food stuck!
Vierra on vacation for two weeks. "Nobody covering for him" according to his office staff. They suggested I drive to Fresno (3 hrs!!!!) It is a concern, having Vierra for a doctor with nobody covering for him, taking care of his patients when he cannot. Went to ER at 10 am this morning. Got a cat scan at 1pm, and by 4:30 still not spoken to by a doctor regarding results. Mom had to insist someone TALK to us, then the pissy ER doc. came in with an attitude. Scan showed no blockages, no explanation. Mom releived, but I'm in pain, feel lump in my throat way down, dry heaves. Cried all the way home from CHOMP. No use calling Higa, he's too far away. He was no help with my bladder freeze. I am very disappointed in doctors in general. Fern
DAAAAAMMM! We have to go to Fres for the insurance deal----and then it all seems simple that vierra will do post op!! I am so sorry you are going thru this----I had an idea tho'---- how about the mty bay endocopy center??? 375-3577-- they are on Ragsdale----- near Vierra's office---I went there last week for my colonoscopy--- and "cindy cartwheels" had her endoscopy there--- ANYWAY---they were really really nice.... and there are quite a few docs in that surely someone is working tomorow----keep me have my cell ## if you need more help---I will be in town tomorow morning too.
take care,
Higa's office tried to tell me they scheduled me for the procedure for 7/7 with the local gastro people. Probably the ones you are talking about. My parents both went there for their colostomys (sp?). If they can't get me in earlier, I'll call them myself, or go back to ER. Thanks for your support. Higa says this happens at the 3 - 4 week mark, closing of the stoma, connection between stomach and intestines. Fern.