Good Saturday Morning Gang!

Janine J.
on 6/27/08 5:39 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Good Morning Cali and welcome to Saturday a day of rest, fun in the sun or however else you choose to spend your day!

I know all you Nor Cal people are suffering terribly from all the fires and I have heard that there are supposed to be more lightening strikes happening and that means there could be more fires. My heart really goes out to all of you who are suffering and have been affected by the fires.

Also please keep Steve's brother in your prayers....he is in the hospital and I have not heard an update...I am hoping that it will be positive when we do hear from Steve!

So what are your plans for the day? Anything good? I know the SD girls are giving their celebrity Vicki M the grand treatment today with lunch and partying tonight....oooooooooooooooooo la la...those girls night out!

I am on grandma duty early this morning as I will have Miss Ava while her parents are working. No day care for I so hate it, but sometimes interrupts any plans I might have had. Ava and I are going to do some artwork today...I will post pic of her artwork when done...this ought to be interesting. The rest of the day, just plan on trying to stay is supposed to be 110+ today....ugh!!!Also going to dinner at this couples house who I just met recently....really trippy people, but most of all they seem really kind spirited and they live super close to me. We met at our new neighborhood grocery store and it was Miss Ava who was the one who broke the ice as we were standing at the deli department together.


Have a great day everyone and don't forget the H20!!!


PEACE OUT!!!! Biker Babe 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jeni H.
on 6/27/08 6:19 pm
Good Morning Janine and Calif Friends! I know, I know........I am never up this late!  hehehehe I came home from work and passed out on the couch for a few hours after work! I'm about to go back to beddy bye but I thought what the heck i might as well go a head and post now so when I wake up so, so late I won't be embarrassed by saying Good morning in the afternoon!  lol Not much planned for me.  the air is terrible out side, hot and smokey so we will most likely try to stay in doors as much as we can. I will be doing the normal Saturday chores of laundry, house cleaning any way!  I discovered a new "dust bunny" in the corner I gotta get tomorrow! I will have my Tommy boy with me.....he likes hanging out with Grandma & Grandpa and I certainly enjoy having him.  Dennis is golfing Sunday so maybe Tommy and I can catch the Panda movie or something fun like that! I will continue to keep Steve and his brother in my thoughts and prayers.  I hope he starts doing a turn around for the better. It seems there is a lot of surgeries coming up in July!!!  You lucky bums! Congratulations! I am extremely happy for you all.  I know you will do great with all of the love and support given here!  Can't wait to be there myself some day! Take care, enjoy the weekend..............I can't wait to see some of Miss Ava's art work Janine!  That is an awesome idea.  I used to frame my daughter's artwork when they were in elementary school and hang it.  It's amazing!  I couldn't do that good if I tried! Love, Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 6/27/08 7:04 pm, edited 6/27/08 7:05 pm - Ellensburg, WA
Good morning Janine and Cali crew!!! Like Jeni, I will say good morning and good night!! lol as I am on my way to bed too!  I saw Love Guru tonight and OMGosh is it dorky funny and very sexual!! I only saw it because Tara is a big J.Timberlake fan and she had to see it. I really needed a no brainer laugh dumb movie and I sure got it!!! lol  Of course today is a full day of fun, starting with our SD lunch and seeing Miss Vicki and all the other great people that are going to be there. I think I even get to meet Kim ~ Woo Hoo!!!  And then of course the GNO later, my first SD GNO with this group and I can't wait. I must admit I am a little intimidated of these wild girls, but I know we will have fun!!! I can't wait!!! Wish you all could be here to join in the fun!!!  Sunday will be the usual church and lunch with my girlfriends afterwards.  I hope everyone has a great weekend!!! Stay cool and if you are in the north with the fires, stay out of the icky air! HYDRATE everyone!!!  Janine, have a great time with Ava and I can't wait to see the artwork!!I wish you were my grandma!!!! lol Steve, hope your brother is better, he is in my prayers!!! Happy anniversary Sue!!!!!! biggest hugs and love, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Jean L.
on 6/27/08 9:46 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Janine and all my cali friends Geez some of you sure do stay up late....I can never make it that late, but I guess its all relative since I can't seem to sleep past 3:30 lately. Today is out LB COFFEE group and I can't wait to see everyone. Went to the movies yesterday and saw Sex And The City and I just want to say - LOVED IT......I thought it was great but definitely a "chick flick" Anyway, thats about it for me. Steve - I am keeping your brother in my prayers Janine - have fun with Ava - can't wait to see the outcome of the "art" day All you SD gals - don't party to hard.....and we better see lots of pictures..... To everyone, have a great weekend.....
on 6/27/08 11:37 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Janine and Cali! Happy Saturday. Hows the hand J? Can't wait to see little Ava bear's artwork. I'm sure she has inheritted some of the family talent. Sammi has recently started drawing smiley faces with curly hair like her. Very cute. Oh and even though she can't quite write the letters yet, she knows how to spell her name and she can point out the letters. Last night DH and I ran into some people we hadn't seen in a while and I can tell you, I got a LOT of WOW comments and 2 people didn't even recognize me at all. It felt great!  Today, DH and I will go pick up Sammi when my mom calls and head out to a new place called Huckleberry's for breakfast. Then I dunno what except that it's family day. Sam and I usually have opposite days off work so this is definately a treat. Tomorrow is up in the air too. I will need to fit the usual weekend errands insomewhere. At one point I was going to meet shellsbells and Chris in Buellton for breakfast but I haven't heard back yet. We'll see. Hope all you Long Beach and SD folks have a great time. I'm keeping my eyes open for the pics. Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

