Happy Sunday Cali

Steve J.
on 7/6/08 1:32 am - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Sunday Morning Cali. It really is a beautiful morning here today. It'll be hot and muggy later on but the morning is about perfect. My three day weekend is flying by I am sorry to say! Yesterday I spent several hours in the garden, mowed the lawns and completed a couple of projects. After a shower D and I met my nephew at the hospital and spent the afternoon with Bob. It was a good day for him. He was more coherent and interacted more with us than the last two or three days. He said he felt better too. Which was a blessing but the facts are his condition isn't really inproving. Still a waiting game. It's all so sad and I hate seeing him like this of course. My Mom and other brother came in the afternoon to visit as well and I was glad Mom was there on a good day. Before I got there my nephew talked with the kidney doc and I will be having a meeting with him, our PCP and the gastroenternoloigist this week to chart a course of action.  Mom had us over for dinner last night. D and I, my nephew, his wife and their three girls. It was nice to be together and for Mom to see Mindy and the girls before they head back to Phoenix today. As long as Bob is unwell Rob, my nephew, plans to drive out for the weekends.  Guess my life right now is revolving around Bob and the family. I need to talk to Lu about the IEL support meeting scheduled for next Saturday. I know I am not up to doing the presentation and we'll need to figure out how to handle this meeting. Anyway, looks like I made a downer post huh? LOL Sorry about that but thank you for letting me vent. Again, many thanks to everyone here keeping my brother and my family in your thoughts and prayers.  It means more to me than you know. Now, go take on the day folks and, as Diane said, love your family and friends and make sure they know you do.....  Big Hug  Hugs And Kisses Kisses 


on 7/6/08 2:24 am - Gualala, CA
Good Morning All! Yesterday was a bit of a food disaster.  Nerves were getting to me bad.  I had pizza and endulge coconut bars.  I had a bit of..this is the last time I can-itis.  I think it's under control again. Whew! I’m rather calm so far today.  Last night we drove to see the fireworks north of here with my friend Nadya and her family.  Unfortunately the fog was so thick we only saw 2 faint bursts of color,  maybe next year.  Nadya is coming over to give me a massage so I know it’ll be a great day!  Late afternoon I’ve invited Margaret (local OHer) over for a protein powder taste testing.  She had surgery last week and is having trouble finding something she likes.  I hope she can come.  I’m looking forward to meeting someone local who is going through the same things. Steve, I'm still sending positive thoughts for your brother.  I hope he continues to improve. To all my July surgery cohorts...ROCK ON! Everyone hHave a great day! ---jan---
Maureen N.
on 7/6/08 7:20 am - Redding, CA
Good Morning All - or should I say Afternoon?   We made it back last night from camping at Canyon Dam / Lake Almanor with Joe's family.  Had a great time.  We took a couple of great quad rides with Mr.  Jayders and had a blast.  We did have one doozie of a wreck tho.  Joe (aka damn bald man) and I were riding side by side and he ended up running into me.  I didn't have a great hold on my bike and therefore bike went one way and I went the other!  Landed HARD on my butt!  Needless to say I have one doooozie of a bruise on my left butt cheek!  11" long and 6" wide and......... PURPLE!    I'm a bit sore but hey.............. as the bumper sticker says "STUPID SHOULD HURT!"   Just a little reminder to not get complacient in anything!  I went out to the trailer already today to get clothes, dirty clothes and food and ended up sweating like a pig!  It's hotter'n hell here today and fixin' to get worse this week.  They're saying 118.  Can we all say EWWWWW at once?  I gave up on cleaning out the trailer until later tonight.  I'm parked (gingerly) in my easy chair playing on the 'puter.  Nap time coming up!

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Kim S.
on 7/6/08 9:51 am - Riverside, CA
Checking in late this weekend....Hope you all had a good one.
On the Fourth of July my girls were in a parade and it was so hot (over 100) at 10 am. I walked and drank a lot. Later we went to my aunt's and that was a tough one for me being around all that food that I can't have. I wasn't hungry, but my head wanted it all LOL. I did well though and stuck to my cottage cheese and yogurt.
On Saturday, my daughter went to a birthday party at place where there was this huge buffet. She is too young to leave, so I had to stay while she played. The hostess had to pay for the buffet for me even though I didn't eat. UGH. I ended up with some egg and cottage cheese. We all had a good laugh about how I didn't even finish the little I had on the place.
Other than that, it has been quite uneventful. My bellybutton has to be packed with gauze twice a day to get it to close from the inside out. It is way easier than when this happened with my c-section and it doesn't hurt. I just miss swimming.
~*Kim*~ Lost 30 lbs pre op!
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