Good Monday Morning Cali
Good Morning all of you out there in OH'land!!!
First of all...thank you all for all the wonderful birthday wishes I received. I could not get on line yesterday because the power failed and then the internet was down for so long that I just gave up. The mailbox was slammed with emails....WOW you guys rock!!!
I had this super great day yesterday. Started it off with a great thunderstorm. It lasted for about and hour or so. Dumped an inch of rain at the airport...I know not big of news for a lot of you, but out here in the desert....OMG that was a lot! Never in all my years has it EVER rained on my birthday! The rest of the day was super humid and ucky....but I stayed in.
I baked my own birthday cake yesterday for my friends and family. They all thought that was hillarious because I do not eat it. Had a houseful of company and got to spend time with my grandbabies which is always the highlight of my day...birthday or no birthday.
So it is great to read that everyone is doing pretty good.
Lola I see you made it out of the hospital and are doing great! That is so cool! I think things will go great for surely are off to a good start!
Jan not even in the best of situations is it fun having in laws visit as far as I am conerned let alone a couple of weeks after surgery! Get some rest today girl!
Kneeci stop blowing my cover about getting up in the middle of the night...people might expect me to post or something!
Becky..I hope you are going to be doing better once you go to the docs and get things settled in your mind!
Kelly things will get better. It takes time for your body to heal and we all heal at different rates. Some have little to no pain and others seem to have a hard time with it. It is just a crap shoot as far as I am concerned. Keep positive and this will be a faint memory in no time! Remember to follow your doctors protocal no matter what for success!
Katt sounds like you had a good in spite of being wheelchaired bound for now! When do you get that cast off?
Janeen....hope you had a good day celebrating your son's birthday and visiting your other son. I know it is a tough time for you family and I pray that your son gets the help and recovery that is needed. You are good parents who support and love your kids!
Maureen...bows and arrows and boy? OMG how fun does that sound. I am sure Jayden had a blast!
Sue aka Execsue.....isn't it great not to look your age? I get that a lot and I am told I do not look like a grandma or even remotely look like my grandmother at this age! Me thinks I would love to trade NorCal weather about now...very hot and humid here, but par for the course here in the desert this time of the year!
Crysti...I am up at all hours of the night....I could go for a cup of joe right now instead of this green tea...coffeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee yum!
Lori W I am so happy that you are feeling good after your surgery....I had little problems...okay like none....hope your journey is alway as smooth sailing as it is now!
Okay ShellsBells you party animal!!! I am way too old to stay out that late and when I have....paid for it dearly afterwards!
Okay Mizz are looking smokin HOT girl!! You are quite the skinny mini gif!! Thanks for sharing that great pic ofyou and your hubby! Big smooch to Sammi from borad grammy neen! you really are surrounded by cancers eh? I think it is wonderful how you are putting together a celebration. Without knowing your brother, I know he would have approved and would want all of you to celebrate. Hey he was a biker it would be party hardy!!!! Thank you for being you and thinking of me in such a difficult time. A big Happy Birthday to MamaBear J today....take extra special care of her...and hugs to the D man also!
Jodi thank you for all the special attention you have shown me. I truly do appreciate all your efforts and for the fact that you care so much about ME!!!
Jean I hope today finds you not so sore....I know that falling was not only embarassing, but ouchie at "our" age. Gone are the days of just bouncing back eh? Feel better soon sweetie!
Chris S....I am sure hoping that my back is not going to impede camping...the hip is flairing...I am really worried about it!
LuLu...working today? I think you should kick over that horse turd or at least Fressers and find that million bucks so you do not have to work. If that fails, buy a lotto ticket!!!
Harriet...what a great wow moment...I hope you have a zillion of those in your journey...oh and rock that new dooooooooooooooooooo gf!!!!
Anabelle....hurry and send the box....I can hardly wait for it to come home to me!!!
Lauren-Marie....WOWOWOWOWOWOW you are doing so keep on rockin that tool girl Long ways or not to are doing super fantastic!!!! YAY
I spoke with Kim aka MadameButterfly yesterday...she is sounding great and is well on her way to mending. I am going to go over there this week to see her and I can hardly wait to see all the changes in her! She really sounds upbeat and postive now! She is going to be super hottie for sure!
Speaking of Kim' your new avatar with your cousin! What a great wow for you to fit comfortably in the theater seat!!! I am so happy for you!
Monica P.....glad you had a terrific time at your party and I wish you a great year ahead of you as you go into your 2nd year!!!
Jeni....I am thinking of you gf and hope that you hear something this week from your insurance. Still wanna slap them for being so incompitent!!! Think positive girl!!!
Well onwards and upwards to the new work week gang and just remember out the mouth of the wise one Steve.....only 4 more days until Friday!!!
Have a great day all and just know that just because I did not shout you out does not mean I do not is just all that my pee-brain will hold at this hour of the morning!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
I am SO Glad that you had a nice Birthday Janine! It's always nice to be around family and friends and of course those adorable Grandbabies of yours! I hope your picture of Ava wins!!!
I am so amazed at how you can shout out a little bit about everyone and keep it all straight. Guys, it's not that I don't ever care I just don't have a memory good enough............I thinks it's just more stress than anything....can't be my age yet, can it???
Any hoo, Dennis and I had a good weekend. We took Mom out for lunch and then took her to RC Willey's to look at some furniture....(dream any way) Dennis got me a really nice leather computer chair! He's the best! Yesterday he golfed and then picked me up and I went to lunch with him and the guys! They are so funny! I thought women were bad....OMG! They were talking about hairy backs...and how this guy at work lost his dog and he put posters up all over at work thinking that since they are truck drivers they may see it in their travels....and some one said they thought they found it on the side of the freeway. He went and scooped up this dead dog, called work and thanked everyone for looking (he was very distraught) and then his brother says. "wasn't the spot on the other side of his face?" OMG!!! It wasn't his dog!!! and Speaking of dog's we took Tasha to the dog park and let her run while we walked the track. there was this Great Dane there named Abbey.....still a pup although she looked like a horse that just cracked me up! She was running with the dogs, stumbling over her feet trying not to step on smaller dogs! It was so funny!
So all in all it wa a great weekend...........but I wi**** wasn't Monday, lol
You all have a great, great day, ok?
Good Morning Janine and the rest of you wonderful OHer's
Yap, not much to talk about today. I work yet again. UGH! I wish I could win the lotto. I do buy my ticket every month for both super and mega. The most I have won is $200 and was a while back.
Today is going to be fun at work. I am breathing on about 3 hours sleep. Oh joy! That might good for some, but not for me. I need my 5 hours, to be good the next day. UGH! I long shower will wake me this morning, just don't know what I am going to do for the rest of the day. COFFEE???
OK time to get moving.
I wish you all a great day. Be safe, and smile like it don't matter.
Oh we went and picked out Lindsey's Sr. pictures on Saturday. It was tough. It actually brought a tear or two to my little ole eyes. She looked absolutely beautiful. I can't believe that my baby will be 18 in 5 weeks. All you people having birthdays coming up. My son will be 23 on Friday.
Well, need to make sure all of my clothes today have the wrinkles out of them so time to heat up the iron a bit just to get the wrinkles out of my dress that is in my closet I have not worn yet.
Have a great day kids and stay hydrated and take your vitamins.

