Crusing Vacation

on 6/28/08 10:09 am - Sacramento, CA
Hi Everyone.......... Does anyone know of a Cruise  for WLS people?  Thought it might be fun.......... Maybe we could start one?????


Laura A.
on 6/28/08 10:25 am - Manteca, CA

You know what they say: If you plan it......they will come.

I went on the March 07 WLS weekend cruise and had the BEST time!!!  There have been a couple more WLS weekend cruises since then and from the postings I saw, they were just as fun!!!

 Laura A.         5'3"  BW299/CW135

on 6/28/08 1:34 pm - Sacramento, CA
I've heard that...........I've done that.............Would like to do it again; but alas I have no time to put it together........ But if someone else was inclined............... So where did you find the info for the March 07........I went to travel board.............dosen't seem like much going on there.......wonder if it's the ecomony or the time of year? Well, I'll keep an eye open, and perhaps my plate won't be so full in the near future and I can put one together...............Would be a really fun if OH got maybe a Natinal Event on the Sea????  OH you listening?????   Thanks for the info


on 6/29/08 5:17 am - Bakersfield, CA
There is a lady on the main board tmn9761 who has organized a cruise in January 2009 for wls people. They call it the Cruise To Lose. She has a website It leaves from Florida. I suggested that she have one from the west coast such as Alaska or Mexico. She said the Alaska cruise was too cost prohibitive but she thought the Mexico cruise could be a possibility. If you are interested, my husband plays in a band called Thee Majestics (they play old school, rock and roll, country, mexican, you name it, they have played it). They take a yearly cruise to Mexi****abo San Lucas) where they party and have a grand old time. There were 400+ people that were part of the group. Roughly 1/5 of the ship were part of Wabo in Cabo with Thee Majestics. They expect there to be over 500 this time. Check out Uniglobe Golden Empire Travel's website. aid=26186&sit=316&vty=ARTICLE&tid=13328&sessionid Maybe some people might want to get together just to have some fun. Believe me it is fun and Uniglobe has pretty good rates on the rooms. I hope this helps. Leslie 
on 6/29/08 7:15 am - Sacramento, CA
Thanks.........I'll check it out........need to reward myself.  It's been a year in September and I deserve it. At 6 months, or when my weight is stable, it's Reconstruction Surgery time........than a make over.........maybe I'll wait till than? Thanks for the info...........I'm on my way to check it out   


on 6/29/08 7:43 am - Bakersfield, CA

You're welcome. I hope you can find your dream cruise. I want to have plastic surgery too. I want to find out if insurance will pay for it seeing how I can't afford it otherwise. Tummy tuck and a minimal incision arm lift. 40 lbs to go then I am checking in to it.  Keep us posted. Leslie

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