Good Thursday Morning Cali
Good Morning Cali and welcome to throbbing hotThursday that is sliding into TGIF!!!! YAY one more work day for all of you!!!!
Sad week for sure with the passing of Steve's brother. I/we all still pray for you and the family Steve. I know this is hard for all of you and we are all here for you. WE LOVE YOU STEVE
On a much lighter note....OMG you WWW people you are rocking the tool like no other group!!! You guys are incrediable!
Jean you know .6 lost is better than gained and you are doing so incrediable. How did you look last night in your new dress? I hope you got pictures of the dinner last night....I so want to see you in your new dress and then another one on Saturday...that is an order missy!!!
LuLu you do great all the maintain your out...and you even have Fresser losing. That is a major accomplishment. I hope your headache is doing better!
Sue...yeah my tummy is feeling better but my back and hip have taken a turn for the worse and I am just sick about it. If it is not one thing it is another. How is my little Sammi doing too? I think it so great that you have maintained for so long!
Jeni....have you heard from the attorney yet? I could go and jump down that insurance companies throat if you had not gotten that from our conversation the other day. BTW....I wore my tank out yesterday....had you close to my heart all day. You sure are a very sweet lady and now that I have a voice to go with the pretty smiling face...yes that is are all the more special.
Bekki...see you are getting yourself right back on track and you came down this week...that is so AWESOME!!!!
Kim S you are doing keep this up and you are going to be a mere shadow of yourself....WOW!!!
Lori W 8 Lbs?????????? Omg and you have not had surgery yet and this is just on the liquid are going to be a wls super star for sure!!! Good on you girl! have done so are so pretty too! How did your job interview go? Do tell!!!
ShellsBells....woohoo!!! I am telling you girl you have changed so much since wls....I think it is just incrediable!!! Keep on going girl!
Kim aka puddin....lady in red!!!! Did the guy call and wow all that running and biking is paying off eh? Not only do you feel good from the endorphines....your ego must be feelin pretty damn fine about right now!!!! I think any guy who lands you is one lucky man! are doing fantastic too!!! I love you have the attitude of your goal is just to be healthy because everything else is just the ice on the cake so to spea****ep up all the hard work!
Vicki...OMG 8lbs lost on vacation...that is just incrediable....that is almost unheard of!!! I think it is great and isn't it cool that even being so far out from wls you can still work that tool and know that it works. I am bummed we didn't get to meet, but I am trying to make it a goal to meet you this year. Somehow you got it? Now tell me when Mike comes home is that for good or is it just a leave? I bet you are so excited and I am sure you will work a few inches off then!!! teehee!
Candi....that is good that you stayed the same in some respects....OMG just wait until you get your tt....that will make you want to go me on that one...and how is that little sweetpea granddaughter of yours?
Little Michele....wowzers!!!!! 10lbs....that is incrediable and isn't it super cool that your kids notice because most of the time they don't. I think sometimes kids take you for granted as much as husbands do sometimes. I am so happy for you! glad you decided to join the WWW and welcome to the boards. It is great having new people here and for all of us to share in your successes!!! You are doing AWESOME!!!!
AnewBeeboo....the bestest supporter here on the boards!!!! I am glad you did well at your MIL....3 meals a day are good to do...I do more...just super small ones to keep me going througout the day.....but whatever works works.....and don't be surprised that your body will want to go down again so keep on doing what you are doing and most of all keep a healthy attitude about you are! When do you have your surgery?
Jan....OMG you are rockin out gf!!!!! 8.5 those were the days my friend I thought they never end (hehehehehehehe) to be a wls is exciting that honeymoon period. YOU GO GIRL!!!!
Paula....Miss are doing fantastic....I am so happy for you!
Miss Huff and Puff aka Penny's mom.....welcome to the boards and wow love the dog! Penny is a cutie for sure! Please keep on posting and stick around....lots to learn from all of us!
Jodi how are you doing gf? I think you are so cute everyday sending me messages on myspace. I wish I knew how to put those glittery things in! How is gardening going?
Monica P.....almost your partying day...sure wish I could be there, but it is my birthday weekend and have a lot planned myself! I hope you get pictures and I surely wish you a happy 1st year post really have done a super fantastic job!
