Good Monday Morning Cali!

Janine J.
on 7/6/08 10:02 pm, edited 7/6/08 10:04 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Get up.....wake is a new day and only 4 more days until the weekend!!!! Happy Monday to all of you out there in OHland!

I know that I have been off for a while, but this weekend seemed like a true long weekend to me. I got to spend time with my family and Jeff. One of the best things about the weekend too was Jeff being able to relax which he so needs. Having your own business is a lot of work really.

From reading the boards, I think most of you had a good time on the 4th less the people who had to work. Some of you spent it with family and friends and some of you choose to keep it low keyed...that is's all good!

Yesterday, Ava and her parents came over and I just had to share this picture because it so made me laugh when I was going through the pics I took of her:

DSC_0434.jpgmy son was behind her even though you cannot see him and she was standing up in the hottub when she splashed herself. It was hillarous. I was in the pool clicking away. I love that camera I have because it will fire off 3 frames per 8 milisec. How cool is that? So you get a lot of great shots that way especially when it comes to kids!

So if you did not check in this weekend....check on in this morning or at anytime and let us know how your weekend went!

Steve the prayer train continues to roll and chug along for Bob!!! Kisses

jj in CA aka Jan is having her surgery on Wednesday and also celebrated her birthday....please stop by and sign her support page...she has been very supportive to all of us here! N=J1209220582

Jean I am really sorry that you get those siatica flare ups like you do. I suffer terribly from it and honestly the one good thing that helps no matter how painful is to keep moving. I know it sounds crazy, but it does help me. And for your back feeling better losing weight...think again as you have found out and ask Vicki too. Mine has only gotten worse. My doc said it has to do with one I am getting older and that my back has compressed from losing the weight....weird eh? So it is actually in a different position compared to when I was carrying a couple of hundred pounds more. I will honestly pray that you get to feeling better soon. Kisses  

LuLu I can tell that you so love Fresser!! I am happy that you found a furbaby to love again!!! One of these days I am going to come out there and meet Fresser...oh yeah and of course hang out with you a bit! ROTFL 

Lisa B.....thank you so much for working on my page!!!! I love it, but still cannot figure it out....I am so cornfused, but yest you did make it meaningful to me and that is what it is all about eh? I owe you girl!

Diane I am so sorry about losing your friend. I know the kind of person you are and Doug and that big teddy bear of yours has a heart the size of the grand canyon and I know when Doug cares for someone it is for real. You are so right with your words about loving the person you are with and telling them that too. Life is to short. I really hope your friend finds the continued strength to get through this horrible time in her life. Kisses Lets get together soon!

Jodi I am so happy to see you posting again and you seem very upbeat yourself. That is wonderful!!!! I bet your garden is looking great in spite of having some damage from the heat a few weeks ago. Please get some pics...would love to see and I am sure others would too!!!

Becky I hope you had a safe trip up to Victorville!!!

Maureen I have been to Lake Almanor! It is beautiful up there! My parents best friends also had a place up there too! Glad you had a good time!

Terri aka Horse lady....Jayden...what a cutie pie...OMG I am sure he is a super pistol and of course I just love that for sure! Very cute pictures...I think they really captured his personality!

Speaking of pictures.....Candi......I could never view the ones of your granddaughter....can you repost them? I would love to see them! So would the rest of the gang too!

Monica W....that picture of Jordyn in the basket...that was just the cutiest and I hope you put that up in a frame or something!

Monica P the girl of many faces.....hope you had a good weekend and went on a zillion dates!

I did not hear from Kim yesterday and it has me a bit concerned. I think maybe surgery caught up with her and I do hope to hear from her today!

Kim S you know when I was early out like you and still....I order what I want on a menu or wherever and I do not care how litte I eat....I do it because I do not want to fee deprived either. I just have a lot of left overs!!!!! Keep up the good work girl! Bounce 

Sue it sounds like you had a super busy weekend. I know your mom had to be happy that you got the deck fixed! Glad you got some relax time in there too! Give Miss Sammi a big smooch from grammy neen Kisses 

Liz R.....did you get much biking in this weekend? I just want to let you know that I think you are the best and you are such an asset to this board with all your knowledge! Kisses 

Vicki I am hoping you are having fun on your vacation and I am just plain sorry I cannot make it down there!

Nikki have you heard anything at all about your interviews?

Chris is your daughter feeling these days? are you doing gf? I hope each day brings that inner peace and a better relationship with the food monster! Kisses 

Well everyone...I am brain dead and cannot remember more...but just because I do not shout you out does not mean I do not care!

Have a great Monday all!


PEACE OUT!!! Biker Babe 


Has anyone received the Mystery Box yet???


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Living Life
on 7/6/08 10:17 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Calif......

Since I worked all weekend, I didn't do much to tell ya all about. It was very, VERY busy yesterday at work. Trust me, the time did NOT fly by. It was a long day. I work today also. So, I should get myself moving, and start packing my lunch.

I am off tomorrow, and I hope I can go and golf.

Take care one and all. Sending much love.


on 7/6/08 10:18 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali, Good weekend but a busy one.  Mom was here all weekend and we got some more projects completed on the house which is great.  Worked up quite a sweat.  Now just to get everything back in place.  Yesterday we went to the farmers market and I got some peaches and bananas so Jordyn can have her first fruits.  Cereal is still a challenge but we are coming along. Ava just gets cuter and cuter. Everyone enjoy the day Monica IMG_1284.jpg

Jeni H.
on 7/6/08 10:19 pm
Good Morning Janine and Calif Friends! I hope you all had a great 4th!  We sure did.  It was so nice up in Ashland.  We really had a great time.  Plus it was good to just get away! Dennis got to see his brother and sister whom he only see's maybe once or twice a year if that.  He and his brother played golf on Saturday, while us girls and Tommy went shopping and down to Lithia Park. Well back to work this morning!  i will have to read and catch up on all the postings.  Did I miss anything? I may have the mystery box sitting at the post office........something came on Thursday and I was not home to recieve so the postman to back to the distribution center....I hadn't ordered anything lately so maybe that is it coming through Antleope??? Have a great, great day all of you! God Bless!  Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Jeni H.
on 7/6/08 10:20 pm
BTW Janine, that picture of Ava is adorable!!!  Made me Smile too! Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Chris S.
on 7/6/08 10:42 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning Janine and Cali Crew!  I've had a great 5 day weekend .. . and it's back to work today.  My daughter is back to work too finally - and while she got tired out the first couple days, she is more than happy to be getting out of the house.  Had a great day out sailing on the San Diego Bay on Wednesday, spent time at the zoo, and then the Wild Animal Park yesterday before it got to warm .. . (I still don't do heat).  Tonight is support group - and that's about it. Hope your brother is doing better Steve! Chris

Travelin' down the road to skinny!
on 7/6/08 11:03 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali! That Avabear is sooooo cute! and lil miss Jordyn all sunny in yellow. Just so many cutie pies on the board these days. I love it. Yes, it was a busy weekend for sure and it doesn't look like it's going to quiet down for some time. I did manage to get a nap yesterday afternoon when Sammi went down.  Today is back to work Monday and it's going to be BUSY. Monday is almost always our busiest day and especially so after a long weekend. Our supervisor is out today and the department also has to cover the front desk because she is out today too. The good news - we are all prepared and ready to just get after it. Well, I better get a move on. I think I'll stop and get a coffee drink on the way in today. Hope everyone has a great day! Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

on 7/7/08 12:00 am - El Cajon, CA
Good Morning Janine, Now hearing something about the interview would just be asking WAY too much, lol!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am going to call her today to see where things stand and on Mondays all the websites have their new job listings on so I will go through there this afternoon. Just getting way too frustrated. Sorry you cant make it this weekend you will be missed. Have fun being grandma!! Hope everyone has a good day. Be good to yourselves and those around you!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

christine mats
on 7/7/08 12:25 am - oceanside, CA
Good Morning Cali!!,,, well the weekend went by so fast and I was so busy but still had time to rest and relax at the beach and by the pool with great friends and family and got to go out and dance the night away I cant believe how much i fit in this weekend maybe thats why i'm so tired now LOL,,, well back to work and only 4 more days till the weekend and GNO it going to be a blast I'm hoping the week just flys by ,,, Have a great day stay cool and hydrated ,,, *Christine*
on 7/7/08 12:37 am - Gualala, CA
Good Morning California! Thanks for everyone's well wishes!  It means a lot to have so much love and support going into this. We leave tomorrow morning for the hotel.  I met someone who is having surgery the same day and we're getting together for after dinner milk of magnesia ****tails poolside tomorrow night. lol I'm a bit jittery today but there is lots to do, I've made a checklist and will mark things off as they go into my suitcases.  I'll make DH a few dinners and freeze them for when we get home.  THEN listen to a relaxation tape.  I figure nervous energy will keep me going until then. Everyone have a great day! ---jan--- 2 days til my RNY!
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