6 Must be my Lucky Number for this Adventure!

Maureen N.
on 7/21/08 1:47 pm - Redding, CA
Why, you ask?

TODAY is six full months since I had my last cigarette!   I have not looked back nor regretted that decision.  Yeah Me!  (of course, I had mega motivation - I want WLS!)

TODAY is the sixth anniversary of the day I met my husband at the local Pig Party.    Wow - what a day!  I went to a mega beer bash party on a whim and some prodding from a friend.  I usually don't go to these types of things where I don't know a lot of people.  He went with his friend reluctantly as he was only 2 1/2 years sober at the time and just didn't want to join the party scene.  We were introduced by a friend and the rest is history.  

TODAY I got the call at 1:23 (1+2+3=6) pm from the gal at the WLS department that my file has been hand delivered by her personally to the doctors office (she likes me - I bring her green tea)

TODAY my kid bummed $600 dollars from me.    Ok I could have done without that one, but he's worth it.

Wow!  I rock!

Lets keep our fingers and toes crossed that things run smoothly and I hear from them soon!

Create Your Own Ticker

on 7/21/08 3:31 pm - Ellensburg, WA
The image “http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d167/AnnoyingLizard/Smileys/36_1_75.gif?t=1193375954” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.    on the 6 months of no smoking!!!!

  on the anniversary of meeting your hubby!! Sounds like you were fated to meet at that party!!!

The image “http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d167/AnnoyingLizard/Smileys/23_33_15.gif?t=1193375986” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.   and   The image “http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d167/AnnoyingLizard/Smileys/23_9_12.gif?t=1193375972” cannot be displayed, because it contains errors.   on your approval coming real soon!! July 26 is coming up, it has a 6 in it, maybe you will find out that day!!!

 about having to lend the money to kid, but hey, at least you have it to lend!!!
My fingers, toes, and boobies are crossed for you! (see what you get to look forward to  hee hee)   And you do ROCK!!!!!
bigg huggs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Janine J.
on 7/21/08 10:30 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

I think I am going to use that number the next time I play Keno Maureen!!!

That is just friggin awesome you are 6 months ciggie free!!! YOu ROCK!!!!!!

Have my body contorted in all different kinds of ways that things go smoothly for you!!!

 Heart Glasses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 7/21/08 10:58 pm - Central Coast, CA
Congrats on the 6 months no smoking! That is quite the accomplishment. December will be 10 years for me...

Keeping the positive thoughts coming your way that you'll have your date soon.


Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Nancy R.
on 7/21/08 11:00 pm - BIGGS, CA
CONgrats to you Ms. Maureen...to  a smoot h road ahead!!


** Grant that I may be given appropriate difficulties and sufferings on this journey so that my heart might be truly awakened and my practice of universal liberation and compassion may be truly fulfilled!





on 7/22/08 1:30 am - Gualala, CA

6 is a great number.  You DO know that means your sugery will probably be Aug 6, right??
I'll keep my fingers crossed for that date!

Maureen N.
on 7/22/08 3:45 am - Redding, CA
Probably not August 6th - our doc's here do surgery on Mondays and the next Monday with any type of 6 in it is............September 15.  I'm hoping for Any Monday in August myself, but I'll take the 15th if I have to!  :)

Create Your Own Ticker

on 7/22/08 9:34 am - Long Beach, CA
Congratulations on the no smoking. Speaking as an ex smoker , I know what a HUGE accomplishment that is.  I don't regret quitting at all.  Congrats on your (meeting the hubby) aniversary too.

I will keep my fingers crossed for your surgery date too.  (although it's a little harder to type with your fingers crossed?  Have you considered playing the Lottery?  LOL

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