Good Monday Morning Cali!!!

Janine J.
on 6/29/08 7:31 pm, edited 6/29/08 7:32 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Yep it is another Monday gang...rise and shine....oh yeah I know you do not want to, but it is life. You can look at it this way at least it is a short work week!!!

Hard to believe that in just a few short days it is going to be the 4th of July!! YIKES where is this year going to? I think it is really true that when you get older the days, weeks, months and years fly on by!

From the sounds of it, I think a lot of you had a terrific weekend. Lot of talking, meeting, partying and some eating went on. It is nice that there is the commraderie around here and that so many of you get together....and I remember when it all started! Maybe a bit frightening that I do! ROTFL

Steve I know that it is day by day with your brother, but it was good to know that he is in stable but critical condition. We all pray that the docs will repair him good so he can go home soon. You and D are such dutiful guys and know when the chips are down what do do and how to take care of things. I know your brother really appreciates you.

Kim aka MadameButterfly if you read this....I am so sorry about yesterday. I had every intention of calling you to get together, but Jeff, my friend Liz and I went to the waterpark and when I got home, I passed out. I laid on the bed for a bit and kept telling myself to get up to call you....and look what time I made this post...this is when I got up. Call me today and see if we can meet after you get off work...or maybe I will call you.

It was hot out there gang...can't believe I did not get burned...kept slather sun screen for sure on. I have to tell you all this....waterparks are a great place to go because this is where people just let it all hang out and trust me there was not one perfect body there. Although I have to wonder what some of the girls were thinking in their swimsuits because they were clearly too small for them. I think a case of denial about size??? Who knows! 

All the pictures that were posted this weekend...everyone looks great!!! I think the SD girls get the craziest picture vote from me....I think they were having a little too much fun at the GNO thingie....OMG you all were soooooooooo bad!!! ROTFL And Jean she gets the prettier by the day award from me!!! Jean you really are doing super fantastic and just look beautiful!

That little Jordyn..OMG Monica she is just toooooooooo cute for words!!! BTW what happened to your hand?

So we know what part of the boards did this weekend...what about the rest of you? I hope you did something fun and got some much needed rest too!

Have great day is only 3 more days until the weekend!!!!

Drink tha****er gang!!!


PEACE OUT!!!!  Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

(deactivated member)
on 6/29/08 9:30 pm - Palmdale, CA
Good Morning.  I am up birght and early  for what reason I do not know.  So at this early hour I have made my lunch and  made Chuck's before he left for work at 345.  I have a chicken in the oven before it gets too hot.  I am toying with the idea of riding my bicycle to work.  I have to admit I usually hate the ride home.  I have my bike clothes ready to go. Everyone, hydrate hydrate hydrate and put on your sunscreen.  You don't want 50 year old skin needing to see the dermatologist and have things burned off your face.  I am still dealing with this since february.  I slather the stuff on.  I bought 32 ounce bottle of the stuff that I use.  It is not cheap but it is good stuff I get no burns. Liz
Steve J.
on 6/29/08 10:41 pm, edited 6/29/08 10:42 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Jeni H.
on 6/29/08 9:46 pm
Good Morning Janine and Calif Friends! Janine, I long to go to a water park!  How fun!  That is a goal of mine if I ever lose enough weight to be out in public to take my Grandson Tommy and "ride the wave" and go down those slides!  How fun!!! I've been having some problems sleeping lately........I've been doing the "worrying" thing.  The biopsy....approval for WLS...I've been totally blowing my diet too.  Sometimes I think I do not deserve to be approved.  I'm messing up!  and if I don;t get approved I have to do it on my own and I am just making it that much harder on myself,  Why am I being my own worst enemy? Ugh!!! Oh well, I need to get off of the pity party, again I am worrying about the "Unknown" You all have a great, great day ok? Steve - I pray Bob gets better everyday!!!   Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 6/30/08 4:01 am - Gualala, CA
Hi Jeni, My doctor said taking Tylenol PM was ok for me on nights I can't sleep.  I take them 2 hours before bedtime and I'm out for the night.  If you're looking for something OTC that works, ask your doctor if this is ok for you.  You do SO deserve to have this surgery!  You are worth having a healthy body an lots of fun. Pack those foods messing you up and toss them in the trash.  When I want to eat something not on my plan for the day, I get up and walk for 20 minutes, then drink some water.  Usually I'm not hungry after that and it's not far to the next meal so I can wait it out.  Put head hunger in it's place, not in your mouth. :) Make a list of all the positive things WLS will give you.  Look at them whenever you are thinking of eating at a non-planned time.  See my profile for my list if you need help. :) Hugs, ---jan---
Steve J.
on 6/29/08 10:43 pm, edited 6/29/08 11:00 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Monday morning to you too Janine! It really is a short week isn't it? That's great. Doesn't seem like it is time for the 4th of July yet to me either!  Fireworks  Flag Wave  Smiley Fireworks  I could use a three day weekend and am hoping things are improved with brother Bob by then so I can focus on doing some things around the house I didn't get to this past weekend. And some relax and have fun time too!  Jump For Joy  Thumbs Up Jump For Joy  Yesterday D and I went to see "Wall-E" first thing in the morning and that is one great movie. Another home run for Pixar studios IMHO. If you think you might like to see it go because I don't think you will be disappointed. After the movie we went to Bob's apartment and cleaned out the fridge, fed and watered the parrot and took out the trash. Brought some perishables we didn't toss home then picked up Mom and went to visit Bob at the hospital. He is still in critical but stable condition. The chest tube still is the big complaint and causing him a lot of discomfort. Not sure when they will remove it but hoping very soon. He is still having trouble breathing and said he felt very weak and tired. Labs remain "OK" but he has fluid build up in his abdomen again. Today they will probably do a drain for the fluid and he is scheduled for another dialisis treatment. The plan, baring anything going wrong today, is for me to stop and see him after work. We'll see how he is then. Well, time to take out the trash cans and get my lunch ready. Wishing you and all the Cali Crew a great Monday! (((((BigBearHugz)))))


