Good Tuesday Morning Gang

Janine J.
on 6/30/08 9:44 pm, edited 6/30/08 9:52 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Wow I think this week is going to whiz on everyone lookng forward to a short week and a looooooooooooooooooong weekend?

The 4th of July looks like it is going to be our coolest day here in the desert this week. Yesterday it popped 118 degrees......and no not a record for us!  Hot I am sure plenty of you have some cool plans though!

Laura A...I have to agree with everyone...what a cool WOW moment you had. I know you have been through a lot, but to be called danity...OMG is that just the best. I am so happy for you that you are doing so well!!! And YAY once again for WLS for the detection and ability to cope with it all being thinner! was i****ching the grand nieces? Hope they did not do the bickering you were worried about! I am glad Ava and HUnter are not at that point.

Oh and, Judy and Sheryl are all gay  ROTFL 

Steve I hope today brings some better news about Bob and that soon he will be coming home feeling much better. We all continue to pray for him!

Jen....I sure do hope that with that many pages of documentation your surgeon's office has sent that you are going to have the winning ticket for approval. When is the other procedure going to happen? I really do not think that approval for wls and the biopsy thing is going to stand in your way...BECAUSE...there is nothing wrong...and don't worry about blowing your are under super stress! We all have our breaking points so to speak.  Oh and want to see new hairdoo girl!

LuLu how is it going and how is that cute pup of yours? Tearing the place up? I hope so,but in a good way. Does kitty like her?

Sue how are you feeling these days? I am glad that you and Sam have 2 days off together. Must be really rough. It is really cool this week because Friday is the 4th and you should be off too!

Chris is your daughters new job and how is she feeling? I know you said you got your shot...hope everyone else is feeling fine!

Kim aka Madame Butterfly....thanks for the extra long lunch you took yesterday. You look amazing without reconstructive are going to be a peanut for sure when Dr. Q gets done with you. You are such a pretty woman and I just know you are going to have to carry a big stick to keep the guys off of you! I really enjoyed hanging out with you at Starbucks yesterday and was disappointed that we couldn't have blabbed longer.

Kim aka Puddin..would you put a new pic up on the messageboard? I mean gf your avatar does you no justice and I would only recognize you by your SMILE!!!! really did look like you were having some great fun.....OMG those pics...way too funny. I am going to try and come on the 12th depending if I can get someone to ride with me. I do not think at this point I am going to have grandma duty, but one never knows. When do you go back? I sure would like to meet you and the rest ofthe SD gang.

Nikki..have you heard anything else about that job interview? I know it is hard to wait and what a process you have to go through!

Kim aka newbecoo....when do you find out when you have the aliens repaired or did I miss something? Hope you have fun at your stay in Victorville area. Are you going on that camping trip at SilverLake?

Monica is your hand...what did the doctor say? I am having some nerve problems in mine since I fell into the cactus. I think there are some needles in there that are touching a nerve. Give that sweetpea of yours a big hug and kiss from board grammy here!

Monica P you were supposed to upload more pics...ah and get a new board pic  ROTFL 

Ms. Shells good on you going kayacking...I am sure you had loads of fun.

Where has ShellsBells been? She is MIA for sure and you need to come out from lurking girl! the new addition to your family what a cute puppy, but OMG when I saw that post....I thought to myself....Jaime has been a bad girl!!!! ROTFL 

Liz R...did you ride your bike to work? It had to be super warm when you came home.  Hot Hope your skin problems get resolved....I know it has to be painful from what you describe and I am a faithful slatherer!!!

DiAnna....Miss BikerChick.....your post yesterday made me laugh about lying about weight..sooooooooooooo true!

ThatKimGirl...hope you and hubby are getting some much deserved rest....I so hate moving, but you have to do what you have to do! Enjoy your new place!

Maureen...OMG my dogs would have been long gone.....glad all turned out okay!

