The Mystery Box is HERE!
Woo Hoo! The box is here in Yuba City. It arrived this afternoon by USPS. I have to admit, Gladys my Basset Hound was hoping it would come by UPS though as our driver always leaves her a dog cookie.
I just got home from support group about 20 minutes ago. Heck, I didn't even kiss my husband because I was so excited.
Janine, I absolutely LOVE the Japanese flower holder. It's especially special because your signature is on the bottom. I also kept the frog on a lilly pad incense holder.
I thought I would play duck, duck, goose and added 1 set of something and something specific to the town where I work.
Janine, thank you for starting this. It is fabulous! The box will be sent out first thing Saturday morning to the next person! Hmmm... I wonder who that might be?
I can't wait for the box to make it all the way down here, that is going to take forever!! This state is way TOO big!!!! hee hee
glad you had fun with it! bigg huggs, Becky
Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick
Ah Hah, I was wondering when you were going to post, I new it was headed your way. Nancy and I were just talking at lunch when we were going to see the next posted update....
Now how cool is that took three of the things I put in there!!!! I am glad you knew what the Japanese flower holder is called an Ikebon
How are things going with you my friend??? Inquiring minds wanna know!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Hi Janine,
An update huh? Okie Dokie Atrichokie! Things here are okay. Stressful but that seems to be my life lately. :-)
My husband saw the cardiologist on Monday. They changed his meds some. Took away one blood pressure med and upped another that helps with his angina. Started him on Niacin to reduce his cholesterol level along with his med he already takes. The docs wants his bad cholesterol at 70 or below. His pillbox is crazy. He is taking about 12 pills twice a day. He has a pulmonary test in August and then will see the pulmonary doc after the results come back. Then the doc will start him on meds to optimize his lungs so he can breathe better. There's more... It's kind of hard to type. The cardiologist told me that he has several severely weak spots in his heart and when he has another heart attack, they wouldn't bet money on him making it through it.
My oldest daughter, Larisa loves Germany. Last weekend she traveled to Paris and went to the Luvre and the Pompideu. She went to the Norte Dame Cathedral and saw the Eiffel Tower. She is having the time of her life. If you go to my myspace profile you can click on her profile and see her pics. Her camera died in Italy so there aren't any pics of it, though. I am so happy for her. She will be home August 16th.
My youngest daughter, Lexie will be home from her dad's house and a week of camping today! YEA! The house is too quiet without her.
I am okay. My job is beyond stressful and so is our life at home. I am coping as best as I can. We are taking a weekend off next weekend for ourselves. Three days, one with Lexie and two without. I am looking forward to that.
Thank you for asking about me. I appreciate it very much.
Hugz, Lauren