OT: Wii Fit
Hi Bekki!
I LOVE my Wii Fit! I use it about 3 times a week...it just takes some practice and getting use to all the different routines...but I think it is really fun.Right now this is all the exercise I get...I am just too busy to do anything else right now. I have had for about 6 weeks I guess and the novelty hasn't worn off yet...but who knows...it may. My daughters and I use it together so thats fun.
my roommate and i have a wii fit and we use it pretty consistently. it is a little more fun than a traditional workout and since my fitness level is pretty poor, it's helpful at this stage. i can see where once i become more fit, some of the novelty will have worn off and i'll want a more challenging workout. the good news is that they are planning to release more wii fit games.