Four years post-op
Wow. Haven't been back here in a while. This site has certainly grown up. Kudos to the folks at OH...and to the folks who share their stories here. It truly is a great place to get and give support. And what most impresses me...? The folks who come back for years to spread sunshine and encouragement (like Jodi W. -- you are one person on the top of my list of "Great Things That Came Out of My Gastric Bypass Surgery").
Just thought I'd say hello and best wishes to all, wherever you may find yourself on this journey.
Just thought I'd say hello and best wishes to all, wherever you may find yourself on this journey. that your little boy? He is adorable! As are you ... as always. So glad I popped in and you happened to be "on." I'll spare you the "how are things going?" stuff here. I posted an update to my's nearly sent me to call my shrink! (just kidding)
Anyway, happy surgiversary to you, too! Sending the best of wishes your way....
Anyway, happy surgiversary to you, too! Sending the best of wishes your way....