Back from the Neurologist
I went to see my neurologist, Dr. Meyer, today and got some answers to some of my questions. I love my neurologist, he is the Bomb!!! It's wierd because if you have a stroke in San Diego, it doesn't matter which hospital you go to, someone from UCSD comes to take care of all stroke patients. Dr. Meyer was on call the day I had my first stroke. Then later when I called UCSD to make my first appointment there it was by the luck of the draw that I got Dr. Meyer and he remembered me ( a bit of a fatter me, but he remembered me)!!
So, today we decided I was going to stay on the Coumadin for life. I have to be on some kind of blood thinner and I can't afford Plavix and if I take aspirin I have to take Previcid or Prilosec and it isn't my favorite option, so Coumadin it is! Been agonizing over that issue for months, glad to have that settled!
I asked him if it is possible that I have IH (Intracranial Hypertension) because it would explain alot of my issues. He said no and that is a good thing. It's just that my strokes happened in the part of the brain that handles balance and dizziness and there isn't much that can be done. It might get better over time, it may not. So, I was hoping for something to help me get disability but no go!! I'm glad I don't have it though!
So, he is sending me to a pain clinic to see if we can get some of the pain under control which he thinks will improve on the short term memory issues.
He took my INR and it is low so I have to increase my Coumadin (I lowered it on my own because it was running out) back to the original doseage. I know, my bad, flame me if you want. I am having to do the same ( weaning myself to a lower dose as it runs out) with my Prozac right now and I need to rectify that too. My insurance issues right now have me in between a rock and a hard place and it is just getting worse!!!
Good news is that he cleared me for my hernia surgery. I just have to be on the Lovenox shots while I am off the Coumadin. Letters are being written to both surgeons, so that is taken care of on his end.
So, now I just wait for the insurance approval, which with my situation with Medi-cal, worries me!!!! But not giving up hope and on my knees a prayin!!!!
Thanks for all your support, prayers, and love!!!!!
YOU GUYS ARE THE BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Broccoli too, but as long as you eat the same amounts every week it is suppose to be ok. Green tea is what I really miss being able to have! And my Omega 3 and Flax seed oil pills! I guess I'm never going back to those now!!!
I will try to be a good girl and get back on track!!!
bigg huggs and love, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Awww, you are so sweet!! They aren't quite sure why I had the neck dissection that caused the blood clot that caused the strokes, they do say I'm quite young for that. Normally for someone so young, there is some kind of trauma like an accident or chiropratic incident to the neck that would cause it, but not for me! I'm just grateful for my WLS and the weight loss at that point, because I'm sure it made the end result much better!!!
Thanks for the prayers and good thoughts sweetie!!! bigg huggs
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Hang in there. You've got some major things to get under control. I wish you the best and will say a prayer. Get a PCP also.
I have to work on the PCP thing for sure. I wish Dr. Meyer could be my PCP!!!
Thanks for the prayers sweetie!!! bigg huggs
PS Are you excited about your big day??? I'm so excited for you and praying for you as well!!!!
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Hello Becky, Sounds like you are moving along and things seem to be okay for now. Ok here is the blast... Don't change your meds without your doctor telling you girl, you don't need anymore trouble.. okay.
I did see you 3 lb loss and that is great news. We all love to report loses of any size. At least you can take care of the hernia too.
Take care..Lori W

I know, my bad about the meds. I will get it under control and not do it anymore!!! It was really a stupid mistake!!!
It has been months since I've really lost anything so I am very excited! I think my body is pretty much done and once they fix the hernias and take the panni they think it will be 25 pounds or so and there isn't much left except for toning with exercise!!!
It's crazy really!!! I hope you have your seatbelt on for this wild ride!!!! bigg huggs
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick