Good Monday Morning
Look at you Mrs gorgeous HOT stuff!!!!!! WOOHOO Gus must be thinking he has a new gal on his arm!!!! Yikes Ana....he is cheating on you!!!! You are doing so marvelous and I am so happy for you!!!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Hello to all the Cali Crew:
Had an awesome weekend. Saturday, went to my Nieces 30th birthday party. Since I've lost 20 lbs (waiting for surgery date), i didn't want to blow it so I ate just proteins, great Trip Tip and Shrimp and used my sugar for shot's of Malibu Coconut Rum Yum Yum. We danced all night. Didn't gain a pound or a headached felt great Sunday, but today it hit me and I'm tired and sore - but that's ok it was all worth it. My kids called and said Mom you kicked it and didn't stop all night, can you imagine what just losing 20 lbs will do - another 70 and I'll dance all night long. Mind you that was literally the third time I have had alcohol in the 20 years since my husband has been sober. He's like go for it, doesn't bother him at all any more, especially since I'm not one to do it all the time. I'm gratefull he will be supportive of me having surgery as I was with his sobriety...
Just had to share that I got my groove on...
Good Morning California!
I had a great weekend, went on a date, went to the hollywood bowl. I didn't do my run, but I got a good pep talk from Kirsten & Kevin about it. :) Love those two!
So after worrying for almost a week I finally told my date about my surgery. Our plans to go to the Griffith Observatory got derailed so we went to dinner instead and the moment of truth came. I told him, and it was fine. In fact the mood really lightened up and the conversation began to flow. It wasn't the big deal I thought it would be. :)
My thoughts and prayers go out to Steve's family and his brother.
So proud of today's kayakers! I just got off the phone with Shell, they all made it safe to dry ground. I hope to see her in a few minutes when I deliver my old jeans to her.
Well it's another busy day in the cubicle here, got to get back to work!
- George S. Patton, U.S. Army General, 1912 Olympian
Good Morning Liz and California!
Another great, losing day here today! We went to the grocery store for more Swanson FF chicken broth and to the post office to pick up the mystery box! What fun it was pouring through everyone's goodies.
I spent a quiet weekend napping, sipping, and walking.
Steve, big hugs to you and your family. I continue thinking warm, healing thoughts for all of you.
Back to work for me after a very hectic weeking. Headed to beautiful cool awsome coast where we helped Jayden and his mom move to a new apartment. Amy's marvelling at how wonderfully brown the little monkey looks after 3 weeks over here in the sun! He is 1/16th Sioux indian after all! I AM GOING TO FIRE MY TRAVEL AGENT!!!! (it's my hubby) Horrid horrid sleeping arrangements (not all his fault) but I have one phobia and it is clean peaceful sleeping environment or not at all. I think I would have preferred sleeping in the back of my truck with the dogs the 2nd night. That was not his fault tho - we were supposed to have the guest room with a queen size bed and clean sheets but Joes' friend's girlfriend gave it to her visiting 17 year old daughter and made the old people sleep out in the old smelly cab--over camper. After one look, there was just no way in hell I was going to do that. Since there were no hotels available (trust me I checked) I went to K-Mart, bought a tarp, tent air mattress and 2 sleeping bags and pitched a tent in the back yard. At least it was clean! Dear hubby agreed with me. We were both disgusted. I have barely tolerated his snobby girlfriend (but have always been nice) but I believe this was so over the line. Breathe................... better. Zen peace. I have paper to shred (ok, deal with, but I'd just love to shred it). Something therapeutical about shredding schtuff!
Guess I should really say "GOOD AFTERNOON" to Liz and the Cali-Crew!
My daughter MADE plans FOR me- so I missed kayaking today but Im def. gonna go in 2 weeks! I bought a PINK heavy bag and PINK boxing gloves and worked out with them yesterday! So much fun!
Thinking about you Steve- hang in there!

The Many Faces of WLS

Good Afternoon-I am finally able to get to the site to say "HI". It is pretty cool here, even wore my coat when I went to the fruit stand at lunch. Just getting ready for tomorrow, putting Steve on the plane to go and see his grandfather in Mississippi. Today he is spending with his girlfriend and her sister, because she drives, and then I have to cut his hair for tomorrow. Hubby is home looking at jobs that I have printed out for him, already applied for one at the college that I work at. Stefanie is off to her first class tonight and then off to school. I have tomorrow off so besides helping Gary with stripping the rest of the floor in the entry way and the bathroom (so much fun there) I will be watching the all star game too.
Steve-You and your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Have a good one,