Good Monday Morning Cali

Maureen N.
on 6/23/08 1:00 am - Redding, CA
Good Morning All and Happy Birthday to Luana!  We have mega fires burning around here so the air quality is awful.  Mr. Jayden is having a hard time because of his asthma.  Keeping him indoors but he's been having to suck on the inhaler more than usual.   Starting to recover from the all-nighter I had to pull.  Why do people have to call your house when they KNOW you worked all night?  Phone rang at 11 am with my hubby's friend looking for him.  He knew I'd worked but didn't bother calling hubby's cell........ had to call and wake me up.  Remind me to stomp on his toe later!!!!   Off to work playing catch-up.

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Ms Shell
on 6/23/08 1:22 am - Hawthorne, CA
Good Monday Morning California!!!  And all you Cali OH peeps...such a great bunch of people. I don't know what it is about today but I'm just super thankful for my life, my surgery, my friends, my job...just everything.  I had a so so weekend, stayed in most of it and just tried my darndest to stay cool.  Went out on our usual Sunday softball day and I got one of my horrendous heat headaches...that I haven't had in years and since I haven't had one I didn't have any tylenol, advil NOTHING.  So the headache came and I suffered through the game and got home, ate some food, popped some aspirin (the only thing on hand...well except vicodin and I was already constipated) and went to sleep. And now today I just feel on top of the freaking world.  Don't know 100% why and I don't care.  I just know that I am blessed beyond words.  The only thing that could make today better would be calling my mother to tell her I love her, instead I'll just send her a little prayer. Janine, so sorry to hear about the fall and grabbing the cactus of ALL things.  Hope you feel better and get all those thorns out (OUCH). Have a wonderful day all I know I will... Ms Shell

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

(deactivated member)
on 6/23/08 2:13 am - Los Angeles, CA
Yay for Happy Mondays! I woke up with a smile on my face that I won't be shaking all day. Now, I KNOW why (wink wink), but I don't care if you can read it on my face. Teehee.. read it and weep, people ... I say! The only thing that brought me temporarily down today was learning of the death of George Carlin. What a loss to this world. Sadness ... The only other celeb death I cried over was John Ritter. So so sad.  Anyway .. Happy Monday to everyone else. I know I'll be grinning ear to ear all day and people will KNOW what I was up to. hahahahh let 'em!!
Ms Shell
on 6/23/08 3:44 am - Hawthorne, CA
If only I could be smiling for THAT reason .  I know the feeling I loved George and his brand of humor...he was great and a loss is definitely felt. Keep smiling girlfriend...I'm hoping to be smiling like that tomorrow

"WLS is only for people who are ready to move past the "diet" mentality" ~Alison Brown
"WLS is not a Do-Over (repeat same mistakes = get a similar outcome.)  It is a Do-BETTER (make lifestyle changes you can continue forever.)" ~ Michele Vicara aka Eggface

on 6/23/08 1:33 am - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Janine and Cali, It was so nice to not wake up until 6:30.  Of course I was up during the night with Jordyn but to not have to hear an alarm was the best.  Okay Ms Janine you are on vacation, just sit your botty down some where and be still.  I hape your hand is healed soon. I had a nice weekend in spite of the heat.  Now to business.  I have to finish my assignments for my online class and of course Jordyn does not want to cooperate and take her usual morning nap.  Guess I will just work with her on my lap as usual when i'm on line Everyone enjoy the day Monica

on 6/23/08 1:40 am - Long Beach, CA

Good Morning Janine and Cali, Janine, I am so sorry to hear about your fall.  Yikes!  I know that hurt.  I lived in AZ for about 10 years, I am all to familiar with the (evil)   cactus.  I remember once my daughter (she was about 5 at the time) fell into a patch of cactus in our front yard.  She had jeans on and didn't get hurt, but she got scared and jumped into my arms.  Well all the quills that were stuck in her pants wound up in my arms and legs. Ouch!  I remember that as if it happend yesterday. Happy Birthday to Luana    I can't beleive it hit 100 here in Long Beach over the weekend.  I wouldn't have minded the 100 degrees if it weren't for the humidity to go along with it.   I hope everyone has a great week.  All of you teachers out there.  Have a great vacation.   Linda

on 6/23/08 2:19 am - Los Angeles, CA

Good Morning Everyone, Janine - sorry to hear about your fall.  I hope you feel better soon. I did not go on my date.  He did not call.  I hope he is okay (heart problems).  So on Saturday, I went to the knit shop in Mar Vista.  On Sunday, I returned to the knit shop, but left early so that I could attend the Gospel Concert at Phillip's Chapel in Santa Monica.  A really nice service.   I met another guy on the way to Santa Monica, but I am not that into him.  We will see. It was so hot in my apartment this morning, that I decided to run.  I got up around 4:15 this morning and ran 3.15 miles ( I will run another 3.15 miles this evening for my long run).  I ran on Saturday, but I waited too late (say about 8am).  I must have been on drugs.  That run sucked! It was so friggin hot! Everyone, have a great week. Kim

Without struggle, there is no progress.

on 6/23/08 2:34 am - Gualala, CA
ROTFL  Good Morning! I'll send some cool weather your way, it's 59 this morning and I'm about to put the heat on.  It does make it easier for me to exercise though. All those microorganisms are having the time of their lives at Salton Sea.  It's a great place to go birding in the winter, but I wouldn't want to be near it in the summer.  My sympathies. OUCHies on the hand.  I hope it heals quickly. My Sunday turned out to be busy after all.  My gf called in a tizzy.  She had to make 180 perfiterols for a charity event and needed help.  She gave me a crash course and I dove in to help.  We finished them at 11:30 last night. lol  It was a fun, learning experience. I'm still thinking about what surprises are in the mystery box. ;-) Today it's more exercise and sticking to my eating plan.  For some strange reason I was up a pound this morning.  Must have been that hamburger... no red meat for me today! Happy birthday Luana! Everyone have a great day! ---jan---
on 6/23/08 5:10 am - CA
'morning ladies.  well, i guess it's afternoon now but that's morning for me.  :P janine- sorry about the cactus/fall.  hope you feel better soon. luana- happy birthday!  i hope you have a fabulous day. things are nice here.  it's cool and cloudy.  unfortunately, my mind's a little cloudy too.  i think the caffeine withdrawals have set in.  blah!  i can't wait to get it over with.  and i'm sticking to my pre-op diet.  it sucks, but at least it sucks for a *really good* reason.
Katt M.
on 6/23/08 5:18 am, edited 6/23/08 5:19 am - Fontana, CA
Good afternoon Janine and Cali Crew!  Happy Birthday Luana!!!! =) Janine, sorry about your fall and the cactus. I was watching a show on Discovery Health Channel and a 5 year old girl had fallen into a cactus patch. They used hair removing wax to get the thorns out. That might be something to try. My weekend was quiet. Stuck at home while Matthew was at the race track. Today will be quiet too. The ankle is doing ok, I guess. I have hardly any pain now, but the muscles around the ankle keep spasming, and that hurts. I see Ortho tomorrow to see what the progress is. As soon as I find out, I let everyone know. =) Have a great Monday and stay cool and hydrated! =)
~Katt~  Obesity Help Support Group Leader
Sexy isn't a look, it's a state of mind. ~Me~
How people treat you is their karma; how you react is yours. ~Dr. Wayne Dyer~
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