Good Monday Morning Cali!!!

christine mats
on 6/30/08 12:25 am - oceanside, CA
Good Monday Morning Janine and Cali ,, Happy Monday to all ,,,, Yes its a short week and I have so many plans for the weekend so i hope its slow at work and have nice customers ,,, The weather man said its going to be warming up here a bit too so the mornings when its so cold are working in nicely ,, well have a great day ,,, *Christine*  
Kim K.
on 6/30/08 12:29 am
Morning everyone!  I took today off after our move this weekend.  Whew, even with having hired movers,  Movers who did a terrific job, btw, and it was worth every penny!  we were both still pooped!  We used to live in Lakeside, work in the Sorrento Valley area and now live in Bay Park/Clairemont, for anyone who lives in SD you know our commute just got cut in at least 1/2.    I have to say it was cool to see the difference that the weight loss has made in my energy level in doing this move vs other times I've moved.  No lower back aches, no feet hurting, etc.  We're in the new place and love it, we're closer to work and less traffic.  Can you say wooo hoo?  We have a 25ft balcony that we enclosed with deer netting so the cats can go out there.  And we haven't had any deer on the balcony so this stuff works!   The cats were a bit tentative about it, but now now go out there easily and plop themselves on the chairs and watch the traffic from their perch.  Anyhow, we hit Ikea yesterday, needed to buy an actual computer desk to plop the laptop on, we can put the printer on it, etc.  I need to begin unpacking the kitchen, empty some boxes and then head back out to the other place to get some stuff left behind and then head to Coronado to have a birthday lunch with a few buddies from work....the good life!  I hope wtih all the activity I've dropped a few pounds, but the scale is at the other   Steve, I'm keeping your brother in prayer, and the rest of you for that matter, dealing with a critically ill family member is so stressful, bless your heart for taking care of his home front.   Ok, off to unpack and I wish I'd taken the whole week off!  LOL   xo Kim




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


Maureen N.
on 6/30/08 1:23 am - Redding, CA
Good Morning All.  Yesterday the old man and myself and Jayden got up at 5:00 am and made a ROAD TRIP!  We had a blast on our all-day pick up trip.  Before we left, we put the pup-a-razzi out in the yard but didn't lock them in the kennel.  I know not why Joe didn't put them up, but he didn't.  So, around 4:00 we get a call from a neighbor saying he has 2 beautiful dogs here - Roxy and Jezibele which left 1 still at large.  The good samaritan had a firm handle on Roxy (she's 15 months old) and said he would lock her up until someone came and got her.  Jezibele was being stubborn and not listening and just walked off.  We got a hold of our friend and she went over to gather up our wandering pup-a-razzi.  Turns out Maggie was the only good girl of the bunch - she was still in the yard.  Jezi was sitting in the front yard waiting for us to get home and Roxy........ Roxy was locked in the neighbor's yard taking full advantage of his built in pool and was just swimming laps and circles.  Turns out Roxy busted out through the fence and then out the open gate of the vacant house next door.  Candi locked them all in the kennel.  We got home around 10:30 and the girls were so happy to see us.    Jayden's off to do Water Works park with Candi and the other kids; Joe and I am working and this week will getting the MoJo Team Mobile Headquarters (our trailer) stocked and ready to go.  Quads loaded and on Thursday afternoon we hit the road!!!!  So glad it's a short week!

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(deactivated member)
on 6/30/08 1:24 am - Long Beach, CA

Good morning!! Going kayaking with Ms. Shell this morning...will post pix's a beautiful day!

Praying for Steve's bro... and for the whole family...xoxo

Kim...glad you are safe and sound in the new place, AND that it is closer to work! enjoy your lovely day off....

xoxo to all!


on 6/30/08 1:25 am - Where the Sun Shines, CA
Hi All!

It's a HHHOTTT one today! Gonna reach 118!!!

I'm at work, came in with my carpooling group. It's a nice way to start the day. We had a big change over with upper management on Friday... this could be a good thing! We're all hoping.

Yesterday, got organized, did laundry, ran for my pedi, relaxed in the pool for a long time in the morning. Heard from some friends. Played with the kitties. Talked to my brother, he was at the Jakarta, Indonesia airport on his way home to Uzbekistan. He had a bunch of questions for me on my upcoming surgery. My niece is in film school and she thinks this reeks of movie potential... ah kids... it's nice to have family excited.

That's about it. Gonna go to the gym after work, see some friends, maybe jump in the pool and then sleep like a baby. The pound I gained for surgery has gone again and it's not for lack of eating. It must be nerves. Good ones and excitement. All is good.
highest :313 | current :124 | low goal :145 | lowest: 118
on 6/30/08 2:01 am - Los Angeles, CA
Good Morning Everyone, I had a wonderful weekend.  As you know, I was with Kirsten.  We went to TJ, and then to San Diego lunch and then to visit Monica & Baby Jordyn.  I had such a great time meeting people.  Everyone looked great. Sunday, I went to drop off some "spirits" at my cousin's house.  Had dinner and left to go home. I hope everyone is off on Friday so you all can have a wonderful 3-day weekend. Kim
Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 6/30/08 3:51 am - Gualala, CA
We ended up going over to neighbor's home yesterday.  The local fishermen brought in a load of dungeness crab so they picked up 2 for us and 2 for them.  We went over, steamed, cleaned and ate them.  Oh my they were good.  I've got 2 corns on my right foot causing me trouble,  I could hardly walk yesterday.  I'd been using that liquid stuff and corn pad but after several days there was no improvement.  This morning I took a foot hasp and filed like mad.  It's somewhat better and I'll try to walk more today.  This is new to me.  Does anyone have more suggestions on how to deal with corns? Steve, I'm still keeping good thoughts for your brother.  I hope today goes well. ---jan---
Jaime C.
on 6/30/08 4:38 am - Pacific Grove, CA
RNY on 08/03/07 with
Hi Janine and Cali!!! Sounds like everyone is hot down there in Southern California. I have to admit, I do miss the warm weather. I love the sunshine and we don't get a lot of that around here. I got a puppy on Friday night and she is keeping me busy, busy, busy. She's just the cutest sweetest little thing you have ever seen. Well hope everyone has a blessed day and keeps cool.  Love to all!  Roxyandme2.jpg picture by princessjnc
Jaime C.


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