Good Morning Calif

Living Life
on 6/26/08 10:23 pm, edited 6/26/08 10:25 pm - Riverside, CA

Guess what????? TGIF.......TGIF............TGIF...

Yap, its friday, and after working 12 hours today, I am off for 3 wonderful days. I might still have to work for a few hours tomorrow, but not on a unit, I will work on something secert project. Gathering infor for the past 4 years. OH JOY!

Plans for the weekend.

On Saturday, after working a few hours. I will meet up with Kevin for golf, then dinner. Or just dinner, depending on how much I have to work, then golf on Sunday.

On sunday I am hoping to go the movie. I don't care what we see, I just want to go. Or maybe some yard sales. I love hitting them and see what I can see. LOL but after that, I don't have a care in the world. And nothing on monday, so I might just sleep all day. LOL Now don't that sound like a great weekend?

What do you have planned? Anything great and wonderful that you would like share? OR maybe nothing at all, but that is what YOU want to do. Take a moment this morning and share you plans.

I need coffee and then I need to hit the shower. I do wish you all a great stress free weekend.

Remember to take your vitumins and drink your water. Get out there and shake you behind. Move it, or stop losing it.

Love to all.


Chris S.
on 6/26/08 10:36 pm - Chula Vista, CA
Morning Cali! Not much going on this weekend . . . maybe the drive-in tonight - don't know about tomorrow - and then Sunday is our 2 mile walk with the doctor's office staff - always fun to network.  Have to work Monday and Tuesday - and then we are off for the rest of next week - WAHOO! - Wednesday for a staff outing, and then National was nice and gave us Thursday off too to make a nice weekend (a GREAT weekend actually!).  Enjoy everyone! Chris

Travelin' down the road to skinny!
Jean L.
on 6/26/08 10:43 pm - Seal Beach, CA
RNY on 08/20/07 with
Good morning Lu and crew Not much on my agenda - other than lunch and a movie with my sister today (Finally going to see Sex and the City), then want to go to the farmers market on Sunday..... I am so glad its cooler - but also so glad that this old body can handle the heat much better than it could a year ago. Everyone have a great weekend - and don't forget LB coffee tomorrow - going to go post a Reminder now.....
Steve J.
on 6/26/08 10:59 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Morning to you Lu! Have a couple of things going on for D and I this weekend. Tomorrow is a birthday celebration dinner at Darrell's sister place and Sunday morning we have tickets to go see "Wall-e". In between I'll be keeping tabs on brother Bob in the hospital. He will most likely be in there for a few days yet. When he was admitted the labs showed his kidneys were shutting down and his potassium blood serum levels were sky high. I didn't find this out until I called and talked to our PCP yesterday morning. I left work just before noon yesterday to go to the hospital and talked to the staff myself and see how he was doing. They had several tests and proceedures scheduled for the afternoon including a tap to drain the fluids, a dialisis, ultra sound and a couple other things. Came home about 3 then got a call from the ICU nuse to let me know that whenthey were putting in the dialisis cathater in his chest his right lung collapsed 30% and they were going to have to put in a chest tube and then put the cathater in his groin to do the dialisis. Of course the nurse caouldn't tell me anything other then the facts so I left a message withour PCP's service for him to call me. When he called he didn't know about the recent developments sohe called the hospital and called me back. He was concerned and said we were walked a fine line and Bob isn't out of the woods. I went back to the hospital and visited Bob for a while and he looked OK and was being dialized. I left him around 9 last night and baring any other issues I will go see him tonight after work.  So that's my life right now! LOL Gotta get a move on here so I'll say happy TGIF Cali and have a fabulous Friday everyone! (((((BigBearHugz)))))


Janine J.
on 6/26/08 11:14 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Steve sending out a lot of prayers, vibs, name it that your brother is going to be okay. If there is anything  I could possibly do, please do not hesitate to call on me..even if it is just an extra ear.....I feel so bad that you and your family are on the edge right now with Bob's health. I hope the doctors repair him good and that he will be back home soon!

Love you Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Jeni H.
on 6/27/08 12:27 am
Steve, I will keep your brother in my thoughts and prayers.  I'm sorry you all are going through this.  Take care and please keep us posted. Jeni

Do not ask the Lord to guide your footsteps if you are unwilling to move your feet. God, Please help me to move my feet!!!

(deactivated member)
on 6/27/08 2:45 am - Long Beach, CA

Steve... your brother is in my wonderful that he has a bro like you to help take care of him!! God bless you all today!!



on 6/26/08 11:03 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Lu and Cali! TGIF for sure! Today at work the company is putting on a BBQ lunch - Yummy. They really do it up right, Tri-tip, sausage, bread, salad, potato salad etc. I stick with the good choices and there is plenty. Tonight my DH and I have a date and my Mom is keeping Sammi all night. Saturday is family day. Sam usually works the weekends so we don't very often hava whole day as a family so we are all looking forward to it. Sunday, Sammi and I will take care of all the usual errands and maybe get over to Lompoc for the flower festival. Hope everyone has a fabulous friday and a wonderful weekend. Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Janine J.
on 6/26/08 11:28 pm - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Hey Little LuLu...little LuLu....glad you are going to get a 3 dayer....I know you so like that!

For the weekend....I have grandma duty tomorrow....gonna be a hot one out here in the desert....not so looking forward to that one....yesterday it was only about 106 and it felt like heaven!!!

Other than grandma duty...don't know what the weekend has in store for me....days are melting together with vacation.

Oh I know what else I am doing tomorrow. Ava and I are going to the art store and I am going to get her some paper and those new crayons for tikes and some non toxic paint for her to make some paintings for her bedroom. Her mom asked me to do some paintings for her room which I would, but I thought it would be cooler for Ava to do it....they ought to be priceless!!! Plus I want to get her started young!! I will post some pics over the weekend!

Hope everyone has a super great day!!!


“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

Maureen N.
on 6/27/08 12:56 am - Redding, CA
This weekend for me is uncertain.  After having my awsome step-son for a week it's time to give him back to his momma for 6 days until we pick him up again on the 3rd.  However.......... the road's closed due to fires!  Darn it, dagnamit and shucks.  Now what?  Well we are monitoring the situation, but we may take a road trip up into Oregon on Saturday and then down the coast.  Drop the kid off and hopefully the road will be open by Sunday.  If not, we just keep the booooooger until the 12th when we head over and help his momma move from one apartment to a newer one really close to Jayder's new elementary school. New fish in the kid's tank.  Nothing so forelorn as an empty fishy tank bubbling away.  The old man had to go back to work at 11:30 last night.  His neck is still bothering him (he has a muscle that is seriously knotted up and we can't get it to release) but they had a night time concrete pour to do.  I'm probably going to have to work because of all the fires.  (If they can find me!  )

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