Update on Kim aka MadameButterfly
Early this mornig, I received a phone call from Kim sounding pretty desperate for me to get over there. I showered as quick as I could and made a beeline to where she lives.
Her roommate had been up with her all night as Kim had nightmares from the meds or should I say as she said "tripping" on them. I know what she is going through as some of those pain meds that were dished out were awful powerful.
Kim is very swollen, but still looks great. They were at a loss of what do to do and I was able to help them. Just all the little things that no one tells you about unless they have been through it would know.
It is almost funny how you lose all modesty after having this kind of surgery. I mean you cannot worry about how you look...meaning messy hair, no shaved legs....you just almost don't care....all you want is to stop hurting and the pain to diminish.
Kim is going to look fabulous....I just kept reassuring her thqt she had to give it time. Trust me this part of the journey is worth it and I can hardly wait for Kim to start showing off that new bod of hers....you all are gonna be envious cuz I can tell she is going to be OMG SEXY!!!!
It would be nice to show some support....I know she would really appreciate it once she gets back on line:
http://www.obesityhelp.com/morbidobesity/members/status.php? N=V1160927769
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).