Good Thursday Morning Cali!!!

Janine J.
on 7/9/08 6:57 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Good Morning Cali and welcome to Thursdays edition of why am I up at this hour of the night! ROTFLOh wait a minute...that is what I do!!! I am a true shift sleeper!!!

So did you all survive the heat and humidity yesterday? I am telling you....we could have cut the air wth a knife out here and it was just plain gross! Sweat 

Today is a special day for me.....I am offically 6 years out from WLS. I cannot believe it has been this long in some respects as it has been something that I am constantly aware of in a good way for sure. I use to say that my stretch marks told my story....since then many of them have been removed via reconstructive surgery and for sure all the scars from that tell a greater story. I did an update on my profile. So YAY me!!! Clapping Hands 

Yesterday WWW was so friggin cool!!! OMG

Lisa got herself into the onderlands!

Candi is losing big time again! 5lbs??? OMG That is are going to be one hottie grandma!!!

Monica P has officially joined the century club! Clapping Hands 

Nikki and Sue are holding their own and that is just fantastic!!!

Steve gained...WOOHOO!!!!!! Bounce 

Kim S....another 5 lbs this week...WOwZer gf!!! Keep up all the hard work!

Christine clothes fitting great is a super good thing! And would ya slow down make me tired!

Ms. Shells found her would ya put some velcro on it gf and don't lose it again!!! That is an order! Kisses 

Kim I think you are gonna hit the 170's here soon with all your exercise....good on your for pedaling your booty to get the latte....that is how you can afford to drink them....always a compromise eh?

Maureen you are such a good person to offer to put people up who have been evacuated. There are good people in this world! You just proved it! Kisses 

Missy congratulations on your 1st surgiversary!!!! Losing a whole person in this year is quite an accomplishment. Keep up the great work! Clapping Hands 

Linda....good on your losing pre-op. I know your doctor is going to be happy and really it does help shrink the liver which makes it easier for the doc to operate!!! Keep on going the way you are awesome....losing weight and lost the are going to be HEALTHY for sure!

Carol how cool your hubby won that medal and how cool a barbershop quartet! Good on you for losing while you were gone....I know it is hard to make choices on the road. Now no seat belt extension....I bet you were so elated...that is such a good feeling and it is hard for some to we all do here! Clapping Hands I am really happy for you!

Paula that is so awesome 9lbs in 2 weeks!!! OMG you are going to be such a wls rock star!!!! 48 pounds since surgery...OMG that is just friggin awesome!!!! Glad you got your internet are missed around here!

Bekki aka scrapingirl....OMG your wow moment was hillarious!! I mean how could you forget??? WTG on the are doing great and did have wls and yes you are looking great!

Jean the skinny bean!!!! OMG if I ever get a chance to see you again am I gonna recognize you? Oh yeah I will the glowing smile and the MAC makeup!!! ROTFL You are doing so fantastic and you look so beautiful! You crack me up with your backward remodeling!!! I know you will do great painting...there really is no trick to it....remember last year? I redid my nearly my whole house? Only room I was not allowed to paint of redo was Jeff's office...and you think I know how to do it all like I was some expert? NO....I just get in there and roll up my sleeves and do it!!! That is what you will do too!

Sue have you heard anything about your dad having to evacuate yet? I cannot believe what a hit nor cal has taken with the fires. It is really sad to see this happen but it is part of nature too. I just pray that no lives are lost and that all the people who are fighting to save these places are safe. How is my favorite little one? Give her  Kisses from her board grammy!

Jen...I know tomorrow you go in for your biopsy...I am sending lots of well wishes to you that your procedure goes smoothly and it was all nothing! I am sending off super duper prayers for you!

Steve....prayers continue to be said by all of us for your brother. Prayer I hope yesterday brought some better news with the consults you had lined up.

LuLu..where are you hiding? Did Fresser dig a whole and stick you in there? Digging 

Jodi....hiding again? Big NO NO!!!

Rachel are you doing???? I have not seen you around for a few days...I hope you are rockin your tool!!! Remember your out loud!!! Bounce  Bounce  Bounce  Bounce 

If all goes well with Kim's appointment with Dr. Q today, she should be coming home later today. I can hardly wait to see her and her new BarbiePamelaJ-Lo bod!! She is gonna have to be looking like a peanut with boobs and bootie!!! ROTFL 

Well everyone...have this super great day...remember to drink your water....with the heat and the really get dehydrate quickly!!!!

PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Living Life
on 7/9/08 10:22 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Janine.....

Nope Ms Fresser don't dig. She is a good dog. We went to our second vet visits and she had to get ALL her shots, since they where all out of date, plus she was warmed again. Now I get go and get her CDL. (calif. dog License) I will do that on Monday. And per the vet, she has lost a total of 2 pounds. WOW! She is so rocking her doggie craig program.

Nothing much going on today for me. I have a meeting all day today, then again tomorrow, for a few hours, I would guess. I dis-like long meetings. So glad I have coffee this morning, that might help me to not sleep durning the meeting. The good thing about the meeting today is that I don't have to be there until 8:30. The sad thing is, I could have slept in this morning, but didnt'. WTF!!

OKie Dokie, I need to get some of that "omg it smells so dang good" coffee in me and see if the decaf works this morning. LOL

I wish you all a great day. Remember to keep your water close and DRINK IT!

Liz and Lynnie. did you see that post about the walk from obesity? I think the 3L's should do it that. What do you think?

Take care all

Sending Love to all


PS: Don't forget, support group has been canceled this month.

Jean L.
on 7/9/08 10:32 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and all my cali buds Once again Janine - thanks for the great shout outs - and thanks for the encouraging words about my painting.... Yesterday was my babysitting day with the great was fun but nerve racking....that little 3 year old (I love her to death but.....) is going through this weird ugly stage of not liking to be told no to when she doesn't get her way she goes into this crying, whining, screaming thing (SO UGLY).  I found that the best thing to do was just ignore her - seems it is all for attention.  YUCK I will be glad when she gets out of that stage.  Then of course her 7 yr old sister likes to antagonize her - total normal sibling thing...oh well.  I love them to death but boy oh boy they are tiring. Today I have having 2 ceiling fans installed- one in my office and one in my bedroom - so I am excited about that...then after that maybe some pool time. Steve - I continue to hold you and your family in my prayers. Everyone have a great day and remember to keep hydrated.
on 7/9/08 10:41 pm - Central Coast, CA

Good morning Janine and Cali! How is your hand doing with the thorns? Better I hope. Today is going to be a busy day at work. I have 100 outbound calls to make and would like to get ALOT of them done today. I should have started yesterday but didn't so I'm hoping to make up some time. My Dad is still under voluntary evacuation. Under the cir****tances, this is good news. I just keep praying that everything goes well up there the next couple of days. I know it's hard for so many. The weather has been super hot and the firefighters have got to be tired. They've been working so hard for a long time. Continued prayers to Steve and his family. And also to Jeni and to all with upcoming surgeries. Little miss Sammi is good. She's eating PB&J for breakfas****ching Sesame street as we speak. Today she goes to preschool and is very excited about that. She loves School. Hope everyone has a great day! Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Steve J.
on 7/9/08 11:11 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good morning, good morning, good morning to everyone!  Hello  Just totaled up the weekly weight lost from yesterday's WWW and we posted a nice -32.3 pounds. Well done Cali Crew!  Thumbs Up  Big Hug  I.m happy to know it is Thursday and it's a TGIF tomorrow! WoooooWhoooo! So much going on with me lately I am looking forward to not to have to be at work for a couple days more than usual... and I ALWAYS look forward to my weekends!  Roll  Thanks, once again, to everyone here for your continued good thoughts, prayers and positive vibes for brother Bob and my family. It is a blessing to us that you all show such caring and I am particularly humbled by the support I feel from you here at this time. It really means a lot to me.  On that issue Bob had a "good" day yesterday overall. Here's a, rather lengthly, rundown for those that choose to read...

·       He was taken off of the blood pressure medication and his pressure is stable.. good thing!

·       The HAI he has ISN’T an “infection”, it is a bacteria that is trying to colonize in his body. It is a nasty bug so they are aggressive in stopping it in its tracks before it gets a foothold. Dr. Jiffry sent an infectious disease specialist in to monitor Bob in this area… good news.

·       Bob has developed an ulcer on his butt (“bed sore”) and is encouraged to move his ass more…. not a good thing.

·       Bob still has pneumonia, mild now, and is still getting antibiotics to knock it out… could be a better thing.

