It's Whacky Weigh In Wednesday!!!

Janine J.
on 7/15/08 8:07 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Morning Boys and Girls it is that time of week again...It's Whacky Weigh In Wednesday!!!

I am so looking forward to seeing the numbers this week. I get a lot of inspiration watching all of you lose, feel good about yourselves, know that you look HOT in your clothes...what a great thing eh?

So you all know the rules.....pounds you lost this week, how you feel about yourself...blah, blah, blah....remember this is a place of support...we are all here to lean upon each other.

Now get on that scale...and let's hear it!!!

Me.....I am down 1.2 pds this week. I made sure to weigh and was quite happy to see the scale move again. It is getting harder it seems for me to lose. Maybe my body is in its comfort zone...I would like to squeeze a few more off....but hey...I am digging where I am at too!

Have a great day all of you.....Steve if you are reading....know I love you dude and in my heart have my arms around you and your family. Heart Glasses 

PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe not forget your water kids...temps on the rise again!

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jean L.
on 7/15/08 9:30 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
GOod morning Janine and all my cali buds
As for me - I am down only .6 lbs since last wed but that is ok with me....I am feeling great and clothes are feeling great and the other day my niece (actually  my nephews wife) actually told me I looked awesome and coming from her (very long story) this was a big deal.....she is not free with compliments at all so that made mem feel good.

Steve my friend - I am so thinking of you and sending you the biggest hug I have...we love you...

Janine you continue to rock as a WLS super star.

I am looking forward to the "last supper" tonight for Julia and Linda - should be lots of fun and I get to wear one of my new dresses...then Friday night is Monica P's big 1 year celebration and another chance to dress up and meet new friends......

I hope everyone has a great week and like Janine said, drink tha****er.

Today is my babysitting day so I am off early to watch the 2 darling great nieces - I just pray that they don't do to much of the sibling bickering.....yikes.

Hugs to all
Living Life
on 7/15/08 10:36 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning All

I am very upset with myself about yesterday, I didn't get in even half my water. I would like to  blame that on work, but the true is, my water was sitting right there, and I didn't drink it. Most of the time I drink about 100oz of water a day, I might have drank about 50 oz yesterday. So today, I am going to really work on that, and drink my water.

WWW. Nothing to report for me. same same but little Miss thing is down .5 (Fresser) and she is very proud of her new waist line. Doggy Craig is doing its thing.

My head is killing me and I have a meeting today. This is not going to be much fun. I guess I can skip the meeting, I bet they would not even miss me. Wonder if that would work.

I wish you all a great day. Sending tons of love.


on 7/15/08 10:56 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali and happy hump day to all!

OH has been totally tripping. I could not post AT ALL yesterday and there were so many people I wanted to respond to. I'm going to try to go back and catch up while I'm at work today but I'm not so sure how that will go.

WWW brings me to the same again. I'm good with that as I am very comfortable in my clothes and my size and I've still been running into people that don't recognize me.

Janine - how are you feeling? the tummy? the hand? How is Ava doing with her helmut?

Steve - If you're reading, my deepest sympathies.....

Lu - I'm with you, Need more water. Saw the Kidney Doc on Monday and it was not good news. Glad to hear things are going so well with Fresser.

OK cali, have a great day and drink tha****er.

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

(deactivated member)
on 7/15/08 11:26 pm - Los Angeles, CA
What's this? Missy posting before 10am!? Yeah, I'm at work (!!!) early for some contractors to start on a job here. I was running a little late, so I'm adorable from the neck down. Once they start the job, I'll head to the restroom, dry the hair, slap on the war paint and be good to go.

I haven't weighed in a couple weeks, but I do have to tell you all that I've recently lost 215 lbs in a sloth of an newly ex bf. I'm sad, though it was my decision. He just refused to make time for me, then wanted to be passive-aggressive and didn't even fight for me. We've been on the outs for a while, and I've made no waste of time by going out with others, but that was really just to occupy time. Now the search is back on again. UGH. I met a great guy this weekend, and have another date tonight with a different also great guy. And while my head is all ok with this, my heart's a little slow on the uptake of this new revelation. BOOO heartache.

I did get some Michael Kors jeans on ebay and am wearing them right now ... I've also got on my favorite polka-dot wedges. So, at least I'm adorable today. HAHAHA!

Happy HumpDay Y'all ... my weekend starts tomorrow at 6!!
on 7/15/08 11:30 pm, edited 7/15/08 11:48 pm
Good morning, Cali!

One week to go before surgery and I am excited and happy.  I've been really watching the carbs (again) to lose some weight pre-op, and am down about 5 pounds from last week.  (I'm going to have to get one of those digital scales soon, I guess.)  Tonight's my "Last Supper," but I know Tantalum has some healthy options on the menu, so I am not worried about backsliding.

Happy Hump Day!

Julia (AKA angelsecho) 

on 7/16/08 12:53 pm - Gualala, CA
Hi Julia,

Enjoy your last meal, I know I did.  The reality is, you'll lose it all the fisrt week after surgery. :-)

This is going to be the best week.  It'll go by faster than you can imagine, at least it did for me!  Keep busy and holler at us if you need us!
on 7/15/08 11:34 pm - El Cajon, CA
Morning Janine & Everyone,

I guess all my frustration working out did some good today. Who knows I maybe back up tomorrow since I have been bouncing around the same 4 pounds, but today I am down 1.5lbs. I will take it even for one day, lol.


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

on 7/15/08 11:35 pm - Inland Empire, CA
Good Morning,
Well - I 'm at 164.2 thats a pound less than what I weighed in at last week and movement in the right direction. I'm off to my communication class.
Kim S.
on 7/15/08 11:48 pm - Riverside, CA
 Hi all! I am down 4.4 lbs. this week. I am meeting with Dr. Rumsey today for a 1 month follow up. I can't believe it has been almost a month! I am down 24.4 lbs in 25 days. I love that!

I did my labs this week and my fasting blood sugar was 89. That is the lowest ever for me! My iron was low, but my b12 was high. Things are looking good!
~*Kim*~ Lost 30 lbs pre op!
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