Good Morning all,
One day down and 4 to go till the weekend. Oh how I can't wait. It's not that I work and have to worry about doing anything all week long, but the weekends are just different. I love having Doug around and it's so much fun, well sometimes, sometimes he is quite cranky too, I hear that is an older person's disease. lol
For all you "deadlist catch" people tonight is the season ending. I am so addicted to that show. What show is it on TV that you love?
I got to attend Monica's 1 year anniversary. Oh my goodness, what a fun time we had. Got to see a bunch of people I haven't seen in sometime and I got to meet some new ones. I really had a great time with my ex-secret pal, Jean L. I finally got to meet her. I just had a good time with everyone, and it was so wonderful to see so many people show up. The place we were went was right on the beach. We got a window seat. For us inland people we don't see that much water very often. It was a great party.
If you are new to the boards or just a lurker, you really need to try and make these functions. We were all new once, and there are so many wonderful people out there. You would be surprised at how warm and welcoming people are. So if you see a coffee or some function close to where you live, give someone out a shout and tell them you will be coming, you will never be sorry.
Well kids, it's time to go and watch some TV. Till I once again get sleepy.
I wish you all a wonderful Tuesday no matter what you do. Been fun doing this. Take care.
Hugs, Diane
Sounds like a good time was had by all! The show that I watch the most is CSI all of them. I am totally addicted to all of the shows.
Was going to get my bloodwork done this morning but before the brain is actually registering anything I have already had a cup of coffee. I will made a big note for tomorrow, I have to get this done.
Time to watch the news and try to wake up!!!!

Have a great Tuesday everyone,
Morning Diane and the Cali Crew!
Glad you and Dougie made Monica's party. I did not realize you were Monica's auntie either. Looks like you all had a good time...the bathroom story cracked me up! I wish I could have come but it was my birthday weekend and it was too far for me to travel on a Friday night with all the traffic.
I am trying to get my back to feel better, but it is not cooperating at this point and plus I have caught my son's cold and I am feeling like doo doo la roacha this morning. Nice eh...I am wondering if camping is going to be an option at this point!
I hope you have a great day and all of the crew!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Hi Candi
Now you must try again or post those pictures somewhere else. I have to see them now. You know us grandma's and first popscicles... it's a must to see.
Keep trying or find someone that can help you. I would but I don't know antything about sizing posting or any thing/
Must see those pictures Please
Have a wonderful day and week.
My favorite show is Bones. I've been recording the re-runs in case I come across one I missed during the season. I'm also watching America's got talent this year. One of the guys that works at our local Post Office is in the show this year. I'm anxious to see him.
It was nice to live vicariously through the pictures at Monica's 1 year. You all looked like you had such fun. This state is just so darn big sometimes.
We had a nice family dinner last night for my Uncle's birthday.
Well, I better get a move on. Need to get Sammi ready for school and myself out the door.
Have a great day Cali!
Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.
Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
301 299 180 170 159