Hi Everyone,
wow its been forever since i have been on ,just been extremely busy since im working now .Hope this post finds everyone well and healthy .. i am glad i made the move to the wilderness,in yosemite but its beautiful , i am not quite sure how the winter is up here i quess i will find out..
i would love to come back and be a part of the oh board again .
take care every one
rebecca basra
Hope you have your long john, boots and winter clothes girl because it is gonna to be a very cold winter for you. Yosemite is a super spectacular place as you already know....the winters are cold and snowing, but at least you will be a warm hotel to keep you warm....okay at least when you are working. How are the living conditions where they put you up? I am sure the accomodations are warm too. What hotel are you working in?
You know you just have to jump in Rebecca...nothing more than that!
“When you find peace within yourself, you become the kind of person who can live at peace with others.” –Peace Pilgrim (1908-1981).
good morning janine,
good to hear from you. no i dont have any of those things i acturally didnt think to buy any think like that but i do have the boots from when i worked here when i was 19yrs old for 2 weeks and after all these zillion of years later they still fit .i think i wore them once back in those days and i have wore them once here to go hiking on the lower yosemite falls trail. other then that i dont have anything wintery . no big jacket nothing ,it wouldnt fit in the car so cuase i came up here with my boyfriend so i had to leave room for his stuff too plus i brought my computer so well how it goes ...i miss sou. cal thou ..
anyways better go take care and talk to you soon .