Julia....I hope you had a great time last night at your last supper along with Linda....I am sure all of you brought the house down with lots of laughter and fun! Great group of people!
Monica W....I know you have family coming in today...don't stress girl it will be what it is...and besides...Jordyn is the and will be the center of the universe for everyone and everything else does not matter....know what I mean? Give that little beauty queen a big hug and kiss for me! One day I had better meet her before she is like in SCHOOL? hehehehehehe have fun with your family!
Katt do not despair about your is better for you in the long run to have that cast on for a longer period of time trust me! YOu do not want to have an instable ankle or risk falling again and re-injuring it. I know it is hard right now and you'r e bored silly, but you have a whole new life ahead of will be healthy, skinny and there will be no stopping you gf! Just try and keep your chin up!!!!
Christine M....I do not remember you doing your hair blond....but oooo la la girl you look sexy girl....I love it!!!!!
Well I had a very sad day yesterday. I have been having computer problems and sent my big laptop back to the company for repair. Well I told Nancy that I would send her something and as I was looking on my external hard drive in my documents, I found out that they did not back up properly before I wiped out my laptop and I lost the journals that I have been writing to Hunter and Ava since they were born. I cried and cried....called my son and he had no answers...and there goes all those little moments that I am never going to be able to remember to reconstruct the journals. I am very sad about this, but will start over the best I can!
So on that note....hope you all have a fantastic day....even though I did not shout everyone out....I try my best and do care about all of you!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
So sorry to hear about the journeling loss, I can imagine the heartache. That was such a nice thing to do for the grandkids.
Everyone have a greatday, keep cool and hydrated too. See you all on the losers bench about noon time.... Lori W.

OMG! I am sure that you were just devesated by the deletion of the journals.. I am so sorry about that. I know that you will be able to remember most as your babies are so special to you.
Steve, remains in my prayers. I just want to go and give him a great big hug.......Oh crap I just had a sr moment and can't remember what else I was going to type.
Remember we need to stay hydrated it is going to be a warm one,
Once again Janine - thanks so much for the great shout out htis morning. You are the best for sure. I am so sorry you lost your journaling - OMG you must have been devastated. But if I know you , you will start up again and will be able to remember most all of what youhad written....cause you are amazing.....
I continue to keep Steve and his family in my prayers and I too want to just give him a big hug.
So, now for last nights was a A BLAST. It was a grat group and we really had a great time. But, now are you ready for this, I (me of all people - the camera ho that I am) forgot my camera. Thank god there were 6 others there with cameras so I am sure there are tons of pictures out there that will get posted. I told everyone they better send me all of them. OMG when we finished dinner we went out front of the restaurant and were taking so many pics it was like the papparazzi was out front - the poor diners trying to get in to the restaurant had to walk through us. Oh well, you know us OH'ers - we just love out pctures. Everyone looked great and I think Julia and Linda are so ready to begin their journey.
So as soon as I get all the pictures you can bet I will post them.
So for today - not alot planned - need to get some things done around the house here like laundry, floors, dusting all that boring domestic stuff.
Everyone have a great day.
I needed to stop in to say "Hi" to you and thank you, and ALL the wonderful Cali board members, for the prayers, good, positive thoughts, well wishes, e-mails and cards I have received during the illness and passing of brother Bob. That comes from my heart and my whole family's as well. You don't know what a blessing it is to have that support and all those comforting words from so many people, many of whom I/we have never met in person.
I am kind of in a daze right now and have many things on my mind and agenda that need to be addressed and taken care of to settle my brother's affairs. Nephew Rob, his wife, Mindy, and the grils got into town last evening and are staying at Bob's place. I took the rest of this week off to help them go through and pack up his things. I went there yesterday morning to start going through his papers. Brother Walt and Mom joined me around lunch time which was great. We made arrangements for Bob's cremation and discussed many things.
So that's the news from San Berdoo today. I expect I will be back to posting now that my dear brother has left the pain behind and is with my ancestors. I like to think Dad was there to help him cross over.
Once again THANK YOU Cali Crew for the love. Believe me I felt it each and every step of the way. And it is good.