky you, but still remember to drink!!
Hope everyone has a good day. Be good to yourselves and others!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

on 7/25/08 12:24 am - Ellensburg, WA

Good morning Janine and Cali crew!!! The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.This has got to be a record for me, 2 mornings early even!!! lol   Up to take Tara to school and then back to bed so here I am.
Thanks for the shout out Neen!! We didn't do any gambling, just eating! I had some lobster, prime rib, shrimp ****tail, creamed spinach, and sf cheesecake with fresh berries. It was soo YUMMY!!!!  I will give Mike your birthday wishes, thanks!!!
Ok girls, you HAVE to go see Momma Mia, it is the bombest movie ever!!!  The songs are a great blast from the past and who knew that Meryl Streep could sing so good?!!! It is hilarious too!!!! Definitely not a guy flick and definitely a GREAT see with your girlfriends movie!!! I saw it last night with Tara, but am dragging Dawn and Lisa to see it for sure!!!! I left the theater last night in a dancing mood!!!!  

Tomorrow is my 25 class reunion picnic!!! Man do I feel old, but I can't wait!!! I still hang out with a lot of my high school girlfriends, but there will be some I haven't seen in awhile.
Then Sunday Mike and I are probably seeing The Dark Knight Batman movie!  It sure is great to have a daughter that works at a theater, we will be soooo bummed when she quits (probably after summer)!!
Welcome to the LOSERs bench to our newbies and for those going on Monday, buckle up for a great ride!!! Praying for all of you, may God bless your journies!!!!

That's about it for me! I hope everyone has a GREAT weekend!!
Campers have a blast, sorry I am having to miss it now!!! Anyone else meeting up this weekend, like Norcal, have a blast!!! I love that we all have so much fun together!! Thank you God for OH!!!
    The image “” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.      bigg, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



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