Good Morning's Thursday!!!
I hope all is well. I am still sulking and being pretty bummed about being denied by BCBSIL... I still have not recieved the denial letter so I really do not know what I am dealing with yet.....only what I was told over the phone. The attorney has not called me back yet but that's ok....I want the letter first any way.
Getting closer to the weekend, which I am happy for..........I can sleep!!!
I am missing my little boy, (tommy) but he sounds good over the phone so that is good as well. My daughter says she is going to put him on a plane now and fly him to palmdale. I know he'll be ok, I'm sure they will have a Stewardest with him, it's just he's only 8 years old!
Oh well...............
I hope you all have a great, great day!
Love, Jeni
Morning Jeni.....I was plugging along type as you posted. I am sorry to post over you....but glad you started the post!!!
Don't bum out too much...I am telling you will get your surgery and like I said to you on the phone that you have to do something each day even if it is something like this putting it out there about getting the surgery because it will happen. I know it is so hard to be patient about it when you see all these people around you having surgery. However you have to put things in perspective are safe from breast issues and that is a huge one! You are blessed one good thing at a time.....just hold on to and be super proactive about wls now!
I know you must really miss your would kill me with a situation like you have in your family....but maybe this is what your daughter needs to get her act together too. In the meantime, he knows that he can come back to you and have his safe place.
I have to tell you a very good friend of mine went through this with her daughter and in the long run it did work out. She had her grandson for a very long time and it was difficult to give him back when her daughter got her act together. It all worked out and she still gets her grandson on weekends and even a week at time when he goes to some camp or something close to her.
((((((((((((((((((Jeni)))))))))))))))) you are a special lady!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Ok.............I am moving..... Today I called BcbsIL and asked what the problem was. The gentleman that I spoke with was just a Customer Service Guy but he told me that if I have my doctor call this phone number, and he gave me the number of the decision maker's, and have my doc tell them that I have gone through the exercise programs, and that I NEED this surgery he said I can almost guarantee that they will write out the approval.
So I called my WLS doc's office and spoke with Julie and she said that she would give the message to Dr. Machado, I also called my PCP doc and they have already called to get more information from me. she said she will discuss it with Dr. Korman and get back to me. I also made an appointment with her for Wednesday of next week to go over all of this stuff. She's usually really good about this, and calls me back herself so I am hoping to God that she will go to Bat for me!
Also - Kelly from Obesity Law called and left a message wanting more information as well. i still have not recieved my letter from bcbsil of denial so it's hard to go to much forward without that.
Thanks for getting my a$$ in gear! And stearing me straight to do what I need to do.
And that goes for everyone here on OH!!!
You all are so great and I know you are pulling for me! i feel it!!!
Thanks! Jeni
I am so sorry that you are strugglig with the darn insurance issues. I am sorry that you are missing your little man so much. I hope that it all works out for your daughter. It is good that he has grandparents that are concerned about him and as Janine says has a safepalce to go to.
So little Tommy is coming to Palmdale, That airport is just about a mere 1/2 mile from my house. What is the little guy coming to Palmdale for. Hope who ever he is seeing will take him to the new water park.
Hang in there and have a great day.
Thanks for all the well wishes. I appreciate it.
the other Grandma lives in Palmdale! So I know he will be well taken care's just my daughter is so impulsive on her decisions.... Never any long term goals, she always lives in the moment.
My house feels so empty without him here! I will get over it, and I know he will be back...because they can't go that long without needing me to babysit! lol
Thaks, Jeni
You WILL get approved. They like to drag their feet before giving final approval is all. Read your letter, get that letter I sent done and kep striking while the iron is hot. Wear the B*****ds down and let them know they won't be able to wear you down!
Don't worry about Tommy flying. The stewardess' will give them flying wings and an extra drink for being alone. :-)
Have a great day.

To echo what everyone else said, just keep at the insurance company and you will get your approval, they are just making sure you want it! LOL
Don't worry too much about Tommy flying either, I started flying alone when I was 6 and the stewardesses always took great care of me! (It's true, you do get flying wings!)
