LB Coffee Pictures from Today.....
Hi gang,
Well once again we had a great time at coffee today. Here is the link to the pictures I took. I am so bummed I didn't get a picture of Harley (Dave) and Janeen....sorry guys - but it was sure great meeting you and just know what a true inspiration you are Harley - you are definitely the poster child for WLS.....
Enjoy the pics and I can't wait till next time.....
It was great meeting all of you. Janeene feels bad that we had to leave so soon, but we had to get her eye checked out.
We can't wait till the next one. And I know we'll see a bunch of you all at the Surf City Run in HB on the 4th of July.
What was it - meeting at Del Taco at 7am before the run at 8, right?
How many of you are going to be there?
Oh yeah, the gal that rode up on her bike took a pretty good picture of Janeene and I if she posts it - sorry, I'm horrible with names.