on 6/27/08 11:49 pm - fort oglethorpe, GA
good morning Janinie and Cali, i hope everyone has a great day . janine, i hope you have a great day with ava ,im sure you will .Steve i will keep in my prayers and thoughts that his brother will be ok , keep us posted. my plans for the day is work unfortunatley ,should be busy today lots of people checking in for the weekend. yesterday was crazy . anyways, im going to be switching jobs here at the park , im going to be working in the grocery store instead of the hotel, not my choice however i want to stay at the lodge but upper management says im not fast enough for the front desk checking in people so they are going to put me at the store..its job ,i have no money and no place else to go so i have to do whatever it takes here to start to rebuild my life that i let some one drain from me emotionally,mentally and finacianlly .but i will come back from all this i know , i have been told GOD dosent put you in siturations he knows you cant handle. anyways, the fires up here are bad, the smoke in its self is not good especially for those who have asthmas such as my self. but gotta deal but yea i feel bad for the people who are right there in the line of the fires.  anyways , hope you all enjoy your saturday .. take care  REBECCA B in yosemite calif.
vicki M.
on 6/28/08 12:48 am - NAS Lemoore, CA
Morning!!! Man, oh man....yesterday we left the house at 1000am yesterday and we made it all the way to Long Beach in REALLY good time (like 4 1/2 hours- which, with 3 kids and 2 dogs is good for us)..... Anyway, I was sooooooooo excited to think that we were beating all the traffic and then BOOM....right around El Toro and allllll the way past the PCH, almost to Camp Pendleton it was stop and go.  THEN, again in Carlsbad, Del Mar.....the 805.  For about a 20-30 mile drive, it took us another two hours.  UGH!!!  It was SOOOOO frustrating!  I was frazzled by the time we got to my parents house, and about ready to just drop everyone off and keep heading to Mexico myself.  LMAO.  Oh well, enough of that.   So, today should be FUN!  I am looking forward to some adult time and having some laughs (at other's expense....gotta love Karaoke!)   Hope everyone has a WONDERFUL weekend!!!  Janine- enjoy your babies!! hugs to all, Vicki
Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

