new to the list....sharing some photos
I have been lurking and reading about everyone and their families. I wanted to share... I went down to Lodi to see my grandbabies at swimming lessons. I took the oldest one, Layla who lives near me along. Of course, the three were clowing off.
I also added a picture of one of my daily visitors....Deer....
Of course, I can't figure out how to paste the pictures...
Hey add a picture or paste it here on the boards in a post....go to and upload your pictures there. Then copy and paste them in a post. Look forward to you sharing your pictures and your journey!
From one teacher to another...happy vacation eh?
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Hi Janine,
That's what I have been doing but all of the sudden it's not working. I down load them on photobucket, then I click on the photo to copy but when I go back to the forum to paste the "paste" icon thingee majig doesn't come up! Driving me crazy!
I've tried everything... I even changed the html to editor #2.
BTW thanks for posting the pics of Kiandra for me! She's a funny little baby. she's finally starting to calm down and relax a bit. She had some real abandonment issues. It's good to see that baby smile! Warms my heart! Jen