on 6/29/08 10:52 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali, It was a good weekend all and all but I am excited for today.  I don't know what is wrong with my hand Janine but thanks for asking.  About 3 weeks ago while typing I hit the space bar and pain shot down my thumb up past my wrist.  I go to the doctor this morning to get it checked.  I think I did something to a tendon or ligament. Picking Jordyn up so much has definitely not helped. I'll let you know tomorrow what the doc says. Ms Jordyn will also see the doc today for her 4 month appt.  How time has flown.  She will be 4 months on the 4th of July. Everyone enjoy the day Monica Gotta love one size fits all. IMG_1306.jpg

on 6/29/08 11:07 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali! The water park definately sounds like fun. I've been trying to shop for a suit but having a hard time finding the right one. I did buy one but am very uncomfortable in it. Oh well. Today is back to work Monday and likely going to be a busy day. Mondays usually are. Looking forward to the long weekend ahead. The guy that does my DH scheduled was lazy and copied last weeks over to this week so Sam has Fri and Sat off work again. WOO HOO. we haven't had 2 days off together in about a year and half. No, I take that back, he had the weekend of Sammi's Bday off but we had company and a party and were very busy. This will be very different. Both the Long Beach and the SD peeps look like they had a blast! This darn state is just too big sometimes. Keeping all those in good thoughts that need it. Have a great day Cali! Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Jean L.
on 6/29/08 11:11 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and crew Oh Janine - thank you so much for all your compliments - you always make me feel so so good - I am afraid you are making my ego soar......I am flattered.  I get my inspiration from you and all the other super stars here.... Steve - I continue to keep your brother and family in my prayers.  Youare an awesome brother and son and partner...everyone is lucky to have you (including us here on the cali board. I had a great weekend....yesterday I went to the local farmers market and bought lots of yummy summer fruit.   They also have an arts and crafts fair at one end of the parking lot (where the market is) and bought a really cute dress (whats up with me and all the dresses lately ?) and some cute funky jewelry to wear with the new dresses.  I walked walked walked, soaked up some natural vitamin D and had a great time.  Then in the evening went to my sisters and watched my great nieces play in the jacuzzi - it was a great day.  And of course LB coffee on Sat was a blast as always. Note to kayakers today - I am not going to be able to make it - I am watching the girls (great nieces) for a few hours this morning......which I love to do as long as they don't do their sisterly bickering.  I will have to catch you all next time - but I expect to see tons of pictures.... Everyone have a great week...
DiAnna T.
on 6/29/08 11:28 pm - MT born and raised and now in, CA

Good Monday morning to you. I went to the water park on Saturday with my DH, Son and 3 grand kids (age 22months, 3 & 4) had a great time except when they asked me on one of the rides "Lady how much do you weight (of course I lied and said "175#" and he goes "are you sure" "Of course" I said as we started down the slide with my son who I said "women all lie about their weight" Well we made it down the slide without it falling apart. Other than that the day was good.  Can't waiting unitl Friday as I have a 4 day weekend. Haven't really decided on plans but will come up with something.   Will be calling the insurance company again to see if they got my paperwork that has misterously disappeared. Gues that will be my daily duty until somebody gets something.

Well gots to go, at work and burning minutes. Have a great Monday and see you on the forum.

'Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather to skid insideways ... half a bottle of vodka in one hand ... a fat cigar in the other... a body thoroughly used up and totally worn out ... and screaming;'whooooohooooo what a ride'!'  HW/251 SW/242 CW/134 GW/140  WOW!! 117# Gone

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