1 year check-up today!!
I have had my one year check up today and I am officially down 119 lbs!! Currently at 191 as of today. Dr. Vierra says that I am doing a great job. I showed him my Calorie Count Plus logs and analysis for each day and he took down the information so that he could check it out. I am going to be headed over to the lab to get my blood work done (probably on Monday) to find out where all of my levels are at. I also stopped by my regular doctors office because he hadn't seen me since I was at 245 lbs. He couldn't believe the change either, the girls in the office didn't even know it was me until I took off my sunglasses.
I don't have to go back for 6 months, and before we even talk about the plastics part I have to stabilize for 6 months. Dr. Vierra says that it is very painful but we will dicuss it later. For right now I am doing great and to keep it up.
I have 21 more lbs till I reach my own goal.

I don't have to go back for 6 months, and before we even talk about the plastics part I have to stabilize for 6 months. Dr. Vierra says that it is very painful but we will dicuss it later. For right now I am doing great and to keep it up.
I have 21 more lbs till I reach my own goal.

Great job Sharon!!! Congratulations!!! =)

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Hey Johnson sis and surgery sis...(I know I have told you that I am a Johnson too)....well anywho...weigh to go girl!!!!! YOu have done fantastic in your first year...and many more years of success to you!!!!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Thanks everyone-Yes this has been a really interesting year and it is only going to be getting better.
I do have new pics to put up, just been so busy with work and everything, but I will be downloading from the camera this weekend so I will be putting them on the site.
Have a great day everyone and again thank you
This is me today!! I still can't believe that my life has changed so much!!
I do have new pics to put up, just been so busy with work and everything, but I will be downloading from the camera this weekend so I will be putting them on the site.
Have a great day everyone and again thank you
