Guess Doctors know best
I slept most of yesterday but am a bit dehydrated so I am trying to pump fluids but I am having a hard time drinking.
I will be doing absolutely nothing for the next few days so hopefully I will be healed as we get set to move next week. Keep us in your thoughts & prayers as things are coming down to wire for us. The kids are off at a friends house for a while and I am under strict orders to heal. So I guess since my kiddos are being taken care of else where I will have nothing keeping me from taking care of me I will do just that. I will keep you up to date as I heal and move.
4 years post op and 1/2 the person I was...
Mom to 5
Teacher to Many
Out to change the World

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Lori I am not trying to be a mean to you, but you have to listen to your doctor when he says that you need to take it easy and not do much. Your body has to heal. Other people around here did too much too soon after reconstructive surgery and had their incisions split open and run into trouble. Another thing is that our skin after living our lives obese like we have does not have the healing power as if it was young great skin.
I am not talking out of my ass either Lori because I am a veteran of major reconstructive surgery. There is no one I know on this board who has gone through the hours of surgery that I have. I did what I was told and I ran into no complications because of it. The only place I had a hard time with is the place in my groin in one area connecting to my lower abdomin which never got infected and closed nicely with peroxide soakings and a bit of packing. I did not get up and do things around the house. I did not even think about wanting to have extra curricular activities....I just wanted to heal the best I could in the least amount of time and that requires following the doctors orders.
And moving Lori...let others do it for you...sit there and bark out orders or whatever you have to do....let them do are only going to impede your healing more if you get up and do things.
You chose to have this surgery....medical or not...anyway you was elective and it should be treated like gold because there are a lot of people out there who cannot have reconstructive surgery who want it. Take care of yourself and stop the crazy super woman is only go against you.
Again like I said, I am not trying to be mean....just realistic and hopefully give you a reality check of the seriousness of your health and healing!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Thanks for the butt kicking and I will sit and do nuttin I promise
4 years post op and 1/2 the person I was...
Mom to 5
Teacher to Many
Out to change the World
My first hernia came from moving 2 days after my youngest daughter was born and doing a lot of lifting.
In 15 years I have watched those hernias grow and am now facing my 3rd hernia repair. NOT FUN STUFF!!!!!
PLEASE don't be lifting and doing things you shouldn't. If people want to hate you for being JUST THE SUPERVISOR, so be it, but you need to do NOTHING like the doctor says!!!
Enjoy the rest so you can enjoy your new body!!!
bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick