Update (OT) long

MaryLouise F.
on 6/23/08 3:35 am - CA

A little update.. Marge took a turn for the worst on Thursday (the 20th).  She became slightly confussed.. said she was seeing faces in the walls and she would come in and out of reality.  That evening I convinced her to take some pain medication so she could sleep (she has NEVER liked taking pain medication) and she reluctantly gave in at 8:30 that night.. she got the over due sleep she needed.. slept straight through till 4am the next morning..she said she was feeling great when she woke up at that time.. then when she woke again at 8am she was back to being confussed and in and out of reality. So that afternoon she agreed to go the hospital to be checked out.. Things just went even more down hill from there.. Saturday morning I was at the hospital with Marge by 7:30am.  She refused to eat.. could barly speak.. when she did talk all she would say is that she wanted to die.  I spent all day there with her.. 

The next morning (Sunday) I was off to church.  Merna (Marge's Sister from Oregon) arrived at 10am.  After church I walked over to the hospital and visited Marge.  She was even worse.. looked like a ghost she was so grey and the confussion was worse than ever.  I sat and talked with her a bit.. in and out of reality.. she said that she knows that we are making her stay alive.  She told me that she just wants to go home to be with Jesus.. she begged me to just let her go.. I called the family and they came up and talked with the Nurses and made the choice to take Marge off all her medication, only pain medication would be administered if she needed it.  This changed the family instantly.  I walked back into the room to tell Marge that she was ok now they were not gonna stop her from being with Jesus.. when Merna was sure to jump up and remind me that I am not family and I am not needed anymore.  Her and Jim both let me know that I was only Marge's friend and Marge was now 'dead' (mind you Marge has not passed on yet) and no longer needed a friend.  This broke my heart.  I was told they didnt want me up to visit her anymore and that my job was done.  So I left the room for the time being.. Later that evening I went back up to the hospital when I knew the family would not be there and saw Marge. 

She was sitting up in her bed, eyes open she noticed me when I walked in the door.  Her IV was out.. she had a little color in her cheeks.  As I approached her she said "I love you Mary" I smiled.. trying not to cry and said "I love you too.. there is something I have to tell you.. Jesus told me it's time.. it's time for me to let you go.. but I want you to promise me something.. promise me that you will be waiting for me in Heaven when I get there.." she turned and looked at me and smiled.. "I promise to wait at the gate for you" she said  "I promise to be waiting with chips cause you can eat them then" and we both laughed.. Then I fed her some ice chips (Marge's favorite thing right now), kissed her on the forhead and turned and walked away. One day I will see her again.. in Heaven's gates I will see her.. smiling and laughing like she always was.. and what a glorious day that will be.  So as hard as it is to say goodbye for now.. I know it's not forever.. its only temperary!!!  Thank you Jesus.

(Oh yeah.. Marge did finally accept Jesus Christ as her Savior.. Pastor Came by and together we prayed with Marge and Pastor lead her in the Sinner's prayer.. Thank you Jesus! AMEN)



Janine J.
on 6/23/08 5:08 am - The Beautiful Desert, CA
Wow you really touch my heart MA....I know it is hard what Marge's family is doing to you, but Marge is right...she will be waiting for you and her spirit will always be with you! You're a very loving person.

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

MaryLouise F.
on 6/23/08 9:35 am - CA
Thanks Janine.. you know all in all I am at peace with this whole thing.. having her make that promise to me meant the world.. and really eased my own spirits.. She touched my life and my children's lives in so many ways.. before she became so ill she was my children's day care provider and she helped me raise my children.. I owe her my everything.. and there is nothing on this earth that I would of not done for her.. Thank you for your kind words.. (((HUGS)))



Katt M.
on 6/23/08 5:12 am - Fontana, CA
(((((((((MaryLouise)))))))) I am so sorry about Marge. You have been a great friend to her. What her family said to you was out of line. Just keep in mind that you will see her again in Heaven and that she'll be in a much better place. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Love & hugs.
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
MaryLouise F.
on 6/23/08 9:40 am - CA
Thank you Kat for your kindness.. you know I am very much at peace with Marge going to be in Heaven.. I sort of envy her.. she gets to be there before me.. as for the family.. all night long and this morning after I wrote that update I thought about it.. and finally prayed to God.. and you know I had to come to the understanding that people grieve differantly and this may be there way of grieving.. lashing out at others.. Marge's Daughter Karen called me today and let me know how much she appreciated everything I had done for her mom and dad.. that meant the world to me.. specially coming from her.. and as painful as their words were Sunday.. I forgive them.. and one day I hope they can see their wrong and forgive themselves.. Thanks for the prayers.. They mean alot.. (((HUGS)))



Kim K.
on 6/23/08 12:21 pm
Oh Mary Louise, when I read your note it brought tears to my eyes!  God certainly blessed you with a huge, tender heart.    Awesome news that your friend accepted Jesus as her Savior, that's the most important thing...I'll keep you in prayer that God will continue to guide you thru this and comfort you.  xo  God bless you!  Kim




"He is no fool who gives what he cannot keep to gain what he cannot lose" 

Jim Elliot


MaryLouise F.
on 6/23/08 1:02 pm - CA
Thank you Kim that means a great deal.. we all know if we dont stay prayed up that stinking thinking will come in and I will start to feel discouraged again.. Thank you so much for keeping that prayer for me.. (((HUGS)))



on 6/23/08 6:21 pm - Ellensburg, WA
I was a little behind on your situation, so I had to backtrack a bit. I'm so sorry for this rough time in your life sweetie! It's so hard to lose someone so special in our lives!!! I'm so happy she accepted Jesus as her Savior in time ~ Praise God!!!  I'm sorry for what her family has done and said to you, but you should be proud of the way you handled it!! You are a true angel and a great friend!! May God bless you and your kids, Marge, and her family!!!  biggest hugs, Becky

Surgery was RNY 5/21/07...I can be found on Facebook: anewbecboo or Becky Reddick 



MaryLouise F.
on 6/24/08 1:40 am - CA
Hi Becky.. thank you for your kind words.. and for the blessings.. Her family is continuelly in my prayers.. I miss them terribly.. but I understand their need to grieve their own way.  (((HUGS)))



on 6/24/08 1:16 am - Riverbank, CA
(((oh ML))) my heart hurts for you girl.  It is so hard to to watch someone you love through an illness.  I'm sorry her family hurt you.  They should be able to see your huge heart and be thankful you were there for your friend. I hope your heart finds peace soon my friend. hugs, Lisa

"Go confidently in the direction of your dreams." -Henry David Thoreau

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