Good Tuesday Morning Gang

Maureen N.
on 7/1/08 1:10 am - Redding, CA
I gave myself a wonderful treat yesterday and today I'm still mush.  A full body massage.  Oh.  My.  Worked out some tight kinks.  My poor butt is sore - didn't know I had so many muscles that could get tight in there - I thought it was just padding!  JK............ Janine - my dogs may bust out once in a while but they do know where their food bowl is!  And they know where the jar of "cookies" is.  Those beasties can hear the cork lid being stealthily removed from the jar 4 rooms away!  I dialed up the phone for Mr. Jayden and let him have a good long chat with his momma last night.  He was in his room chatting away and walked out 25 minutes later and handed me the phone.  Told me his momma said to tell me thanks.  Awwwww.I know how hard it is on her having him gone for so long and telephone calls help make it a bit better.  And, at 5 he needs to be learning to check in with his momma twice a week!  Start that training early on!  Getting the port-a-house loaded for our trek out of town on Thursday.  The quads are all hosed off and gassed up.  Riding gear washed and stowed.  Excitement levels rising.  2 more days and ............. "WE'RE OUTTA HERE!" 

Create Your Own Ticker

on 7/1/08 3:12 pm - Gualala, CA
Oh I can't wait until Saturday.  I'm having a massage.  I know what you mean, those gluts usually hurt after my massage.  But it feels better for a week or so afterwards. :) ---jan---
on 7/1/08 1:35 am - Los Angeles, CA

Hi Janine and Cali Crew, I love to put up a new board pic, but I don't know how.  The two pics that I had up , someone else did it for me.  I am not computer savvy at all.  I know, it is time for a new one. Nothing happening here today.  Just work.  After work, yesterday, I donated blood.  My blood type is B+, so it is kind of rare.  I am always happy to help.  Who knows, a close relative or myself might be in need of blood one day.   Tonight I might, ride my bike (if I have time), but I will have to do a run this evening. Well, I hope everyone has a great day.   Two more days until the weekend. Kim

Without struggle, there is no progress.

Janine J.
on 7/1/08 12:54 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 7/1/08 2:55 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Hi All!

Janine thanks for the Starbucks treat! Glad you could swing by work and get me out of this office for a few good hours!!! Thanks for helping to ease my mind on my plastics come July 4th. Good tips! And dear you look FABULOUS!!! Skinnier than the last time I saw you! I ALWAYS enjoy meeting up with you!!! You mean a lot to me.

Aside from meeting up with Janine earlier in the day, I went to the gym and slept VERY WELL! I also heard from Kellie aka Jinkers... she's great! Glad she was a Secret Pal for me.

Today, I'm at work. Still dealing with forms for work sdi and doctor. I hate this part. Just hope the checks come in when they should. Have a magazine launch party at one of the spas after work. Should be fun and it's close to where I live. Then I need to pack some for aftercare. Tying the loose ends together.

That does it! Have a great day all!
highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
Lisa B
on 7/1/08 3:30 am - Riverside, CA
Hey Kim, Just wanted to stop by and wish you the best on your upcoming surgery...I bet you are sooo excited! Can't wait to see the results. And you are so right about Janine...I saw her last week and she looks really good...and skinner than the last time I had seen her.  Good luck on Friday...

BIG Hugs,
"When I look good, I feel good....when I feel good, I look even better! "

on 7/1/08 6:23 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Hi Lisa!

Thank you!
Yep, excited and everything else all rolled into one!
I can't wait to see the results myself! Hope I like everything and it's where it should be!

And that Janine does look awesome.

Have a great day!
highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 7/1/08 4:09 am - Long Beach, CA

Good Morning Janine and Cali, Well we made it through our appts.  I have tendenitis of the right foot, right elbow and left hand.  He believes it is a result of hormonal changes from pregnancy.  I have to wear  a brace on my hand when picking jordyn up and ice it when she naps.   Jordyn is doing great growth wise.  almost 14lbs and 24.75 inches.   Thanks for asking. Everyone enjoy the day Monica

on 7/1/08 5:31 am, edited 7/1/08 7:42 am - Ventura, CA
Good afternoon!  I feel like I've been such a stranger around here.  Life has just not slowed down at all recently.  I have baby Ellie almost every night overnight (my daughter works the night shift at the jail) and I love it!   Las Vegas was TOO MUCH fun and Elton John was awesome.  I'm gearing up for my hysterectomy and tummy tuck, and the two doctors are actually discussing the possibility of doing a lift for me at the same time (all on August 18th).  Lots going on!  I am up 12 pounds from my comfort zone, and am trying hard to get back there, but I have a ton of hormonal issues going on and it's so hard!  One day at a time, I suppose.  Here's some Ellie shots.  She was 5 months on Friday and weighs a little under 14 pounds.  She's still tiny! And here she is kickin it in the pool in Vegas- she loves the water!!
Kirsten :-)
on 7/1/08 5:36 am - Agoura Hills, CA
Can't see the pics....just a huge red square.  Must be something with your pics cuz the pic I posted that you sent me did the same thing.  :-(
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