Still have one campsite up for grabs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I still have one whole spot up for grabs if anyone has changed their minds and still wants to come. If I get no takers I will keep if for last minute folks who decide to come up and spent the night. PM me if you are interested.
Well Looks like this is it for the campers. Not a huge turnout this year but I expect the best time ever.
2nd Annual So Cal Losers Camping trip.
July 25-26
Silverwood Lake, Hesperia Ca
Like to the campground information ode=CA&parkId=120088
Well it is finally time to get the Camping trip details together. As most of you know I have been posting since January to reserve spots with the campsite and well as anticipated, the spots filled up by April. BUT NOT TO WORRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thats right folks I got some spots! Well places for some on some spots. And maybe even an empty spot or two SO I am taking names for those who have decided they still want to camp. I will be taking them names until Wednesday July 2. About July 5 I will put you on a site with folks who have room to share thier spot with you. So If you wanna go Please post or PM me your email so I can assign spotmates. First come first served for those who want to overnight with us. So send me your request and lets go.
Come on and lets have some fun, so what are you waiting for?
On Saturday July 26 we are planning a Daytripper fest. And Friday too for those who can get that day off. That right folks, you can keep your gear in the garage and come on up for the day and hang with us. We will potluck a dinner in the late afternoon early evening. You can just hang out, swim in the lake, hike whatever strikes your fancy. So if you plan to come up for the day please PM me so I can get a list going. I will be starting an official DAYTRIPPER POST the last week in June. I believe the cost for parking for the day is $8.
We will have a potluck Friday and Saturday nites.Those with Boats and water toys will have a lake to bring them out to play.Swimming, sunning on the beach, AND this year the great big grassy area, can you say frisbee, croquet, badminton, lawndarts, volleyball and after dark? Dancing??????? Karaoke??? Last year the weather was great NOT TOO HOT NOT TOO COLD.
If you are planning on going PLEASE PM or post so I can keep you up to date with all the details as they develop.
Here is a link to one of the original posts it has tons of info and a map.,4806/cat_id,44 06/topic_id,3579082/a,messageboard/action,replies/#28183534
Campers so far:
SueBee + 4
Celest & Gary + 4
Chris S
Paula maybe Becaboo
Christine M & Jason
Jillicats +3
Claudia & Son