My biopsy was not today.....

Jeni H.
on 6/27/08 6:36 am
Hi Guys, Went to the Surgeon's office today, and she examined me.  She could not feel the mass although they say it is 7cm so she is sending me over to the Radiologist to have it done so that they can see exactly where to get it. I guess that is good.  She said if she could feel it she would just remove the whole thing.  I teased her about having nightmares of her holding scalpols running after me!  She's a young gal and very energetic! I asked if the gall bladder, enlarged lymph nodes and now mass in my breast could all be related some how but she said no........ So again, I am in a holding pattern while they get authorization from the insurance company etc.... I just hope they don't say no to weight loss surgery because I have so much other stuff going on.  I was really never ever sick or anything before! Thanks again for all of the prayers and well wishes!  You guys are the BEST!  and I mean that! Love, Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 6/27/08 8:14 am - Ellensburg, WA
Oh honey, you must be so frustrated!! I can just imagine the emotional rollercoaster this has you on. In one way, it seems like good news, but I know it is still scary!! I don't see how they could use this against you for WLS, so don't even let your mind go there!!!  You will remain in my prayers honey!!! Hang in there and here is a great big {{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{Jeni}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}} for you!!!   Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



Jeni H.
on 6/27/08 9:44 am
Thanks Becky! I guess I am a bit frustrated.  It seems I go to the doc for one thing and they find another thing......... Like I said, I've never had anything else major wrong and then came 2008 and holy moly guacamole!!!  They're finding all kinds of stuff! Thanks again!  Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 6/27/08 8:23 am - Gualala, CA
Hi Jeni, I hope they get things together soon so you can get off that roller coaster and sit on the bench!  I'm still thinking good, positive thoughts for you.  Talk to you soon. ---jan---
Jeni H.
on 6/27/08 9:48 am
Thanks Jan............... I know that's all I want...........just to be able to sit on that LOSER's Bench with you all!  lol I've been doing the eating to calm my nerves and that certainly isn't doing me any good!  Come to think of it, it's not even calming my nerves!!! So I need  to cut that crap out!!!  hehehehe Thanks for the positive thoughts, I appreciate them a Whole Bunch! Love, Jeni by the way.....  I love Gualala!  It's so beautiful there!  We stayed 4 days last year it was very nice!

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

on 6/27/08 3:00 pm - Gualala, CA
Hi Jeni, Protein, protein, protein.  Start practicing now and it will keep you more out of trouble,  Have a mozzarella stick or protein shake, yogurt with protein powder, devilled eggs..anything that will fill you up so you don't want that other crap. :-)  We'll keep aiming those good thoughts your way and you'll be on the bench before you know it. Gualala's an awesome place.  We're lucky to have retired here.  Let me know next time you come through and we'll get together. Hugs, ---jan---
on 6/27/08 8:36 am - Manteca, CA
Hi Jeni, I'm sorry you are having to go through this. I was diagnosed with breast cancer during pre-op testing for WLS. It was very scary and delayed my surgery but I still had it. I'm cancer-free AND getting thinner! (96 pounds gone so far!). Julia
Jeni H.
on 6/27/08 9:55 am
Thanks Julia, I am so glad you are doing so well!  and losing 96lbs on top of all of that, Wow!  I feel ok, there is no history of breast cancer in my family, although 3 of my other sisters have had biopsy's done but they have all been ok.  It's just you never know. Did you feel sick or hurt or anything?  I feel fine.  Now last year I had some kind of an infection thing going but they gave me antibiotics, did a mammo, followed by an ultra sound and I wa good.  She tells me this is a solid mass.........not cysts, and it's 7cm.  You would think that she could have felt something that big, because I am not that big in the breast...know what I mean?  lol Oh well, I guess time will tell.  thank you for sharing your experience and I am very happy that you are doing so well now. Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

Janine J.
on 6/27/08 5:23 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

((((((((((((((Jeni)))))))))))))) remember everything happens for a reason! I know hard to understand right now, but it does.

Be thankful you have a doc who doesn't think they are super doc and get careless. I am glad she is doing this. Every precaution needs to be taken when dealing with your health.

Trust me when I say hook or by crook you will have WLS and  I honestly feel in my bones your biopsy scare will be nothing more than a scare!!!


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

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