My Brain Farted...forgot to post!
A day of grandchildren and everything else made me forget to post about Kim!!
She called me about 10 or so this morning. She is still doing good although I think she is more sore that I first talked with her.
She said she got a bit wasted on the meds yesterday and that is why she did not call.
I laughed my ass off when she said her ass was so tight that you could bounce a whole roll of quarters off of it! No just one!
Kim also said she Pamela Anderson boobs! No she did not got humungo on the boobage, she is just swollen...but when you have not had boobies for a while anything makes you feel like pornstar!!!
Kim sees the doctor on Thursday and she be released to come home. I am sure I will hear from her before then!
So that is the skinny for now on MissBarbieJ-Lo!!!!! <---kim right now
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).