doesn't make sense
stuck in esophogus, when the RNY had nothing to do with her throat? This happens on the
first bite with an empty stomache so I know it ish't the food backing up due to a full pouch? Any
tricks to get food unstuck? Fern's Mom
JudyAnne (imethimonacruise)
Once stuck, the only way I get unstuck is to spit it back up. Some people use papaya enzymes to dissolve the food.
Basically, I had to unlearn 30 years of bad habits, and it is SOOOO easy to to just jump into a familiar dish and take a big bite--and usually the first bite is the biggest and chewed the least.
Tell her to REALLY take her time, take tiny bites, and chew chew chew. It was probably 3-4 months out when I wasn't throwing up once per day due to this. I am 6 months now, and haven't gotten better. It is now like once every couple weeks, usually on particular foods.
(meatballs this weekend....UGH!)
Highest 6/98: 289 1st consult 9/07: 260 5'11"
WLS 1/7/08: 234 Lowest 8/08: 164.5
Currently pregnant! Due November 27th, 2009!