deciding on surgery

on 7/14/08 8:56 am - Orange County, CA

Hi Everyone,

I frequently visit this message board, because there is such good information and advice given. Congratulations to everyone that has had a successful surgery!

With that being said, I am having a VERY HARD Time deciding on what I should do. I was approved for RNY Bypass surgery with Dr. Leport, and even had my surgery date scheduled for June 25th, which I canceled. I cannot make a decision about whether or not to get the surgery and keep going back and forth on the topic. I want a change, and do not want to be overweight any longer!! I feel like a thin person trapped inside a larger person's body, and I want out!! Well now I have the means to do this (surgery) and I can't make up my mind- any help, how you made your decisions, etc?

Thank you for taking the time to respond!

Ms Shell
on 7/14/08 9:07 am - Hawthorne, CA

Hey Andrea,

Is your indecision based on whether or not to have surgery, or the various surgeries?  If it's whether or not to have, what are the stumbling blocks for not having it.  Anytime I have a huge decision to make I write it down the old fashion pros/cons etc and I do alot of introspection and prayer.

The decision to have surgery is such a personal hard decision to make.  I hope the guidance you need comes to you.

Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

(deactivated member)
on 7/14/08 9:23 am - Long Beach, CA

Andrea... you bet we all understand the importance of this decision.

That being said...come talk to a bunch of us on Wed evening for us eat... talk the the pre-ops, and us post-ops... pick our brains!!

Meeting and eating with those who had had the surgery was the best thing for helped me say "yes" three years ago to something perfect for me!

can you come? (read the post above yours "last minute last supper")


on 7/14/08 10:18 am - CA

You are probably the closes geographically to me that I have found on these boards.     I am in OC too.   I am also in the deciding stages too.  In my case it is VSG or no surgery.  I know Dr Leport kind of because he owns the pre-school my son went too and he did surgery on a very good friend of mine.  He has a great reputation.  I would use him but he does not do VSG's.

I know I am no offering much help here but had to reply as you are in OC.   Do you mind my asking what your BMI is.  Mine is low so that is part of my tetering.  Also, there is only one surgein in OC that does the surgery I am considering so..... feel free to PM me.

(deactivated member)
on 7/14/08 12:26 pm - Long Beach, CA

hi, orange! andrea is coming wednesday night to our "last supper" celebration for Julia and Linda, who are both having RNY on July 23. we're meeting at Tantalum in LB, but soooo close to the OC!

Please feel free to join us! 530 pm earlybirds, 6pm dinner... we have a good group coming... you can ask questions of a big variety of people with a variety of years out from surgery and differing surgeons and experiences...

Come if you can!

on 7/14/08 3:39 pm - CA
Thank you for the invite. Unfortunately I can't make it. Maybe the next time around
on 7/14/08 11:41 am - Gualala, CA

For me the choice was simple and agonizing.  My aunt died from diabetes complications and mu uncle is following in her footsteps.  I was diagnosed 2 years ago and it scared me but good.  I tried several ways to get it under control without meds.  I was somewhat successful but kept sliding back.   A friend sent me an article on gastric bypass curing diabetes.  I'd never heard this.  I started researching and found I might also be able to get rid of my sleep apnea and legs swelling too.  I made my consult appointment and got more information.  My insurance company made the decision on which surgery for me.  The RNY is the only one they cover because it has the longest positive results.  Choice made.  That doesn't mean I didn't waffle along the way.  I did, big time.  But the single most convincing thing I found was no one, ot one person I talked to said they would not do the surgery again.  In fact, many said they wished they'd known about it sooner.  Me Too!  It could have saved me years of anguish.  But I digress.  I've had my RNY, I'm thrilled and working my way to better health.  Feel free to read my profile.  I've been dilligent in writing there. :-)

As for your decision...only you can make it.  It's a very personal decision and each of us does it for different reasons.


Good luck and let us know what you decide. :-)


RNY 7/9/08

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