Post away....and maybe take a pic of you standing next to your real horsie!!!!
Waiting to see your smiling face.
No big plans for me today, work, home, dinner, packing more boxes!
I started some spaghetti sauce so everyone else can have spahetti for dinner, but that means I have to come up with something else for me....hmmmm. I made myself some parmesan chicken tenders (dipped them in egg, rolled them in cheese and spices, cooked them in the oven) last night and that was tasty and sat well (plus it was super easy) so I might make that again?? Any other ideas??
Anyhow...I better get to work, I finally got to meet with my new boss (hopefully) yesterday and she gave me a FAT stack of projects, so I finally have some interesting things to work on!
I hope everyone has a great Tuesday!

Put some spaghetti sauce over some ricotta cheese, top with mozerella and bake'll get a little more protein. It was one of my favorite dishes when I was in the soft food phase.
Sound like you're doing good!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Sheesh, I can't get over you guys that have trouble sleeping and then can get out and function the next day! I have a hard enough time staying awake during the day and I get a pretty decent amount of sleep. I couldnt imagine being up that late and then having to go to work!
I hope that you were able to get back to sleep.
Fave shows for me are just about anything reality. Except for MTV's Real World....that was my first reality show...waaaaaaaaaay back when- but, it has gotten far too trashy and it isnt something that I can watch witih my oldest. I L.O.V.E. Survivor and the Amazing Race though! I SOOO want to get on the Race! I think that would be just the most awesome experience ever! My oldest is into BB10, and that has sucked me into it as well. I swear, every channel has something reality on it and if you watch it for any length of time (even 5 minutes!) they just suck you in! LOL
Well, off to the dentist this morning and then traction. Yippee.
Hope everyone has a fantastic day!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
Good Morning Tia D and the rest of Cali!!
I recently got hooked on the TV show Mad Men. I could watch it without the sound and still be mesmerized by all the great clothing, man!!! people knew how to dress in the late 50s early 60s! Plus, I just get a kick out of how sexist the men are, and all the smoking....makes me realize how much times have changed (especially in the work place) and how glad I am to have been born in the 70s!
Janine - I'm sorry you're not feeling well, but the 'doo doo de la roacha" made me laugh. Take care of yourself!!
Sharon - There are always film crews shooting CSI Miami here in downtown Long Beach, they also shoot a lot of scenes from Dexter too. I guess LB bears a resemblence to Miami.
I left a rude note on my neighbors door this morning, the noise is just getting outrageous and I can't sleep at night. It makes me cranky and lazy at the gym the next poor trainer. I'm going to take a cat-nap at lunch.
Ok, time to slave away in the cubicle....
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian


Have a Terrific Tuesday everyone!!!
"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me
Just me lurking at the lists everyday until I found something I might add. I am an avid 24 fan. I am off for the summer and am having a blast rewatching all six seasons and mad that I have to wait until Jan. for something new. I am enjoying The Closer and Saving Grace, too...
Still waiting for my visit with the surgeon on Aug 1. then back to school on the 15th. Every visit to Kaiser Richmond will be a long trek from Woodland.
I still haven't decided which surgery RNY or Lap Band. Kaiser gives you the choice. After reading of the gal who died from leakage....I lean toward Lap Band. but hey! I have had both of my knees replaced in the last two years....nothing can be worse than that...
Let me tell you something, I put off having gastric bypass because I had a close friend die from it also. But after 4 years of him being gone, I was getting very unhealthy. Diabetes, high blood pressure, a screwed up cholestrol level, too much bad and not enough good, I was also leaning towards lap band. I am SO glad I went with RNY. I made it through the surgery. I made it through the recovery time. Most of us on this board are RNY patients, and I know that there are never sorry that they did it. I really wasn't given a choice, being so morbidly obese and having so many co morbities the doctor wanted me to do RNY, gets the weight off faster. I went through a rough time after the surgery, I could not wrap my mind around to eat slower, don't drink during meals, but you know what. I NEVER in my wildest dreams would think that 19 months later I would EVER say 227 lbs. I never thought I would see a size 18 anything in my closest, but there are.
Talk honestly with your doctor and get his opinion about which he thinks would be better for you. Also we are all here for you for whatever you need.