Good Tuesday Morning GANG
Good Morning Cali and welcome to another hot day in the desert....perhaps muggy too!
I am a schlub here....I never got dressed yesterday and felt pretty sick all day. Didn't really read the boards, Came here early this morning...and thought I had better not read too much because I would not post.
At least I am feeling better least so far.
Let's all keep Bob, Steve's brother and all the family in our is such a difficult and heart wrenching time. I just cannot imagine.
LuLu you are just the best as I posted to your thread....a good friend and angel to Steve. I know how hard it is for you do bring this kind of news to the board.
I hope you all have a great day....remember to drink tha****er is so important especially at this time of the year...we do not want anyone else sick okay? Challenging the lurkers to come on out and post!!! Let's hear what is going on in your world!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
It has downpoured every day since we got here. My poor desert dogs are like, WTF? Hahaha! I hope you are all doing well, keep in touch!
Jenn and Ferris
I was thinking about calling you guys yesterday then work got in the way. OMG look at my Grnadson he is gorgeous. I miss you guys so much. My little Ferris is growing without Grandma. :( SO the house is wonderful. How is Brad, your parents. Give your Mom my love too. Today will be absolutely NUTS. I will give you a call later during the week. I am teaching a class on Wednesday. John and I are driving to Bakersfield on Friday to meet with the Kaiser group. Maybe I will call while I am making that drive UGH!
Janine, hope that you are feeling better.
OK, kid gotta get in the water locker.
Good Morning Janine and Calif Friends,
I'm sorry you are not feeling so well Janine....did you get a bug or is it the heat? I hoe you are feeling better today!
I'm getting a bit nervous, it's been a little over 2 weeks and still haven't heard anything on my approval. I know they have what 30 days or so to respond? Everytime the phone rings and work and they ask for "Jeanette" (my formal name) I get those butterflies in my stomach!
The breast health center called yesterday just to check up on me which I thought was very nice. I should hear by tomorrow on that.
I am missing my Tommy Boy a lot. I talked to him last night. He wanted me to come pick him up, and I am the bestest Grandma he ever had. He loves me infinity too! He always makes me smile. But he is doing ok. My daughter bought him a pitbull puppy so he thinks life is good. That would be fine if she could afford to feed themselves and had furniture! Priorities!! Ok, I am not going there! Ugh!!! Happy thoughts!!!
Well I hope today brings some brighter news about Steve's brother Bob. Still in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope you all have a great, great day!!!
Good Morning Calif.....
Yesterday, I went to the outlet mall with a friend and we had a great time wondering around and checkout the sales. I think we done pretty good. I got a couple pair of shorts, and nice sweater, and a kick butt golf outfit and some smell good stuff at the bath and body place, and only spent about 60 $. We stopped at the "food court" of one and only place to eat and stood in line to get something to eat. I wanted a plan hotdog and got a chile dog, ask for a plan hot dog and got it with cheese, ask a 3rd time for a PLAN hotdog and got a hot dog with 3 pounds of onions on it. After that I asked for my money back. The 12 year old boss "man" came out and asked what the problem was, so when I explained it to him, he was all, "that is not a problem let me get that for me". So he came back with a chilie dog with onions and cheese. I just stood that looking at him, and asked once again for my money back. He was all "Whhhattt"?? DORK!!! About 3 seconds, as I was STILL waiting for my money back, the cook comes up and hands me a plan hot dog, with two hot dogs on the bun, and tells me, "I heard you explain that all you wanted to eat was the a hot dog, no bun, no chilie, no cheese, but still get your money back". LOL. So I did. OMG!!!! I will confuse, I was scared to eat them. But after I wiped them down, I eat one. LOL
OK so the "Food Court" sucks, but we really did have a great time, and that is all that really matters.
Today is work, so I know I wont have much to talk about.
Steve, I truly hope today is a good day. Take a deep breath and know that you are so very loved.
Last night, I took my pitbull, fighting chicken, Fresser, out for a potty break before going to bed. The guy across the street come out and my pitbull, took off like a bullet and hit the screen door at 30000 mile an hour. I swear, I almost wet myself laughing, she was barking and running for hills all the while she was farting. OMG it was soooo funny. I know, bad mommy!!!!
Morning Janine & Everyone,
Today is yet another day looking for a job. I swear there is no nursing shortage no matter what they say. Either that or they dont want someone with 12 years experience. I do have an interview tomorrow, for Hospice. Atleast all the frustration, anger and extra time has had me exercising more. The sad part~I havent dropped a single pound. I have decided my body is just happy where it is and skin is all I have left to lose. Thankfully Kaiser is covering my breast lift/reduction and that is getting done August 5th. Not much else planned for today.
Hope everyone has a wonderful day. Stay cool and hydrated!!!
Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott
Good morning Janine and crew
I am so sorry to hear you are under the weather Janine. Take care of yourself and get some rest. You are so busy maybe your body is just saying slow down.
I continue to keep Steve, Bob and family in my prayers and just hope that all is calm....such a hard time.
Not much on my agenda for today....
Everyone have a great day and stay hydrated....
hugs to all.
Good Morning Janine and Cali,
Not sure if it's my computer or OH but having a devil of a time getting to post anything. For us today will be getting more things done for the arrival of the family. I need to buy groceries and hopefully if Jordyn's dad comes he can help me get an air conditioner installed.
Everyone enjoy the day
Monica :-D