
on 6/20/08 10:24 am, edited 6/20/08 10:25 am
Did anyone have their surgery in Sacramento by Dr. Ali or Dr. Fuller at UCDavis medical center? What did you thik or how was your experience? How are you doing with your surgery? I did by Dr. Ali and Dr. Fuller told me after surgery that he was in there helping.  :)  I love them both they are great Doctors and my experience at UCDavis was good.  I had awesome nurses. My surgery went well I was in the medical center for 2 nights and I came home.  No problems at all, I can eat whatever I want and keep everything down, I am almost 12 weeks out and I have lost 52 lbs since surgery and 108 all together.  I had diabetes and that was the reason for my bypass and I do not have diabetes now.  Doctor Ali said it would go away and it did.  I have taken my diabetes meds since 3 days before surgery.   PLease share your experience with me.  Thanks
Reesa H.

on 6/20/08 7:01 pm

Sorry I am having Dr. Waldrep from Roseville do my surgery and hes pretty awesome.

on 6/21/08 1:46 am
When is your date?  What type are you having? 
Reesa H.

on 6/21/08 2:37 am
I havent got a date yet I meet with Dr. W on Wensday and then I still have to get a heart ultrasound Friday for my PCP to release me for surgery. The requirements are demanding, but oh well. I should know within a week or so my date if my heart ultrasound comes out ok.
on 6/21/08 2:39 am
congrads Im glad you are doing so well!
Stacie P.
on 6/22/08 5:53 am - NV
Yes I did on 2/11/08 Dr. Fuller did mine. I came home the next day it was tuff at first but all is good know and I am down 71 pounds. They are all very nice and help full. Stacie

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