LAST POST for Silverwood daytrippers, I headed up there today!
We will all be at camping spots 61-64 if you de****d to come up. You will find us there. So If anyone wants to come up and hang out you are Welcome. Parking is $8
Come on out for the day. We will be there for the entire weekend. The MAIN DAYTRIPPER EVENT is scheduled for
Saturday July 26.
Time: Whenever you get there until Whenever you leave.
Silverwood Lake, Hesperia Ca
Like to the campground information ode=CA&parkId=120088
Pot luck from 5PM
Bring your own meat to grill and a side or something to share. .
Come on and lets have some fun, so what are you waiting for?
On Saturday July 26 we are planning a Daytripper fest. And Friday too for those who can get that day off. That right folks, you can keep your gear in the garage and come on up for the day and hang with us. We will potluck a dinner in the late afternoon early evening. You can just hang out, swim in the lake, hike whatever strikes your fancy. So if you plan to come up for the day Just show up .The cost for parking for the day is $8.
We will have a potluck Friday and Saturday nites.Those with Boats and water toys will have a lake to bring them out to play.Swimming, sunning on the beach, AND this year the great big grassy area, can you say frisbee, croquet, badminton, lawndarts, volleyball and after dark? Dancing??????? Karaoke??? Last year the weather was great NOT TOO HOT NOT TOO COLD.
Hi sweetie! Unfortunately I'm not going to be able to make it now. My car had some issues after coming back from Mom's and we couldn't afford to do the work for now so Mike won't let me drive it that far away!!! I'm so bummed, but I know he's right!
I hope you all have a blast and I will hopefully make it next time! I still want to try to get up there for one of your karaoke nights too!!!!
bigg huggs to you and everyone I'm going to miss! Sing a song for me!!!!!!!!!!
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick