
on 7/6/08 4:54 am - Citrus Heights, CA
Hello all: My question is in regards to alcohol. I was told when going thru all my pre op stuff that alcohol was not permitted after surgery. However, I was never told why other than the possibility of switching addictions and that it can be fattening. I am 1 yr post surgery now and plan on going to a party this week. I would like to have a couple drinks  if possible, but if there is some other reason why I should not drink could someone please give me some insight? Thanks for your help
(deactivated member)
on 7/6/08 5:29 am - Palmdale, CA
Well, if you wish to try a drink.  I would plan on trying it at home first.  The effects of alcohol are quite  dramatic on many of us who have had surgery.  We become drunk very quickly and on very little.  Many of us have been there done that too.  Be absolutely sure that you also have a designated driver if you do drink.  It is said that as fast as we get drunk we sober up just as quick.  It may appear that way but there have been studies done to show that people appear sober but the blood alcohol level stays elevated for quite a while after sobering up.   I am not telling you to drink please do not get me wrong.  Go in significant moderation.  I have had a few drinks since surgery and I do get drunk really quickly too. Enjoy and tread cautiously. Liz
Miss Ladybug
on 7/6/08 5:45 am - Folsom, CA
I would try at home first also, because I have had a beer, and I was ok, but then I tried wine,   I was drunk quickly, then when I sobered up, and that was fast also.  I didn't like the feeling.  I don't anything hard.  Every now and then will have a light beer, just because I like the taste, and it's a hot day..........LOL Annabelle        
 NEVER GIVE UP .. 355 higest, 312 WLS day, 135 current, no longer OBEASE,, lost 220, and IM AT GOAL!!!!!!
on 7/6/08 7:34 am - Sherman Oaks, CA

My Opinion- It's a waste of calories.... I have had a few beers, got S-faced fast and then sobered up just as fast. Truth be told, it wasn't fun and I kept thinking about the calories afterward (which REALLY spoiled my BUZZ- lol!). I kinda wanted that, "At a baseball game, drinkin like all the normal people around me" feeling...but all I felt was GUILTY! So, if you're not guilty- see how you feel...BTW- wine has a TON of natural sugar, so watch your may not agree with it!

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The Many Faces of WLS

(deactivated member)
on 7/6/08 11:12 am - Long Beach, CA

hey tambam!

like everyone has already said... be cautious... there's a quick buzz and a quick sobering up... I actually enjoy the little buzz(es) off of a drink (I get three buzzes from a glass of wine, over a 30-60 minute span)...

Beer: I LOVE MEXICAN BEERS!! However, the carbonation is something we are told to avoid... it fills up the pouch too much...not good for us, as I understand it. So, I enjoy a sip here and there from my bf's beer... a happy compromise that works for me.

best wishes!


Diane C.
on 7/6/08 11:19 am - Highland, CA
I don't drink to speak of, maybe one or two a year, but I tried one about a year ago, puked my guts up and decided that nothing is worth that.  New Years I did have some cranberry juice and vodka I think it was, and it was ok, but I don't wish to drink for alot of reason, one being, WHY?  I came too far to want to screw up my body by having something my body doesn't need to survive on.  It's more fun to watch others acting like fools. Good luck with whatever you do......I just enjoy having fun without any price to pay. Diane
Lisa B
on 7/6/08 12:28 pm - Riverside, CA
I was not a BIG drinker prior to surgery...just a few times a year socially. I do like wine occasionally. I had my first glass of wine at about 7 months post op. I was in Vegas...and I just wanted it! So I had a bit of a wine cooler the first time...basically white wine over ice and a slash of sparkiling was sooo good and I just sipped it. I have no problems with alcohol..but don't drink alot.If we go out...I may have a glass of wine or a beer and I do get a buzz pretty quick...but like the others also sober up prety fast too. If you are sensitive to sugars (which I am not) be careful as alot of the drinks have alot of sugars. I think the major thing with this as all of the WLS post op life is MODERATION! Have fun at your party! 

BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

on 7/6/08 12:48 pm - Citrus Heights, CA
Well thank you all for your quick responses. I am not much of a drinker so I will probably just have a couple sips and call it a night. My  bigger plan is to get my exercise in on the dance floor that night.

Thanks again and have a good evening
Kristy T.
on 7/6/08 2:35 pm - Stockton, CA
I have to agree to be careful when you do drink.  Not only because it will hit you fast like others have said but because of the sugars found in alcohol.  If you're very sugar sensitive you could very well dump from the drink.  I have to admit that I don't like beer and although I do like the mixed drinks I'm too sugar sensitive to enjoy more than a sip or I've had shots.  And boy oh boy do those shot**** you.  My first drink was a shot of Goldschlager.  It hurt...burned my pouch, but that feeling faded quickly and I kid you not I was snockered in 1 shot & about 60 seconds.  I was not prepared for how fast it was going to hit me and also how hard it was going to hit me.  No longer does the alcohol sit in your stomach for an hour or more and slowly enter your blood's instant now and you have to be very careful that you don't raise it too much and have alcohol poisoning. By all means, if you're ready for a drink have one.  We did have this surgery to be 'normal'.  But just take it easy & try it at home first.  Last thing you want to do is be in a club and get sick from the sugars in the drink or the alcohol itself. Good luck and have a good time!
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Lilypie - (8NSG)            Lilypie - (HyKO) 
on 7/7/08 9:01 am - SALINAS, CA
Hi, I've had drinks and yes it is all so true, but I like a vodka and craneberry with a side of ice water, so when i get to about 2 drinks down I add some ice water to it, then repeat until my glass of ice water is gone.  Over the 4th weekend my bf found this beer called, "Flat Rock", hardly any carbonation, dark and smooth, just like him, lol.  Anyway I did have some of that too.  The only think I dont care for after a night of a couple of drinks is I am way tired, not the same hang over at all, just different.  I don't mind the buzz not lasting as long as I get a little bit and get those dancing shoes going!! Have fun, don't stress about it too much, enjoy it, you only life once!

Dora (CaliChica)  Oct. '06, 1st Dr. visit 380#'s. Day of WLS 361#'s

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