Jan on the toe business. I do not get corns but I do have very sensitive when something has irritated my skin, I use what I call my toe boo boo things. They are this gel sleeves that I put on and they work like wonders to keep the area pain free. You can get them at any drugstore or supermarket. They also have foam ones....any of them work and keep that area sanded and well lotioned!

Well I hope you all have a great day....stay cool, hydrated and all of that good stuff!!!!


PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 




“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Living Life
on 6/30/08 10:20 pm, edited 6/30/08 10:41 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning Janine.....

I work this coming this weekend, so I am not looking forward to the weekend. LOL But I am off on the 4th of July. Not that I have plans to do anything. Or not yet anyway, and since I have to working on Saturday, I doubt I will do much. LOL

Last night I took Fresser for her walk. She can now walk a whole miles and I bet If I asked it of her she could go further, but right now I am not pushing her. But when we turn around to come home, we break into a slow jog. Most of the time she is faster then me, and I have to keep her in check. I am thinking she will be able to jog with me for my two miles durning the week.

Last night on our walk this truck with two guys in it had to stop at as they where pulling out of the gas station waiting for traffic. One of the guys says to me.."hows it going?", and I respond, "good, how about with you?", he tellz me "great" so I give him a thumps up and keep going, but then he says, "hey" I just turn and look at him, and says "nice a$$" I reply to him, " thank you, but she is a dog", and keep going. I could hear both the men as they busted out laughing. I don't know where the reply came from, but it should gave us all something to laugh about.

Janine, Fresser is very good in the house, she has some toys that she plays with but she don't tear them up. It took me about 2 days to get her to not potty in the house. Well really about 4 hours, but she didn't like going OUT the doggy door. So she would wait for me to get home to potty out back, but now she don't have any problems with the doggy door. She loved coming in it but just didn't like going out. 

OK time to jump in the shower.

I wish you all a great day. Sending love out to all.


on 7/1/08 4:41 am - Long Beach, CA
Great come back girlie, but i hope the compliment made you smile too. Monica

Jean L.
on 6/30/08 10:25 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good Morning Janine and crew -  Janine, thanks once again for the awesome shout out - you are great....I think maybe you should have a Dr look at that hand of yours...I just worry about infection and with having thorns still in there - you be careful girl. The grandnieces were pretty good yesterday, just some of the typical sibling bickering.  Although the youngest is getting to be a bit of a, shall I say hard matter what her sister is playing with she wants...and then proceeds to say "sissy isn't sharing"  its kind of funny cause she (the 3 y/o) didn't even pay attention to whatever it was until sissy picked it up.  SISTERS....I remember those days.... Anyway, today for me is running errands.  Need to go pic up some pictures at Target, return a bra I bought that is WAY UNCOMFORTABLE (thank gawd I never took the tags off or never wore it), need to get my lottos for the week and basically get out there and move my butt..... Everyone have a great week....stay cool and stay hydrated.
Chris S.
on 6/30/08 10:49 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning Janie and Cali! You have a mind like a steel trap Janine - you never forget a thing from any of us!  My DIL's new job is going great (YEA) . . .and my daughter goes back to work on Thursday after her bout with the shingle.  I had my shot . . .and had a reaction to it . . . just a huge red circle around it which is getting smaller now - BUT - my friend at work who also just had the shot said she was told at about 3% of people get the reaction I did . . .and be sure to not let anyone touch it because it is active virus and could cause chicken pox in someone who has not had them . . .OMG . . . not one told ME that .. . so I hope I haven't infected all of Southern California! I have to work today, and then we have our staff outing tomorrow to float around the bay.  We have Thursday and Friday off . . . and I'm just going to try to relax and not think about bills!  Our days of having cell phones in this house might be quickly coming to an end unless the kids get some money flowing soon!  I'm insane to have 5 phones on MY plan when I hardly use it lol. Steve - really hope your brother is doing much better! Chris

