Great Morning ALL

Living Life
on 6/20/08 10:23 pm - Riverside, CA

Good Morning and Welcome to this wonderful Saturday morning. I am up and  moving, have my coffee and feed the kids.  Now if I could just wake up.

Yesterday I spent a bit of time with a friend, Alison, just chatting and having a great relaxing time. We went to StarBucks and sat outside and chatted for like 2 hours. Made plans for next week, we are thinking about heading out to the Palm Spring, and wonder around, and hang out. But that depends on how hot it is. We are going to go with out the guys so we can go shop/window shopping.

This weekend I work, so not much going on. In fact other then running my 5 miles, nothing is going on. But I do want to  know what you have planned.

Remember this. It IS going to be HOT today. So drink you water, and watch out of others around you. Make sure they are doing the same. Now is the time to clean the water dish for them fur babies and give them clean fresh water. Its hot for them also....

OK I wish everyone a great, safe, fun filled day.


on 6/20/08 11:13 pm - Central Coast, CA
Good morning Lu and Cali! Man o man it has been HOT here on the coast. Thanks for the reminder about the water Lu, not only for us but for those fur babies too. I have one of those things on the spicket outside that Kandy can get a fresh drink whenever she wants. We had to do that cause she just wants to play with the water bowl. Today, my Mom, Sammi and I are going up to my land lords yard sale then down into Pismo for the car show. The Budweiser Kliedsdales are here too. We are going early before it hits 100. All this, of course if Sammi is up for it. She woke up this morning sneezing and has a runny nose. I can tell she doesn't feel very good. I'll give her some benedryl and see what happens. I honestly wouldn't mind hiding inside all day - IF i can keep the house cool. Be safe out there Cali in the heat. Hope your day is just busy enough Lu. Happy Saturday everyone! Sue

Keep doing what you're doing, Keep getting what you're getting.

Highest/Surgery/Dr. Goal/Goal/Current
   301        299      180     170     159

Steve J.
on 6/20/08 11:18 pm - Inland Empire, CA
RNY on 12/01/06 with
Good Morning to you Lu! Enjoy your day in the air conditioned office girl cause as you said it's gonna be a real blazing HOT day! Supposed to get to 105+ here in the foothills again today. I will be getting my day started early for a Saturday myself. Need to mow the lawn and some other garden chores. Hope to get that stuff done by 9 or 10 this morning then chill out the rest of the day. Shout out to all the Inland Empire Loser's.... watch your e-mail for the e-vite to the July meeting meeting on the 11th, three weeks from today, which I plan to send out this morning. I am hoping we have a nice turn out for this session! Guess that's about it from here this morning. Time for another cup o joe to try and wake up enough to work the lawn mower! Wishing you, and all the Cali Crew, a great Saturday Luana! (((((BigBearHugz)))))


on 6/20/08 11:30 pm - Gualala, CA
Top O' the mornin' to ya! Up and at 'em early.  Heading inland where it's hotter.  The support meeting starts at 10 but we're heading to Oliver's for Penta water I ordered, the bank..none of which we have here then back to the cooler coast.  :-) Have a great day. ---jan---
on 6/20/08 11:33 pm - Long Beach, CA
Good Morning Lu and Cali, I am one tired mom this morning.  Jordyn and I fell asleep I think around nine so she decided that she should be up from one to 3am having play time. So glad its saturday.  Not planning on going any where today except to treat myself to a nice dinner I pick up some where later Everyone enjoy the day monica

Janine J.
on 6/21/08 12:31 am - The Beautiful Desert, CA

Morning LuLu and the Cali Crew!!!

Yep it is true...I slept in!!! Yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee haw!!!! I am telling you grandkids wear me the hell out....but I love them so!

My plans for today....hopefully stay cool...but that ain't a happenin out here in the sizzling desert. Swear it popped 120 when I went to pick up Hunter yesterday. YIKES!!! I really do not like having the babies out in this weather and I for sure pump even the babies full of water. Both of the grandbabies drink out of cups so it makes it easy to feed the water. Ava is quite the water drinker too...and I think honestly almost off the bottle. She only has one before she goes to bed and maybe one in the middle of the night....she wants real food! Hunter is getting there!