Dawn is breaking here and I'm sipping my coffee getting mentally prepared to take on the day. I'm sure I will find a ton of things needing attention when I get back to work this morning. No biggie... as slow as it has been lately at work I'll probably have everything caught up by lunch time (he said hopefully)!
I'm happy to hear you had a great birthday Janine. Glad that you are able to feel good about celebrating yourself these days on your birthday. That is as it should be to my way of thinking. Rock on Cancer girl!
Time for me to get lunch ready and get the day underway. Wishing you and all the Cali Crew a good Monday Janine!


Have a Marvelous Monday yall!

"Sometimes Losing Is Really Winning!" And, being me is F-A-B-U-L-U-O-U-S!!!!!! by Me
I wanted to let you know that I tried to vote for Ava, though I'm not sure the site let me. It kept shutting down and then saying I was already a member with a little error type box. (I don't recall ever "joining" it though.) And, I tried 3x. Good luck though, and happy birthday! I only have 2 more days of school with these monsters, this is the only time of year I hate!
i'm soo excited my surgery is in a week!!!! i'm all packed and ready to go... i hope this exicitedness and nerousesness is normal ... i'm trying to whing myself off of coffee but it's soooo hard... how long after the surgery before you can drink coffee again???? anyone got some adive about the surgery and recovering ..... how long does the pain last and does the dr give you something for it after the morphine drip is over??? i suck at handling pain... thanks and have a great monday.....

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~