Show Some CA Lovin PLEASE
Morning Gang....I know I am late, but our JenDenni is going in for a biopsy today and I know she is quite nervous about it....could you all show some famous Cali Lovin and jump on over and sign her support page....I know she would really appreciate it! N=H1198848022
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
Oh you Guys!!!
You brought tears to my eyes and I just put on my mascara!!!
Thanks so much, I really appreciate all of the good vibes, prayers and well wishes.
My appointment is at 0830 this morning and my husband Dennis is going with me which means a lot to me that he can be there with me. (Usually he has to work)
He is the "Denni" in my Jen, and I need him there with me today.
I will let you know what happens. I am sure I am ok.....I think it's the procedure that freaks me out the most! But who knows, maybe both of my breasts will become the same size! hehehehe
Love, Jeni