4th of July in San Diego

on 7/1/08 6:11 am - Belfair, WA
My husband is down here (San Diego) for work so my son and I came with him.  We are scheduled to be here until Dec 19th, but it's the government, so that is of course, subject to change!! I was wondering a couple of things.  First, wheres some good places to watch the fireworks that are also family friendly.  My son is only 4, so please no biker bars. Also is there anyone around here that has kids around age 3-6?  I'm afraid that my poor boy will start getting bored if he doesn't get some peer interaction.  Luckily he does have one friend down here, but it would be nice to have more.  It would also be nice for me to meet some fellow WLS people (I have a met one so far and will meet another on THurs) to talk to.  SO, even if you don't have little kids, talk to me!!!  I'm getting lonely!!


Chris S.
on 7/1/08 8:29 am - Chula Vista, CA
Hi there . . . welcome to San Diego . . . you didn't say what part of town you are living in . . . Fireworks in Coronado are great . . . but big crowds too.  I'm to old to go watch them . . . I'd rather sit in a hot tub lol . . . so give us some more info . . .  Chris

Travelin' down the road to skinny!
on 7/1/08 8:37 am - Belfair, WA

Thanks!  It's so beautiful here!  We just love it.  We are in the Tierra Santa area, which I believe is north.  I'm horrible with directions so I could be wrong.  My husband knows Coronado well, thats where he is working (on the Naval base).  I hate the crowds, but love the fireworks!!


christine mats
on 7/1/08 8:30 am - oceanside, CA
Hey Simcat i'm to far north to know exactly where they have them but I know Sea world has them and so does the Del Mar Fair so if your along the coast that would be the best area ,,,
on 7/1/08 8:39 am - Belfair, WA
We were down here last year at this time also and we got to watch them at Sea World.  This year the fun cards aren't any good for  SW on the 4th (bummer), so we have to find something else.  I don't know what the Del mar Fair is, can you fill me in?  Thanks!!


on 7/1/08 1:39 pm
Hello,  My family and I are in the south, near Chula Vista.  My daughter is 3 and last year we watched the fireworks from my husbands ship, it was nice we could see all the firework shows.  The USS Midway has viewings from their flight deck, your son might like that.  There is an admission fee but it's not bad and he would get to see all those planes as well.  I think my daughter and I will  watch at Seaport Village, there are so many places to enjoy the shows.  But here's a site that lists activities that are kid friendy, I always use it when I've racked my brain and can't think of anything to do. http://gocitykids.parentsconnect.com/calendar/san-diego-ca-u sa/2008/7/4 Have a fun holiday!!!


Surgery Day 323/ Current 196/Goal 160?

on 7/1/08 2:00 pm - Belfair, WA

We were in Chula Vista last year at this same time!  How funny.  Is your husband in the Navy?  I assume because of the comment about the boat.  I don't know many people here so if you have any spare time I would love to get together sometime and let the kiddos play and talk to an adult!  ~Cathie


on 7/1/08 3:31 pm
I would love too, I'll PM you.


Surgery Day 323/ Current 196/Goal 160?

Code3 ~CeCe~
on 7/2/08 2:05 am - San Diego, CA
Hey Simcat, Sorry for the late reply to your email.  I had the dreaded JURY DUTY yesterday - yuck. Anyway, I am in San Diego (Rancho Penasquitos area - just up the road from you ).  I have two kids: daughter 9 and son 6.  I would love to get together and chat!  Most weekends we go to our local YMCA because my kids have swim lessons, and they have a great pool there.  I work during the week, but I usually have weekends pretty open.  This weekend since it's a holiday, we'll be away, but you can PM me if you want to chat on line or whatever. As far as fireworks, I think you got some good answers already... Take care and good luck Cindy S. San Diego, CA Start weight: 262 Current:  121
on 7/2/08 3:36 am - Belfair, WA
Jury duty, hmmm, sounds fun!!!  I would love to get together!!  Maybe we can set something up for next weekend.  Are the YMCA swim lessons very expensive?  I really need to get my son in them.  I don't work, so I have lots of time!  Whenever you are free would be great for us!  Thanks!!! ~Cathie


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