My 1-year Mark: Thank You OH!(long and sappy)
I’m posting now because I rarely post on the weekend. To be honest, I’m quite sentimental and lovey-dovey today….maybe it’s the coffee. ☺
I just wanted to thank the OH community at large for everything they have done to support me in my weight-loss journey. Tomorrow is my one-year “surgiversary”. I have lost a little over 100 pounds and have gained a new life that is far better than I could have imagined.
Because of the OH community I have come so far and any success that I have is not just my own…I didn’t get here by myself.
It was here that learned that I could hire an attorney to help get approved for surgery. Because of the other “dragon slayers” who came before me I found inspiration to fight my insurer and help make it possible for others to be approved. Thank you Heather, and Nikki (our grandma dragon slayer) for encouraging me to stand up for myself.
There are a lot of OHers who came before me whose story I followed from beginning to end while I was waiting to be approved for surgery. I call them the veterans. I got to meet a few and some are not active members anymore but they gave me hope: Stacie S, Vicki, Syl, Helen, Marta, Nadine, Janine, Liz R, Lu, Gus, and many, many others.
When I finally had surgery it was this community that celebrated with me and congratulated me. Many of you took the time to come out and support me at my Last Supper; I didn’t have to buy hardly a single item because of the generosity of all you.
In the past year I have hardly had to buy a single piece of clothing because of all the OH hand-me-downs I have hanging in my closet. I do my best to pass on all those items and make sure I can “pay it forward” as often as I can. Thank you to Nancy and Janine for some of the great items I have in my closet, some I have already passed on.
I had the honor of having two of the best angels around: Shelley J. and Lori C. who both went above and beyond the call of duty as far as I’m concerned. Shelley stayed with me the first night in the hospital and she may never know how much that meant to me. There was no one else in my life I could have asked to do that. Lori has been my friend and sounding-board on this journey and I’ll miss seeing her here on the boards, but our friendship continues ‘in real-life”.
Never in my wildest imagination did I think that I would ever run. Who takes a walk down the street and breaks out into a spontaneous run….just because she can?!?! I do! I watched and read about so many marathoners and next year I will finally become one. Thank you Kirsten, Kevin, Kim…I call you my “running friends”. Thank you for encouraging me to “run strong”.
I also have to thank the locals, the Long Beach coffee crew: Jean, Willa, Monica W. Lori C., Naomi, Patty etc.... and Stacie who started the tradition so long ago. Once a month I look forward to seeing your progress, taking pictures, exchanging advice and having a good laugh. I stay on track because of many of you!!
Finally, I want to thank all the people here who have let me be a part of their journey. My angelette Terri, and all the others who I communicate with mostly off the boards talking about everything from dating, to HMOs, to exercise…. I want to give back to this community in anyway I can and I hope that I can be a source of encouragement and inspiration for you.
Good grief, am I sappy today or what??!?!?! So all of you lurkers out there jump on in...There is an amazing resource here on this board!! The battle against obesity is rough one and you need reinforcements!!! The journey is so much better and the burden is so much lighter when you let someone walk with you!
Love you OH!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Now YOU are the inspiration, my dear, for those that follow in your footsteps! Have a WONDERFUL time at your celebration this weekend!!
Hugs to you!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
you are! and we have yet to meet! :)
You need a girls' night out in LA!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay
I have something (an anniversary present!) for you, maybe I will come down to the next LB coffee and bring it to you if we don't make it down to the party tonight? We are thinking of heading down a little late to have a "drink" and maybe do some dancing, if we can swing it.
Hang on to some of those hand me downs for me, I am going to need cute clothes soon! LOL


~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~

You done a great job Monica!! I'm very happy I played a small part in your success!! Keep it up!!

See you tonight!!!