Good Thursday Morning Cali

on 7/17/08 1:30 am - Los Angeles, CA
Hi Cali Crew ,

Janine- Sorry to hear about your computer problems and losing your journals.  That must have been heartbreaking.  I hope you will have some type of backup plan for in the future, so this will not happen again.  Last but not least,  thank you for the shout out.  The guy (Greg) did call me from work.  He wants to get together this weekend.  You were right, my ego feeling like I am on top of the world.  Thank you for the compliement.

Steve- my condolences to you and your family for your loss.  It broke my heart to read about your brother passing.  My prayers are with you for strength during this time.

Cali- I had fun last night out in Long Beach for dinner.  I got to meet a lot of people that I have only seen here on the boards.  I ate half of my Kobe Burger (open faced) and took the other half home (tonight's dinner).  I ran 2 miles this morning and will probably go bike riding this evening.

Take care and peace be with you.

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Lisa B
on 7/17/08 1:31 am - Riverside, CA

Good Morning All!

Hope everyone has a good day today. Its allready HOT out there!

Steve: I hope you are doing okay...just know that we are all thinking about you.Take care of yourself!

Gotta a busy few days ahead of daughters birthday is tomorrow so gonna have a busy birthday weekend with about 8 teens...ugh!

Make it a great day!


BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

Gus H.
on 7/17/08 1:37 am, edited 7/17/08 1:37 am - La Puente, CA
Good morning! Tomorrow is Friday...wohooooo!
on 7/17/08 1:43 am - Gualala, CA
Good morning Janine and California!

We'd sing and dance forever and a day!  Yes indeedy, I'm loving the first week post RNY.

I'm so sorry you lost your journals.  I lost a bunch of photos last year.  After that I bought an extra external hard drive just for backups.  I copy everything there nightly.  I know it doesn't help for the ones you lost but it will for future journals.  {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{ Janine }}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} 

You're a great support person for all of us, Thank You!!


on 7/17/08 1:46 am - Vallejo, CA
Good Morning Janine and Crew!

Happy Thursday!!!

Thanks for the shout out! I really need to step up my exersize, I know I could be losing more each week (not that 6 pounds isn't alot!) if I were moving my a$$ more, I really need to make myself do it in the morning, I hardly want to move with the heat during the day and in the evenings, I am BEAT! So...that is my goal for right now, get myself up and moving in the A.M.!

Not much on tap for me today, another day of work (never did hear whether they wanted to keep me or not, so I just came in to the office! LOL) and then home to relax. This weekend is busy, down to LB tomorrow night to party it up with Monica P and then we have a group outting to the Pasadena Film Festival on Saturday, and on Sunday I am going to go visit with a girlfriend who is just 3 weeks out from her surgery herself. Whoo! Makes me tired just to think of it!

Glad to see Steve back with us this morning, still in my thoughts and prayers for sure.

Everyone have a GREAT day and remember, Friday and the weekend are sneaking right up on us!!!

vicki M.
on 7/17/08 2:23 am, edited 7/17/08 2:57 am - NAS Lemoore, CA

That blows BIG time about losing your journaling, Janine!  But, you know what....if you start writing it all out now, it will still be something that the kids will cherish.  I always kick myself in the pants for not keeping up with the journaling and scrapbooking for the kids.

Ya, I was kind of happily shocked that I had lost that weight.  I knew that I had dropped some, but was surprised by that number!  The tool never fails fail the tool!

Mike is "supposed" to be home the first week of September, however- I will not hold out on ANYthing until I see the white of his eyes!  Sorry, I should have said that it will be for GOOD this time...

Alrighty then, have to get moving.  I have traction today.  yippee and I just spilled coffee on my damn shirt! grrr

Have a great day California and enjoy the sunshine!
Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

on 7/17/08 2:36 am - Northern (Sacramento area), CA
Happy Thursday Cali,

Dropped my mom and sis off at the airport last night.  Haven't seen my mom since early June.  She was like OMGosh, you've lost so much weight.  My sis, who I say 2 weeks ago said the same thing.  I'm like...ARE YOU SERIOUS (I'm at a stage where I still don't see alot of weight loss).  Anyway, that made my day, week, month.  I"m still on cloud 9 from those today will be a good day.

PEACE,   Harriet



on 7/17/08 6:08 am - Gualala, CA
All the little losses add up to a whopping big loss every time. :-)

If you're not using, you mihgt want to try it.  You can look at the graph of your weight over many different time periods.  I like the 6 month one because it so dramatically shows me all my loss.

Be well,

on 7/17/08 3:08 am - the bottom of a long ass state, CA

Janine, I understand there is software out there than can capture even deleted information of a 'clean' harddrive. I know its expensive. But have known people to use it before. Might want to check around or ask the company that has the laptop.


Good luck


WLS is not a magic bullet, it is a daily choice of good decisions for life long health! What do you choose to do today?
Janine J.
on 7/17/08 8:25 am - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Stacie you rock chickee do I call HP and ask them if they have a recovery disk for it? OMG would that be so friggin awesome to be able to get those journals back or what?


How are you doing? I know you were around for a bit...and just checking to see if you are okay. I do not have my aohell right now or I would have IM'd you from there to check on you. I came across some pics of you,me, Janet...and I think Joy too...OMG were those the days eh?

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

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