July 25-26 Silverwood Camping Daytrippers!!!!! Come on out for some fun!!!!!!!!!

SueBee Honey
on 7/14/08 6:12 am - High Desert, CA


Come on out for the day.  We will be there for the entire weekend.  The MAIN DAYTRIPPER EVENT is scheduled for

 Saturday July 26.
 Time: Whenever you get there until Whenever you leave.

Silverwood Lake, Hesperia Ca
Like to the campground information
http://www.reserveamerica.com/campgroundDetails.do?contractC ode=CA&parkId=120088

Pot luck from 5PM
Bring your own meat to grill and a side or something to share. Please post so we can get a potluck list going.

Come on and lets have some fun, so what are you waiting for?

emoticon, smiley, animated gif of vacations, beach, to camp, camping, to make a fire
  emoticon, smiley, animated gif of vacations, beach, to camp, camping, to make a fireemoticon, smiley, animated gif of vacations, beach, to camp, camping, to make a fire   emoticon, smiley, animated gif of vacations, beach, to camp, camping, to make a fire


On Saturday July  26 we are planning a Daytripper  fest. And Friday too for those who can get that day off. That right folks, you can keep your gear in the garage and come on up for the day and hang with us.  We will potluck a dinner in the late afternoon early evening.  You can just hang out, swim in the lake, hike whatever strikes your fancy. So if you plan to come up for the day please PM me  or post so I can get a list going.  .The cost for parking for the day is $8.

We will have a potluck Friday and Saturday nites.Those with Boats and water toys will have a lake to bring them out to play.Swimming, sunning on the beach,  AND this year the great big grassy area, can you say frisbee, croquet, badminton, lawndarts, volleyball and after dark?  Dancing??????? Karaoke??? Last year the weather was great NOT TOO HOT NOT TOO COLD. 


Kelly (Jinkers)  -- 3 Bean Salad
Chris  -- Fruit Salad

Sue Bee -- Something Yummy for sure!

                         SueAniBeeSweetBearBeez.gif image by deezmom                                                                              

on 7/14/08 8:08 am - Hemet, CA

Cant make it this time around as we are packing and moving the following weekend actually to Hesperia... wooo hoooo.  But we are definite campers and will join the next camping time around.


4 years post op and 1/2 the person I was...
Mom to 5
Teacher to Many
Out to change the World
SueBee Honey
on 7/14/08 8:26 am - High Desert, CA

Cool,  you will be up in our neck of the desert so maybe you can make next month High Desert Dinner so we can meet you.  

                         SueAniBeeSweetBearBeez.gif image by deezmom                                                                              

on 7/14/08 9:30 am - Hemet, CA

Absolutely, Hubby and I both had the surgery so and we met on here... so it would be great meet yall in our new neck of the woods

4 years post op and 1/2 the person I was...
Mom to 5
Teacher to Many
Out to change the World
Katt M.
on 7/14/08 9:37 am - Fontana, CA

Yayyyyyyyy!!! I finally get to meet Loni!!! =)

~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
on 7/15/08 12:43 am - Hemet, CA

Uh oh is that a bad thing???

No I appreciate that.  I love OH and wish I could be a more active participant in it, but being a mom of 5 with a career and a hubby that is a truck driver.... life doesn't afford me much opportunity but I lurk and watch for things posted that I can plan into our schedule... so please keep us posted about Aug's dinner.


4 years post op and 1/2 the person I was...
Mom to 5
Teacher to Many
Out to change the World
Most Active