my latest WOW.....

Laura A.
on 6/30/08 5:53 am - Manteca, CA

As many of you know I went through 8 rounds of chemotherapy for ovarian cancer.  I was COMPLETELY hairless for about 9 months.....and that means eyelashes, no eyebrows, no body hair of any kind and of course no hair on my get the picture.

Well, since I finished chemo the end of February, my hairs are growing again.  Some more than others.  My facial hair is back with a vengance!!!  I swear I have more now than I did before!!!  It was great not having to pluck chin and upper lip whiskers.  The hair on my head is about 1/4" long now....long enough that I go out in public without a hat or scarf and don't feel self conscious.

I went last week to have my facial hair waxed....eyebrows done, clean up my lip and those pesky chin whiskers.  The girl and I got to talking about how the hair on my head was coming back in and she thought it was looking cute and said "but it takes someone dainty like you to be able to pull off the look". DAINTY?????  I just smiled and said thank you.  Later, when I got home I got teary and thought to myself "Oh honey, if you only knew...."

Thank you WLS....I couldn't have done it without you.  Not lost the excess weight....not detected the cancer symptoms....not been in a healthier state to endure chemotherapy.  I am just sooo thankful for this surgery!!!  And thankful for all of you here on OH where I can come with a WOW like this and you understand what I'm talking about...

 Laura A.         5'3"  BW299/CW135

Living Life
on 6/30/08 6:05 am - Riverside, CA

What a great WOW moment.

Sorry about all the hair growning back in all the wrong places, but maybe it is/was growning there so you would have to go and speak with that tec, so you would hear such a wonderful statement.

We so see our self in a bad way compare to others. Now you can think of yourself as DAINTY!!!!!!!!!!!!


on 6/30/08 6:59 am - Long Beach, CA
What a great WOW moment.  I can't even imagine being called "Dainty"  ( I'm still preop)  but good for you.  Thank you for sharing I love reading all the "Wow" moments.  They are so inspirational. Linda
Kim K.
on 6/30/08 9:19 am
Hi Laura!  That is defintely a WOW moment and isn't that the best thing about being on here, we all totally "get" even the smallest moments, we've all been there, done that when it comes to our weight loss.  Good for you!  xo  Kim




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


on 6/30/08 11:11 am - Manteca, CA
Oh my gosh, Laura- you ARE dainty now! I've seen you both ways! You are an inspiration to me, my Laura, and to your daughter too. Look at all of us that have followed you into this WLS experience! And your hair is so cute too! Julia
April Henderson
on 6/30/08 11:34 am - Modesto, CA
I just love you to pieces!!! Congratulations you Danity Gal you!
on 6/30/08 4:19 pm - Gualala, CA
An awesome WOW moment!  I can't imagine anyone calling me dainty...I might just have to rethink that. WTG ---jan---
on 6/30/08 5:06 pm - Ellensburg, WA
What a great wow moment sweetie!!! You are a true inspiration and Amen to you for enduring so much!!!  Sucks about the hair regrowth being not so great in some areas!! But at least it is coming back on your head too! I'm sure it is adorable on your beautiful dainty self!!!  May God continue to bless you! Thanks for sharing!  biggest hugs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



on 7/1/08 1:27 am - Los Angeles, CA
Laura, That was wonderful.   You "dainty" girl. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

Janel B
on 7/1/08 1:48 pm - Oakley, CA
Hey Friend, I bet that even though you've got some hair growing back where you'd rather have it not be, you are so thankful also for so many things...I can tell that by your post.  I know trials, and how they can make you so much rock, Laura, and I'm so glad that you are doing well...I prayed for you my friend. Janel
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