Happy TGIF Cali
Congratulations on your big 6 year Surgi-versary! I know you have been a great inspiration to me as well as many other of you. I too look forward to the day I can tell the story of my new journey to a healthier and more fit life.
I am very excited for my up coming New Life (re-birth) in just 5 more days trying not to fill this big stomach and looking forward to my new petite one (I hope to match it some day too) Surgery this coming Thursday 7/17. Please include me in your prayers for a successful and un-eventful surgery. Don't forget to make room on the bench too.
Lori W

Good morning Janine and the Cali Crew! Hopefully I won't have any internet issues like I did yesterday. My interent was down until about 8pm last night. I just hate when that happens.
Janine, I posted to your profile last night. Don't know if you've seen it yet, but Happy 6th Surgiversay my Angel. You are proof that this surgery works and will keep working as long as we do what is necessary. Miss you. xoxoxo
Steve, I am keeping Bob in my prayers. Hopefully he will turn the corner soon and be out of the hospital and back home. You are an amazing person.
Vicki, hope you get over your summer sniffles soon. Have fun tomorrow. Wish I could be there to see you one last time before you head back home. It was great to meet you.
Rhonda, welcome to the boards. You will find amazing people with amazing and differing experiences of this surgery. Take advantage of us...lol
Diane, I was sorry to hear about Patches. That's one of the hardest decisions to make. I've been there. I had to make that decision with my furbaby Squeaks 2 years ago. He was the best kitty in the world and I still miss him. Know in your heart that you did the right thing. Love & hugs.
Well, I guess that's it for now. The ankle is doing better. I go back to Ortho on the 16th and they'll remove the current cast and take new x-rays. I don't know if they'll put another cast on, or if they will put a removable boot on me. I'm hoping for a boot. Remember, it hot and humid out there. Sip, sip, sip and sip some more.
Hope everyone has a great day! xoxoxox

~Katt~ Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
Happy Friday everyone! Finally got my son off the puter so I can read all the posts and respond a little. Oops... who's that I hear? Why it's Rylie-bug (my grand-daughter) home from a visit with the sperm donor (I mean her dad, yes I have issues with him, like not paying child support but still expecting visitation and on his terms) Ok, I'm climbing off the soap box now! So me and the bug are going to head out to the library today, she has her own library card at 2 years old and loves to use it. We missed storytime this morning, but we'll get some new books and papa (grandpa) can have storytime with her tonight when he gets home.
Janine, I wish that we would have had some of your storms from last night. I love to sit outside under the patio cover and listen to the rain and watch the lightning. We haven't really had much of any this year, except for the tornado that hit about a mile from us a month or so ago. It was exciting, but luckly no one was seriously hurt! By the way, we have so mu*****ommon! I also love art and painting, drive a CLK 320 convertible (mine is silver) and I also have a dog named Maggie (she is a golden ret.) Some day I would love to meet you face to face, you are such a inspiration to me, and all of us here.
Steve, glad to hear that you brother is in a fighting state of mind. That is what he needs right now to fight off all those bad buggies! We keep you both in our prayers.
Sending thoughts and prayers out to all of the firefighters and service people, be safe!
Hi to everyone else. Sorry to not mention you by name (I have short-term memory problems from a stroke I had several years ago, and recalling names is the worst for me) Have a great day everyone!
Lisa G.