So today I am getting Ava as her parents are going to a wedding out in Temeccula and it is a weird wedding situation. Please do not take this wrong as I do not mean to offend anyone, but her step brother is marrying a girl who is a 7th day Adventist. Wel they are getting married at 4 or 5, but they cannot have the reception until sundown...has something to do with the religion...I do not get it and no one can explain it to me. Anywho....Ava is spending the night with grandma again...hate it LOL. I am taking her to a little birthday party at 4 today a friend is having her birthday and her daughters who is turning 1 today. I guess I am in for the birthday circuit with kids now! LOL

I need to get out and do a bit of wise that is...and I want to get the pool cleaned before I cannot stand it out there...yeah can you imagine....Miss Priss me who hates getting dirty will clean a pool. I do it to help Jeff. He is very persnickety about the pool.

Other than that.....not a whole lot....I can tell that my days are already starting to blur as to what day it is in the week....nice feeling really because that means I am starting to relax.

LuLu....I hope you do come out come early and cruise around....then you can come here...I know I sent you mail....would love to hook up with you and are too cool....finding that stuff for me.

Oh and LuLu is right about our furbabies need plenty of water....thankfully mine not only have a big bowl of water,a little bowl in my bedroom (that's for Molly cuz she is special and my *****pants cat who no one knows I have because she is a tard recluse....she was a ferral cat and sleeps in my box springs under my bed and comes out to nurse on my boxer Mickey because she thinks he is her mother!) they drink out of 3 toliets and the pool.

Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeks just got the severe weather alert on my computer!!!! Excessive heat..we are going to be in the hundred teens to 120 today out here!!!

Have a great day all!!! Kisses 

“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).

on 6/21/08 12:50 am
Mine is expected to reach 109 today...yesterday was 105...
Women are angels.
...and when someone breaks our wings, we simply continue to fly...on a broomstick.

We are flexible.


Maureen N.
on 6/21/08 1:24 am - Redding, CA
Howdy and Happy Saturday!  It's overcast and drizzly rain here today.  What's up with that?  Jayden is here and woke me early because he's having some serious growing pains in his right hip and knee.  Dose of children's motrin and a juice box and Tom and Jerry on the tube should help.  I am still fasting until around 9-ish when I get blood drawn.  Jayden and I have some running around errands to get done but I just know there is a NAP  in there somewhere!  I hope everyone is having a wonderful weekend!  I need to go kennel the puparazzi.  Roxy's in heat and don't want any strays jumping the fence to get to her.  M

Create Your Own Ticker

Sharon Johnson
on 6/21/08 2:01 am - Marina, CA
It is HOT 81 in Marina already.  I did my walk this morning, 3 miles and when I left he house it was 75.  I am glad I have that done and out of the way, me and the heat don't get along at all.  I was at a seminar all day yestruday and about 30 minutes before we were to leave the air conditioner went off and the room became a sauna.  I had such a bad head ache after that and I still went and did the grocery shopping so that is one less thing for the day today too.  Got the downstairs cleaned last night and the dishwasher is running now.  Going to get the upstairs cleaned up and get my shower done.  Not much else planned for the weekend.  Brought work home, fiscal year is coming to a close, so I will be working on that and probably watching the games (baseball) on tv.  Other then that,w e are staying home, can't afford to feed the car and our selves.  Have a great weekend everyone,  Love, Sharon 

My Rebirth-Day 7/10/2007  I AM 1 YEAR OLD!     CURRENT BMI 35.1
**76.5" ** LOST SINCE 7/10/2007

on 6/21/08 2:31 am - CA
'morning everyone.  is it ok if i jump right in?  i never really did introduce myself properly and for that, i apologize.  my name is jacqueline i'm from new orleans and am now living in pacifica.  i moved to get away from that awful heat, but it seems to have followed me out here!  lol.  i'm scheduled for the roux-en-y with dr. cirangle on july 15th.  i hope everyone has a wonderful, safe, healthy and FUN weekend!
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