Steve J.
on 6/28/08 1:00 am, edited 6/28/08 1:03 am - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with

Good Saturday Morning to you and the Crew Janine. Let me say thank you all so much for your support the last couple of days. I have received messages here on the board, PMs and e-mails and it means a great deal to me to know you care and are keeping my family and myself in your thoughts and prayers. Brother Bob continues to straddle a fine line at this point. The doctors and nurses won't venture a prognosis at this time. It is hour by hour, day to day and all depends on how his body copes with and responds to the treatments they are doing to keep him going.  Yesterday was an emotional roller coaster for us. Trying to make a long story short he was crashing early in the morning with his blood pressure diving and his OTHER lung had collased. They woke him about 5:30am when the monitors indicated trouble. After a morning of working to get his blood pressure stabilzed and lung function to an acceptable level he was doing "OK" yesterday afternoon. He is still in critical condition but, well, he is still with us and I guess you'd say he dodged a bullet. He has a fighters attitude and is fighting for his life and if that counts for anything, and I know it does, he will hang in there.  Problem is with his liver disease and lack of kidney function it's really dicey. They needed to do dialisis yesterday but couldn't with the blood pressure problems. So we are hoping he will be able to have that today. We are told he needs at least three dialisis treatments then they will have a better idea of whether his kidney function is coming back.  He had one treatment Thursday evening. I'll be heading back to the hospital a little later this morning and hope to find things better or at least stable. I have to tell you I had an emotional breakdown yesterday. I stopped at his apartment on the way to work to pick up a few things for him and after I got to work I called the critical care nurses station and got no answer. Called three times with the same result. Called our doctors office twice after they opened and couldn't get a hold of our doc or the PA. Bob called me and said if my Mom and our other brother, Walter, wanted to visit him it would be a good day to do that. Which made a bell go off in my head as he gave me specific instructions Thursday that he did not want any visitors beside myself. OK, that's odd. So I called our doctor again and got him on the phone. This is around 10:00am... The doctor basically told me what happened that morning and said "Steven, it doesn't look good." I tried to quiz him to see if he was saying Bob was going to die. He wouldn't go there so I tried a different tact and asked should I call his son and have him come to which he said "Yes, have him come right away." I felt like I wa**** with a ton of bricks. At that moment the reality that he was THAT ill and that we could lose him at any moment hit home. Guess I was just so convinced, and in denial, that whetever was wrong would be treated and we'd keep him going. We've been dealing with his health issues related to his liver disease for 2 and 1/2 years now though the last 6 months have seen him getting ill more frequently.  So there I am at work with a list of things that needed to be done and I broke down sobbing. My boss and co-workers were so very understanding and supportive and hugged me and reasured me. My buddy Paula took my to do lists and they wanted to drive me but I got composed (sorta) and headed out to get to the hospital. Made the phone calls I needed to and D, my brother Walter and my Mom met me there. Like I said, over the course of the afternoon he was improving and when we all left him we breathed a sigh of relief. Now we wait. I spoke to my nephew last night, he and his family, who live in Phoenix, are in Redding on vacation visiting his Mom. I gave him the facts and he'll need to decide if and when to come here. Hopefully he will not need to. OK that's enough typing for me! I wish everyone a great Saturday and hope to have better news to report next time I post! (((((BigBearHugz)))))


vicki M.
on 6/28/08 1:15 am - NAS Lemoore, CA
GREAT BIG HUGS to you and all of your family!!!
Vicki M Proud NAVY wife and veteran!!!

Optimists are right. So are pessimists. It's up to you to choose which you will be.~~Harvey Mackay

Living Life
on 6/28/08 1:16 am - Riverside, CA

Steve, I know I don't need to say this, but if you need me, you know I  will drop all and come running. So just let me know. All I need is a phone call, I am there. How does that song no river deep enough, no mountain to high...bluh bluh.


Sending you and your family so very much love and great healing vibes.

Love you


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