OT: Book Recommendation
on 7/9/08 2:28 pm - Long Beach, CA
Hey all... this is way OT, but, I just finished reading a fantastic, almost beyond description book.
I read a lot. Usually chick lit... fluff...lite/cozy mysteries...that kind of thing.
My pastor recommended to the church to read "The Shack" by William P. Young this summer.
I read it...TODAY. All in one sitting... could NOT put it down.
It's about.... well... suffering...evil...forgiveness...God...life...joy...relationships...family...
and just a ton of other things!! It's fiction, a short novel, an amazing read.
I bought some at Amazon.com to pass around to fam and friends... it's only $8.24 there.
there is also a website for the book, just fyi.
Just wanted to pass this tip on to any of you looking for a good read!
on 7/10/08 1:49 am - Long Beach, CA
Guess what, Julia? I just got an email from a former PHS teacher up in Oregon (do you know krager?) who has the author's son in his class at school!! wow... Young gave Krager a copy personally... small world, huh?
on 7/10/08 1:50 am - Long Beach, CA
I had a feeling you'd probably already read it, Kim!
Hope to see you Saturday...