·       Dr. Jiffry wants to move him to a regular room on the floor as there isn’t a good reason to keep him in CCU at this point BUT needed to know Bob’s wishes in regards to life support should his heart stop or something like that. He laid out the need to Bob. After he left Bob and I talked and Bob’s wishes are to be keep alive no matter what. I told him I will make sure that happens and I will. I told the nurse of his wishes and then went out to let Dr. Jiffry know as well. He noted it in his chart and wrote the orders to move Bob which, barring any issues arising, should happen tonight or, more likely, tomorrow….. good thing! Bob needs to be on the floor and get out of bed walking and getting physical therapy which will help finish off the pneumonia and help him get his strength back so he can hopefully get out of the hospital.

·       I signed the consent form to place a new catheter in his chest for dialysis which should be done tonight. When they tried that a week ago last Friday is when his lung wa*****tured and collapsed (a rare occurrence… figures huh?) but at least he still has the chest tube in which would make sure there is no issue if it happened again, which it won’t. The one in his groin is clogged so we need to do this so he can have the dialysis since his kidneys still show no signs of kicking back in…. a necessary thing.

·        I still must put on a plastic gown, gloves and a mask to visit with him. What a sweat suit! This won’t change until they can determine the bug is gone even when he is on the floor…. uncomfortable thing, for ME! Like I need to sweat and lose more weight! LOL


His spirits are good, he IS a fighter! He will do all he can to make sure he sticks around as long as possible to watch his grandchildren grow up. So the bottom line is… who knows? God I guess. I hope and pray he gets past this health crisis and out of the hospital sometime soon. There are many issues to deal with and I will, with Rob and Bob, over the next days. Once Bob is on the floor we will meet with the palliative team and go from there.


Thank you for reading and keeping Bob in your thoughts and, if so inclined, prayers. So I need to get my day underway now and will close by wishing you all a terrific Thursday!  Big Hug  Hugs And Kisses  Kisses 


Janine J.
on 7/10/08 12:49 am - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Wow lot of good news Steve....I am so happy and I hope that each days there is improvement!!! I/we will all continue to pray for Bob Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jeni H.
on 7/9/08 11:16 pm
Good Morning Janine and Calif friends! Happy Surgiversary Janine!!!  Wow 6 Years!  That is Awesome! You are as beautiful on the outside as you are on the inside! Congratulations! yes, tomorrow is biospy day.  I am feeling ok about it.  Thanks for the well wishes.  I appreciate it! The air here in Sacramento area is just terrible!!!  I have friends that live in Paradise that we have been keeping a close eye on.  Their son was evacuated and the fire is getting close to their property.  It's hard to imagine what the fire fighters and residents must be going through. God Bless them all! Have a great day you guys!   Steve - I hope Bob has a better day today! Jan - I hope your surgery went well!!! Jodi - Where are you my dear????? thanks!  Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Janine J.
on 7/10/08 1:00 am - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Thanks are so sweet!!!! Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jodi W
on 7/10/08 1:28 am - SIMI VALLEY, CA

 I am right here and thinking about you and sending you all kinds of good vibes for your biospy tomorrow, and saying some prayers to help. 

I have been doing a lot of nothing except Sarah sitting and playing and expiermenting in the garden. My first tomatoe was picked yesterday and for a first timmer at that hubby said they were delicious. He just loves fresh tomatoes. 

I keep busy with the flowers with my grand daughter. She just loves to smell them and look at the multicolor ones.  I'm trying to get pictures but the majority of the roses are mini roses and I have a hard time getting good pictures of them, some are micro mini's. They are prettier then they are coming out on the camera. Oh well one of these days I will post a few.

Well it's almost BB10 time and I am getting all ready making sure my computer is all set for the 24/7 feed. lol

Take care and let us know how the biopsy goes my friend.

Have a wonderful day and try to beat the heat and the humidity


Hearts JODI    Hearts                 

on 7/10/08 1:35 am - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and the Cali crew. Thank you Janine for encouraging words.  I am so excited about my upcoming surgery.   Bob, I am so happy to hear that your brother is doing better.  It is so hard to watch our loved ones go thru so much.  My sister was very ill for years and had to go thru dialysis for quite a while.  So I feel for what you are going thru.  I will continue to pray for him and your family. Jen,  good luck on your procedure, I will keep you in my prayers as well. Shout out to all the firefighters that working so hard.  I hope they get a handle on the fires soon. LInda
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