Travelin' down the road to skinny!
Steve J.
on 6/30/08 11:01 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Morning to you and all the Cali Crew Janine! I got up thinking it was Wednesday and weighed in this morning.... D U H !!!!! I think my head is a little overwhelmed right now! LOL Last night my nephew flew in from NorCal where he was on vacation with his family at his Mom's house near Redding. I had gone to bed for a couple hours of sleep and set my alarm for 10:30 but forgot to change it to PM so it never went off. Woke up at 11:05, Holy Crap, threw on some duds and dashed. His plane arrived at 10:55. Called his cell to let him know I was on my way and hustled over to Ontario airport. We got home and turned in. This morning I have a dental appointment at 9 so I will show him the route to the hospital to see his Dad after the shift change a little after 8. I am very glad Rob (Jr.) made it to see his Dad and be here for him. I told Bob his son was on the way when I saw him after work yesterday and I could tell he was very pleased, maybe even relieved, to know Rob was coming. Even though he gave me specific instructions to tell Rob to NOT come. WHATever! So our PCP was in late yesterday to see Bob and the word is things are looking "better" as of yesterday. Not that he is out of the woods yet by any means but any good news is a blessing right now. Bob had the dialisis yesterday but his blood pressure lowered so they decided to hold off draining the fluids until this morning.  Well that's it for me this morning. After the dentist I will be heading to work thn back to the hospital after work and we'll go from there! LOL Wishing everyone a Terrific Tuesday... yes, TUESDAY Steve! (((((BigBearHugz)))))


on 6/30/08 11:45 pm - fort oglethorpe, GA
good morning Janine, and cali , hope everyone is having a great week, im doing ok. cant wait for teh weekend even thou i have to work on friday and sunday i have saturday off so its not so so bad. just been busy doing stuff trying to find ways to make more money from home so i can try to get ahead.  anyways, better go , i have someone else who would like to get on the computer .  takecare  rebecca basra
on 6/30/08 11:52 pm - El Cajon, CA
Morning Janine & Everyone, No Nothing on ANY job!!!!!!!!! UGH!!!!!!!! I am going crazy!!! I hate all this waiting, I know Sharp is checking my references. So I guess that is a good thing just have to wait to see if she calls. I really hope you make it on the 12th and if you wanna stay the night there is a hotel right next door, just saying.............. Well soon I have to take my car in to get it fixed. 2005 and the paint is peeling  What a fun day. Hope everyone has a good one. Be good to yourselves and others!!!


Far away there in the sunshine are my highest aspirations.
I may not reach them, but I can look up and see their beauty,
believe in them, and try to follow where they lead.
Louisa May Alcott 

vicki M.
on 7/1/08 12:43 am, edited 7/1/08 12:44 am - NAS Lemoore, CA
Morning!! Just swinging by while I am receiving a signal at my parents house.  We are going to the SD county fair today.  Wish I was looking forward to it more...but,  I am not.  I woke up incredibly sore today (the bed they have me sleeping on SUCKS).  I am going to do some stretching and I am sure after walking around a bit, it  will loosen up~ but for right now...waaaaahhhhh!!  LOL We had a good time this past weekend. (I dont know WHO that girl is in those pics!! )  I would love if you could make it down on the 12th, Janine.  But, I also understand that Grandma duties come before anything else!! Hope everyone has a fantastic day!! Much love, Vicki p.s. I leave to go back home on the 14th...
Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

on 7/1/08 12:52 am - Central Coast, CA
good morning Janine and Cali! After today, we are half way there! Woo Hoo!  Sammi and I are both looking forward to having Sam home with us Fri and Sat. 2 days together as a family I took my last 1/2 of Prednisone this morning so we'll see what happens the next couple of days. I do finally feel better but I'm afraid not 100% either. Today must be dentist day or something. I go at 4pm and I'm afraid cuz I havent' been to the dentist in almost 3 years. One of my co-workers is also going today and another one is heading in on Thursday. What gives? LOL Anyway, hope everyone has a great day. Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

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